Watch carefully for a moment.

There is only one line above the spell bloodline.

[From the blood of the half-sheep Xingnuo's spell, he once learned three kinds of spells. 】

When Wei Sheng checked the bloodline of Ishihara Rifa's spell, it was in a similar format.

At the time, I didn't understand the meaning at all.

"The second charming stone girl."

The closer Wei Sheng got, the more attracted he became.

Similar to the last Charming Stone Girl, her skin is like a real person.

Wei Sheng checked back and forth and made sure that it had been cleaned automatically, so he put it away.

In the small puddle, there is not much water.

And turbid, you can see some milky white substances.

Charm Stone Girl doesn't need to be rinsed, half-sheep people definitely need it.

"Or, hang it on the market?"

Wei Sheng had an idea and quickly dismissed it.

Not much in total.

Not necessarily anyone wants it.

And you have to scoop out the puddle with a bucket. If you get a little of this 20, it will be uncomfortable all night!

Wei Sheng took out some sand and completely covered the small puddle.

Out of sight is pure.

Then go to the corner.

The Silver Chest is located on a pile of rubble.

"Can you open a surprise, is it a map again?"

Wei Sheng stepped forward quickly.

After viewing, open the treasure chest.

[System Reminder: Silver Chest +1]

[System Reminder: Wind Rune +2]

[System Reminder: Water Rune +1]

[System reminder: Silkworm tree seed +1]

[System Reminder: Superb Cooking Skills Learning Scroll +1]

[System Reminder: Map (Medium) +1]

"Is it really a map?"

"No, the other two things seem to be good too!"

There is no need to look at that cooking scroll, it must be mastered after learning.

In Wei Sheng's palm, there is a white flower particle, which is the seed of the silkworm girl tree.

It looks like a girl, curled up in a ball.

check the details!

[Silkworm tree seeds: Even plants are crypt creatures. After planting, they need to be watered every day, and eventually they will grow into a ten-meter-high tree. When the buds bloom, a small and exquisite silkworm girl will be born. And the leaves will be the food for the silkworm girl. 】

Introduction so far.

Wei Sheng pondered for a moment, and opened the biological map query.

Since it belongs to a crypt creature, it may exist in the illustrated book.

Sure enough, the results emerged!


[Silkworm Girl: A special creature that grows from a tree, has a pair of butterfly wings, and is smaller than a flower elf.They are kind by nature, and they can produce snow-white silk by eating food.

[Ability: Healing Dance]

[Weakness: Weak]

[Danger factor: 1]

View capabilities.

[Dance of Healing: Dancing around sick plants can cure most plant diseases. 】


Like the flower elves, they are extremely weak!

"This little thing is good, and it's a group of little gardeners."

Wei Sheng's eyes lit up after reading the images in the illustrated book.

It seems to be dancing!

If you put on a pair of small high heels and small socks, and do a group dance, it should be very interesting.

And can spit silk.

"Could it be that the surprise is a seed?"

Wei Sheng put away the seeds and took out the cooking learning scroll.

Just as I was about to study, I suddenly had a flash of light.

"The learning scroll doesn't say that only biology can be learned, can a puppet maid do it?"

Wei Sheng patted his head and put away the scroll again.

If the little black and white can learn, they don't have to put all their effort into teaching in the future.

"If the puppet can be used, this is a surprise!"

Wei Sheng opened the rune base.

Go to the planting shed first.

Bury the seeds of the silkworm girl tree and tell the two flower elves to take care of them.

This time, Lilu and Yalu didn't recognize the tree species and kept asking.

I think the silkworm tree is relatively rare.

"You can grow cute little sisters like you."

Wei Sheng told the truth.

The silkworm girl in the illustrated book is also like a porcelain doll.

Li Lu and Ya Lu did not believe it, thinking that he was talking nonsense.

"We flower elves are not planted."

"Xiao Wei is a liar!"

The little things kept asking.

Wei Sheng was annoyed by them.

Pulling out a small twig and threatening to beat them, they were so frightened that they turned pale and fled back to the planting shed in a hurry.

"These two guys..."

Wei Sheng smiled and shook his head.

Xiaofeng was sent again to bury the fishing trap.

The lift goes up quickly.

Wei Sheng took advantage of this time to open the regional channel.

The second Charm Stone Maiden is on the shelves.

The price is double that of another charming stone girl!

In the channel, everyone is talking about something else.

As soon as the Charming Stone Girl was on the shelves, a message immediately appeared below.

"Fuck, another charming stone girl!"

"Hahaha, Big Brother Wei is awesome."

"Gan, who is so fast?"

"Boss Wei, why did the price double?"

Many animals have emerged.

Even if the price doubles, there are still people willing to rent.

First, the charm of the charming stone girl is indeed great.

Second, everyone is rich and can no longer charge at the previous price.

"Not much to say, just experience it for yourself."

Wei Sheng replied to everyone.

"God babbling..."

One by one is dumbfounded.

Wei Sheng didn't say much.

Among them, the secrets have been used by members of the group and can be experienced by themselves.


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