[System Reminder: Silver Chest +1]

[System Reminder: Wind Rune +2]

[System Reminder: Water Rune +2]

[System Reminder: Fire Rune +1]

[System reminder: Sponge +3]

[System Reminder: Low-level Rune Base Upgrade Scroll +1]

[System Reminder: Rare Rune Monitor Manufacturing Diagram +1]

Wei Sheng opened a total of 4 low-level upgrade scrolls today.

In the morning, I opened the two silver treasure chests I saved yesterday, and one of them exploded.

Open the golden treasure chest and the silver treasure chest at night, and two more came out.

Another one now.

This burst rate is a bit unscientific.

I don't know if everyone's explosion rate has increased. .

Chapter 138


[Details: It belongs to the daily rune device. The main body is a large crystal ball with four small crystal balls. It needs to be installed in the rune base. A red dot will appear and an alarm will appear in the form of a vibration. 】

After reading the description, Wei Sheng said disappointedly, "The monitor that I thought could see the screen turned out to be just like a radar."

"Better than nothing, though."

"Especially there is a green hag next to me. If you don't install an alarm device, you will be attacked while sleeping at night."

Wei Sheng chose to create two groups.

Deduct bulk materials.

Ten crystal balls appeared in front of them.

Two large crystal balls, the size of two fists.

Eight small crystal balls, like big eyeballs.

Moreover, there are a lot of small dots on one side of the small crystal ball, which looks like the eyes of a fly!

Wei Sheng flew out of the base.

Install the first group of small crystal balls in the middle of the first and second floors of the Rune Base.

Install one in each of the four corners.

The small crystal ball can be easily adsorbed on the upper 20 sides, no need for more processing.

After installing the first group, install another group between the fourth and fifth floors.

This ensures that all the top and bottom are covered.

Wei Sheng returned to the room, the big crystal ball was already displayed.

There are many red dots on the two crystal balls, and four green dots on each large crystal ball.

Wei Sheng studied for a moment and scanned himself with the big crystal ball.

A red dot disappears from the crystal ball.

Then scan the little fox, Xiaofeng, two flower elves, and sand fish.

The red dot disappeared completely.

The green dots above represent small crystal balls.

It is convenient to determine the location of outsiders.

Wei Sheng put the big crystal ball in the bedroom.

If you sleep at night, when the crystal ball vibrates, you can respond immediately.

The small crystal ball cannot see the ground, which is a fly in the ointment.

If there is an enemy burrowing into the ground, there may be a brief blackout under the lights.

As for why it's short...

Because the monitor is connected to the base, it is possible to detect the details of the base.

As long as you want to enter the base, you will always be swept by the monitor.

After the matter was done, Wei Sheng went into the bathroom to take a shower, and then threw his clothes and pants into the washing machine.

Wash and dry.

Incredibly convenient.

The fishing trap was handed over to Xiaofeng to bury it outside.

Open the Rune Hive again.

After doing everything, Wei Sheng opened the manufacturing list again.



The synthetic materials of the puppet maid are scary.

"Build the soul-turning device first."

Wei Sheng's mind moved.

In just a moment, the Horcrux was successfully created.

Fist size, crystal clear, like a brain.

And, inside, you can see a lot of green light moving, like fireflies flying around!

[Turning Horcrux: It can be used to synthesize devices. It is usually useless. If it is broken, the soul inside will be scattered everywhere. 】

Wei Sheng studied for a while, but it really had no other effect.

"Synthetic puppet maid."

He hehe smiled.

The horcrux in hand is deducted.

Materials are disappearing in large numbers.

This thing is customizable.

Several classic images flashed in Wei Sheng's mind.

Blonde hair, big eyes, black and white maid outfit, headband...

All these elements must be present.

Well, it's big enough.

Match it carefully.

Appearance is cute style.

Finished pinching the face, sure!


A cute maid about [-] meters tall appeared in front of her.

From the looks of it only, it doesn't feel much mechanical.

The eyes are big, full of water, and the skin is fair, and it looks like it can be broken.


Wei Sheng circled around.

In better shape.

This maid outfit is even more attractive.

"Hey, why is it a bit like Xiao Yuling?"

Wei Sheng was shocked.

When designing, he casually pinched his face without paying too much attention to it.

Who would have thought that it would be two or three points similar to Xiao Yuling.

"It should be because I have been in constant contact with her and subconsciously moved closer to her face."

He is indeed acting unconsciously.

I didn't feel it just now, but when I look at it as a whole, I realize it's wrong.

"Well, that's it, no one sees it anyway, barely usable."

Wei Sheng smiled, and his fingers lightly touched the puppet maid's face and arm.

The touch is closer to the real one.

Just no temperature.

"There should be temperature after joining the soul."

After Wei Sheng checked it, he added 10 souls in one go.

1 soul can run for 24 hours.

In standby mode, 1 soul can run for 100 hours.


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