Alice led, Wei Sheng followed.

The temporary combination was slightly unfamiliar at the beginning, and after two or three minutes of running in, there was gradually a tacit understanding.

[System Reminder: An ancient ritual is underway, and the soul power is improved! 】

[System Reminder: An ancient ritual is underway, and the soul power is improved! 】


Wei Sheng could also sense the growth of his soul power.

Just a few minutes is more efficient than meditating for days!

A dance takes a quarter of an hour.

The further back you go, the slower your soul power grows.

The song stopped, the dance finished.

Wei Sheng and Alice returned to their seats.

After sitting for a long time, Qi Ya also jumped out and said that she wanted to invite Wei Sheng to dance and thank him for saving his life.

Alice has no opinion.

Wei Sheng wanted to try whether he could increase his soul power again, and he agreed.

The second dance also unfolded, and the partner was changed to a daughter.

It's just that the second dance's soul power grows slowly, far less than the first dance! .

Chapter 204

At the end of the second dance, Wei Sheng was somewhat disillusioned.

It's just that the second dance is too lower than expected, and the whole person can't fight.

Qi Ya looked at it and thought that Wei Sheng was too tired.

Go back to your seat and continue eating and drinking.

The highest etiquette of the forest elves does not stop there.

During this period, he stepped forward and presented Wei Sheng with garlands and flowers.

Wei Sheng is like the stars holding the moon.

Songs, blessings, gifts, never stop.

Wei Sheng became more and more familiar with the mother and daughter.

There was talk and laughter at the banquet.

Alice likes to dance, and as the banquet draws to a close, she dances a solo dance for him.

Previously, Wei Sheng danced with Alice and couldn't feel Alice's graceful dance.

At this moment, he couldn't help but applaud.

"Do you like my mother?"

Suddenly a voice came from the side.

Wei Sheng was about to take a sip of his drink when his hand shook and the drink almost spilled.

Looking back, it was really Chia.

"Just appreciate it."

Wei Sheng looked strange.

I always felt that Chia's eyes were flashing with flames, looking forward to something.



"If you can, would you like to stay and be my father?"


Wei Sheng just took a sip of wine and sprayed it directly.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and turned his head, so he didn't spray Qi Ya.

"Cough, cough, what did you say?"

He almost thought he had heard it wrong.

"Be my father! I have never seen my mother invite the opposite sex to dance, and I have rarely seen her smile like this. She must be very happy today."

Chia had a tender expression on her face.

"Where's your father?"

Wei Sheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

If Chia confesses to him, he can accept it, but it is to help his mother connect.

The two are now friends.

My friend's mom does sound a little bit exciting...

No, it should be wrong.

Even if Alice agreed, he could not stay.


Chia chuckled: "No, in order to ensure the purity of blood, our patriarch's branch is not a traditional combination. Mother extracted the blood of wood from her body and put it into the holy spring, and I was born~"!"

"Can it still be like this?"

Wei Sheng was surprised.

"of course."

Chia's eyes were even hotter, and she whispered: "So, would you like to be my father? When I was a child, I saw elves of the same age who could act like a spoiled child in my father's arms and have my father play with them. I was really envious, and it often appeared in my dreams. Similar scene..."

More and more excited.

Wei Sheng's expression became more and more strange.

I didn't know much about Chia before.

Depending on the situation, it should be that she lacked fatherly love since she was a child, and she strongly hoped to have a father who spoiled her.

"What are you talking about?"

When the dance in front was over, Alice returned to her position and saw that the two were chatting hotly.

"I'm talking about my mother's dance."

Qi Ya winked at Wei Sheng and said, "Wei Sheng just said that you dance so beautifully and movingly that you have never seen it before."

"is it?"

Alice was dubious.

The banquet was coming to an end. Under the leadership of Alice, all the forest elves stood up and offered a toast to Wei Sheng.

Wei Sheng also responded, showing his demeanor.

The whole banquet lasted three hours.

Alice arranged another room for Wei Sheng.

Live in the middle of the big tree.

There are not many rooms above.

Not enough to hold all the forest elves.

Only if you have an identity in the clan can you live on it.

Wei Sheng arranged it in the VIP room, and naturally there was no objection from the elves.

"You're staying here tonight."

"About Aoki Fruit..."

"I'll deliver it after midnight."

"Actually, if it's not an elves, there are conditions for taking Aoki fruit..."

Alice turned her head and waved her hand, signaling the female elf who was accompanying her to leave.

"Please say."

Wei Sheng frowned.

Chia didn't say anything about it, could it be that Alice wants to change her mind.

"If it's our elves, just take the Aoki fruit and eat it directly."

Alice said slowly: "If it is not an elves, it should be distinguished according to the actual situation. Like your cavemen, you need elves' counseling. That girl doesn't know much about it, so she thought she would take it casually."

"How to counsel?"

Wei Sheng asked subconsciously.

"Holding an ancient ritual may also fail to take it."

"That doesn't matter."

Seeing Alice's indifferent face, he thought that the ceremony should be of the same nature as the charmed demon Galadriel.

Both can improve the blood of the spell, and the elves need to take the Aoki fruit.

"Do you need male elves, or female elves?"

Alice asked.

"Don't be a male elf, it's a bit weird."

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