Turning his head for the brain monster, he blinked the small mung bean eyes.

Subsequently, the tentacles on the surface of its body elongated.


Easily pierced into the back of the mineral essence's head.

Gradually, the mineral essence lost its movement.

"Are you anesthetized?"

Wei Sheng secretly guessed.

Continue the operation for the brain monster.

Retract tentacles.

The tentacles condensed and turned into a scalpel.

Cut the epidermis gently.

Remove the entire head completely.

Then drill in.

The epidermis is constantly stitched up by the hairs sticking out of it.

In the end it fits perfectly.

Not a drop of blood was on the outside.

"This operation is really delicate."

Wei Sheng was amazed.

The Web of Shadows and the Hand of the Void all dissipated.

In just a moment, the brand-new mineral essence staggered up, shook its head vigorously, and reached out to touch the back of its head.

It turned around, looked at Wei Sheng, and showed a pleasing smile.

"Get used to your new body, and you won't have less food in the future."

"Until you are completely honest, I won't let you out and stay here for me."

Wei Sheng reprimanded with a sullen face.

Nodding and bowing for the brain monster, not daring to make trouble.


It pointed to the snow-white brain that was dug out from the ground, and then pointed to its mouth.

"Do whatever you want with your brain."

Wei Sheng opened the door in disgust and walked out of the temporary prison.

When he turned back and locked the door, he saw that the brain replacement was happily eating the brains of mineral essence.

Brain, blood, smeared his mouth. .

Chapter 184

[System Reminder: Red Pill Fruit +4]

[System reminder: Rosemary +6]

[System reminder: Danyan fruit seeds +2]

[System reminder: Danyan fruit +2]


Wei Sheng collected all the fruits.

The red pill is round and the taste is close to strawberry.

The red eye fruit needs to be peeled, the inside is like an egg, and the taste is tender.

Rosemary is more like a seasoning, and it tastes just like it is. If it is dried in the sun, it will have a unique fragrance.

After processing the fruit, take out the shovel, call out the pear dew and the bud dew, and transplant three intact fruit trees.

Pear Dew and Bud Dew are familiar with fruit trees, know how to dig, and know how to transplant better.

Busy for a quarter of an hour, re-expand the area of ​​the planting shed, move in the fruit trees, and bury the seeds.

[System reminder: The leader Xiao Yuling opened a crystal treasure chest, and a lucky bag burst out. Is it open? 】

Wei Sheng had just put away the rune base when a message popped up.

According to the time, Xiao Yuling should also start digging today.

It is really good luck to be able to dig out the crystal treasure chest.

It is reasonable to explode the lucky bag.

It's a [-]% chance anyway.

"Turn on."

Wei Sheng was silent.

【System Reminder: Crystal Fortune Bag-1】

[System Reminder: Wind Rune +2]

[System Reminder: Earth Rune +2]

[System Reminder: Water Rune +2]

[System Reminder: Fire Rune +2]

[System reminder: Zijin +3]

[System reminder: Chalcedony +3]

[System Reminder: Holy Light Ray Learning Scroll +1]

[System reminder: sex change pill +1]

"Not only the materials, but also the scroll of spells!"

Wei Sheng was overjoyed.

It's more comfortable than opening a silver treasure chest.

It's like making money in vain!

"This sex-change pill..."

Wei Sheng was curious for a moment, and first checked the ball that was half white and half black.

[Transformation pill: After taking it, the male and female alternate, and the body has the characteristics of the opposite sex. 】

"It's really a transgender, I thought it was a change of character!"

Wei Sheng silently put away the pills.

This is much better than sex reassignment surgery!

Take out the reel again.

see details.

[Holy Light Ray Learning Scroll: Consuming runes can learn scrolls, which can spur out golden beams, with a certain amount of burning damage, and can have a good restraint effect on evil groups.The more soul power is injected, the greater the power.To learn, you need to have a spell bloodline, and you need to consume 100 wind runes, 180 fire runes, and 150 water runes. 】

Unlike frost rays, they are not reflected when they hit a mirror.

After Wei Sheng studied, he tried twice on the spot.

Kind of like Cyclops's destruction light, sustainable output.

Can be used on any part of the body.

It can be used in combination with the crotch flashing technique to catch the enemy by surprise!

In the blink of an eye, half a day in the morning passed.

Wei Sheng dug a total of ten burrows in the morning.

From one hundred and ten burrows onwards, at most only silver treasure chests can be found.

Harvest a batch of materials, crafting diagrams, seeds and food.

In addition, the more special items are only the low-level rune base upgrade scroll, the low-level power enchanting scroll and the eagle eye learning scroll!

There are two scrolls of power enchantment in total, just for Lilu and Geru.

Increase the power of the little guy to help him with his work.


In the one hundred and fifteenth burrow.

The dark and huge rune base has already unfolded.

Wei Sheng is in the planting shed, supervising two flower elves to pick fruit.

"However, after you use the power enchantment, picking fruits is easy now, and you won't need my help in the future~".

He nodded in satisfaction.

In this way, the two scrolls of power enchantment are not wasted.

"Hmph, Xiao Wei, come here too."

"Xiao Wei, you are lazy!"

Pear Dew and Bud Dew flew up and down.

The round fruits were placed in different wooden barrels by them.

"Those who can do more work, not to mention I'm busy every day."

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