Whenever there is a rune on the body, the rune device will be selected.

This type of ordinary weapon, hanging on it, will only receive some gold, silver, copper and iron, and no one may want it.

Wei Sheng is equivalent to a downtrodden master.

Tossing back and forth is equivalent to exchanging gold, silver, copper and iron for rare materials such as ground chalcedony, chalcedony, and black Yaojing.

"Everyone, the transaction is suspended first."

Wei Sheng clapped his hands and said loudly, "I don't need the rest. If you still want to trade, you can use other things."

"This... do you want to stop watching?"

"What do you want?"

"Hey, call us here, now say no, no, you have to trade!"

Most stone barbarians obey.

Bazaar had instructed him to maintain order at the scene, and they did not dare to make trouble.

There are also very few stone barbarians who have not succeeded in the transaction. They are dissatisfied and have a tendency to buy and sell strongly.

Wei Sheng's face sank.

Wave your hand.

A gravitational wave spreads out.

The fierce stone barbarian warrior who repeatedly violated the Bazaar's regulations flew out.

Hit the ground hard!

Now, those noisy stone barbarians are all quiet.


"Wei Sheng is a magician!"

"The patriarch has already said that he wants you to trade well, and don't think about it! Hey, let's do it now, I really need to fight!"

There are clearly sub-sects within the tribe.

The guy who was clamoring just now did not deal with Bazaar, and his attitude has always been rude and rude.

It was when Wei Sheng saw this that he acted decisively.

Need to deter Xiao Xiao who is just around the corner!

Not showing enough strength, but carrying a large amount of supplies with him, the stone barbarians are also envious.

Bazaar couldn't control the situation just now.

At this moment, he was not angry but happy, and scolded: "Give me peace, Wei Sheng didn't say no deal, listen to what he wants, let's prepare, don't provoke unpleasant guests."

All the stone barbarians looked at Wei Sheng eagerly, waiting for him to speak.

"I heard that you stone barbarians are good at taming animals."

"I just saw the loyal Silver Speed ​​Dogs and Bronze Armored Leopards..."

"I wonder if you are willing to trade with them?"

Wei Sheng swept across the faces, and his tone was calm.


"Can the cubs be okay?"

"Yes, I also have extra silver speed dog puppies at home, okay?"

They talked a lot and asked for a higher price than just now.

Most stone barbarians don't agree to the deal, they see pets as people.

A small number of stone barbarians have many cubs in their homes, and they can't afford to raise so many mouths. It is naturally good to be able to exchange some important materials now.

Wei Sheng negotiated with this part of the stone barbarians.

The price is higher than the material asking price.

Coordinated by Bazaar.

In the end the whole tribe was able to give out twelve cubs.

Compared with pets that have grown up, the cubs have not cultivated enough loyalty, and they are also easier to give up emotionally, which is suitable for trading.

6 Silver Speed ​​Dogs, 3 Bronze Armored Leopards, and 3 Silverbacked Jackals.

Their upper limit is average, far less than the tail fox and the whirlwind pangolin.

The Silver Speed ​​Dog's ability lies in speed.

The bronze armored leopard has rough skin and thick flesh, and has strong defense.

The silver-backed jackal has strong attack ability and strong bite force.. 0

Wei Sheng completed the exchange with a large number of weapons and water.

The little cubs looked cute, surrounded by Wei Sheng, made some milky sounds, and rubbed their heads on their calves from time to time.

Or, chasing Xiaohu and Xiaofeng to play.

They have been domesticated from generation to generation, and there are not many wild ones left.

"Your Excellency, I hope you treat them well and don't treat them as food."

Bazaar looked at a group of cubs and couldn't help saying.

"You can rest assured on this point. I also keep pets. It would be a pity to eat them."

Wei Sheng pointed at Xiaohu and Xiaofeng.


The stone barbarian was relieved.

Take a look at the state of Xiaohu and Xiaofeng, they must have enough to eat and drink, and they have not been abused!

Wei Sheng made a random excuse to wander around the tribe and successfully found the treasure chest in Bazaar's room.

After half an hour.

Wei Sheng and others left the Shiman tribe.

Before leaving, he wanted to abduct a few stone barbarians, so that he could help domesticate crypt creatures in the future.

Without exception, all were rejected.

Stone barbarians love where they live, and unless something big happens, they'll be rooted there for the rest of their lives.

The one hundred and ninth burrow!

The terrain is open.

From now on, Wei Sheng will see the location of the silver treasure chest at a glance.

There are also some plants on the ground to collect.

Collect all the way.

Harvest all kinds of medicinal materials.

Within two meters of the treasure chest, a nearby organ ejected a 4.9 poisonous needle!


All fell on the translucent armor and bounced off.

Wei Sheng took out the silver treasure chest collected in the previous cave and placed it on a piece.

All on!

[System Reminder: Silver Chest +2]

[System Reminder: Wind Rune +1]

[System Reminder: Earth Rune +1]

[System reminder: Chalcedony +3]

[System reminder: Rubber +8]

[System Reminder: Cloth +12]

[System reminder: cotton thread +18]

[System reminder: Sponge +12]

[System Reminder: Low-level Rune Base Upgrade Scroll +1]

[System reminder: Low-level recovery enchantment scroll +1]

[System reminder: +1 for the perfect rune fairy stick manufacturing drawing]

The two boxes are mainly for materials.

However, there seems to be a special production drawing mixed in...

Chapter 183

"Xiaofeng, this scroll is for you."

Wei Sheng fished out the recovery donation and threw it to Xiaofeng.

Last time, I also issued a low-level recovery enchantment, which was used by Xiaohu at that time.

Xiaofeng stepped on his feet.

Familiar with the use of scrolls.

Ashes fell on the surface of the body.

It slowly condenses a recovery character in its body.

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