She put down her coffee and squatted down.

Wei Sheng was stunned, and quickly explained: "Wait, I mean the coffee is too hot, you blow the coffee."

"Okay, sir."

Little Black and White got up, picked up the coffee, and blew it gently.

"Alas, how can such a pure master like me create a puppet with a misguided thought!"

Wei Sheng shook his head helplessly.

I don't know how many similar instructions there are in Xiao Hei's program!

Wei Sheng finished his coffee and went upstairs to prepare dinner.

Little Black and White was asked to study on the side, and he didn't know how much he learned.

Dinner was a simple meal of noodles.

The main ingredients are three kinds of meat and several kinds of vegetables.

In addition, a whole plate of fruit and vegetable salad, sprinkled with a little honey, is nutritious and healthy!

The family gathers together and is happy.

On the regional channel, talk of dinner started again.

"Brother Wei, what are you eating tonight, can you take a look? I've been eating meat these days, I'm getting tired of it!"

Xiao Yuling suddenly summoned Wei Sheng.

As soon as these words came out, the group hurriedly stopped them one by one.

"Sister, don't make trouble! I can't stand Big Brother Wei's pictures again, he's so good!"

"Can you get tired of eating meat? Woohoo, I'm crying."

"I think we can talk, don't talk to the administrator about food, he has too much food."

Everyone has shadows.

Once you see Wei Sheng's pictures, the food on your hands is not fragrant anymore!


Upload a picture to the group.

Sender: Wei Sheng!

This time the group exploded directly.

"Damn it, the boss really made it."

"Noodles and fruit and vegetable salad?"

"It's all Yu Ling's fault!"


Even William and Shangguanhong couldn't help but complain.

Isn't Xiao Yuling looking for trouble?

"Wow, I really want to eat fruit salad. Brother Wei's dinner is too delicate, I want to eat it~"

Xiao Yuling also replied.

Not just her, everyone in the group wanted to eat.

Wei Sheng didn't respond to the crowd, and buried his head to eat.

Halfway through, the backstage received a private message from Xiao Yuling, she wanted to exchange runes for a salad!

"It can be 260. I've made more here, and I can't finish it."

Wei Sheng replied to her.

It is indeed endless.

Xiaofeng didn't have a good appetite tonight, so he didn't touch his salad.

"Okay, thank you Big Brother Wei! What's the price!"

Xiao Yuling quickly replied to him.

"One rune is enough. In addition, don't tell others, I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it."

Wei Sheng warned.

Today, 1 rune can be exchanged for three rations.

Fruits and vegetables are rarities, and a large bowl of salad for 1 rune is not a loss for both parties.

"Well, thank you Big Brother Wei!"

After a while, Wei Sheng traded the excess salad to Xiao Yuling and successfully got 1 water rune.

The two chatted while eating.

After the two are familiar with each other, there will be more topics to talk about.

Occasionally Wei Sheng would point out a sentence or two, and Xiao Yuling would also take the initiative to share some information and communicate with each other.

"This meal is so satisfying, I haven't eaten this for a long time~"

Xiao Yuling changed the topic and replied: "Tomorrow night, the channel ranking will be updated for the second time. I don't know if I can still win the first place?"

"There are several people in our channel who have completed the base upgrade, which should be relatively stable."

After Wei Sheng replied, he immediately thought that he could rely on toilet paper and safety helmets to improve everyone's quality of life.

Including rune lights, also available for sale.

The channel's number one benefit is attractive enough, and he doesn't want to give it up. .

Chapter 159

Wei Sheng has enough water and wood.

According to the number of people in the group, more than [-] copies were made in one go.

The price is the same as last time.

Wei Sheng also added additional activities, buy within one hour, and get 100 extra cards when you reach 30.

In just ten minutes, more than [-] pieces of toilet paper were swept away.

This time, no one will exchange runes for them, they are all basic materials or advanced materials.

At the time of purchase, some people in the group also formed a group for the extra 30 prizes!

This time, Wei Sheng didn't plan to sell toilet paper, basic materials, and advanced materials to the outside world, and now there are too many to use up.

Unless you use the advanced rune base upgrade scroll one day, you can consume a large number of them.

In addition, the sale of toilet paper during this period is a bit like a capital enemy, which will invisibly improve the comprehensive score of other channels.

Wei Sheng opened the manufacturing interface again.

Choose a good rune lamp and make 200 in one go.

A total of 200 Fire Runes, 400 Crystals, 400 Copper Bars and 400 Silver Bars are consumed.

Wei Sheng sold it to Qunli for only 2 runes, 4 silver nuggets, and 1 gold nugget.

Crystals and copper blocks are both over [-], so there is no need to recycle them.

Runes are not too many!

The rune lights hung for more than ten minutes, and there were 13 left.

After Wei Sheng asked again and again, he threw the rune lamp into the trading channel, and the price was slightly increased.

Rune lights are not necessary.

Many people only huddle inside the base at night.

Sometimes you can spend the night by a bonfire and keep warm.

The two items are sold out, the next is the highlight-


Wei Sheng knew that this thing would sell well.

Very simple.

Because every day to rush to charm the stone girl.

Even some players already have crypt creature playmates.

Hard hats can make some brothers with cleanliness have a better sense of experience.

It also raises the standard of living.

Crafting a helmet requires 2 rubber and 1 water rune.

Wei Sheng has 43 rubbers in stock.

Craft 21 Runic Helmets at once.

Although this thing is small, it can be used many times. It is easy to clean and wear-resistant. Even if it is traded with runes, some people will need it.

at this time.

in regional channels.

Everyone is waiting for Wei Sheng's third wave of products to hit the shelves.

One by one geared up.


Wei Sheng sends a message.

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