An invisible ripple centered on him, covering a radius of thirty meters, swayed in all directions.

The positions of Xiaofeng and Xiaohu were first introduced into my mind.


A dozen meters ahead, a figure caught Wei Sheng's attention.


Wei Sheng compared the figure in the illustration, it was indeed that guy.

A full three meters high, it has wings and a long tail, has a pair of sharp horns, and has no facial features.

It flaps its wings gently.


This guy was deliberately in front of Wei Sheng, with the intention of making fun of his prey.

Wei Sheng remained silent.

Under the spellcasting cloak, fingers danced.

The web of shadows coalesces.

Dire has an advantage in the night, and so does the web of shadows, directly merging with the darkness!


Formless and colorless.


Wei Sheng had a sudden attack.

The Web of Shadows has reached the Dire location.

A clatter.

Shroud the Nightmare.


A sharp cry resounded all around.


Wei Sheng laughed.

Rune lights illuminate.

That area is really forbidden.

Beneath the net of shadows, Nightmare struggled hard, but unfortunately its strength was small, and it was not at all sorry for its large size.

Actually it is inevitable.

If the strength is large, there is no physical attack and almost zero.

Wei Sheng did not waste his soul power.

Take out the hot knife.

Step by step.

Come to the front of the Nightmare.

"Sin that wanders the night."

"I will judge you!"

He held the wind and fire knife high, plausibly, and returned to the second and first time.

Nightmare shivered under him.


The tip of the knife penetrates easily.

The wind and fire knife is a straight knife, used to stab, without effort.

The Nightmare let out a howl.

"not dead?"

Wei Sheng drew his knife and continued to stab.

Counting knives in a row.

Nightmare finally fell.

[System reminder: Soul +5]

Wei Sheng withdrew the net of shadows.

Under the light, the figure of Nightmare was still invisible.

He squatted down and groped, taking away the dead body of Nightmare.

Decompose again.

There is nothing special about its flesh and blood.

It is a piece of skin, which has the effect of absorbing light! .

Chapter 136

[Dark skin: The exterior can absorb light, forming a no-light zone around it, and vice versa. 】

Wei Sheng didn't need to peel off the skin. After decomposing it, it automatically formed a complete fur.

And, without blood, without any odor.

Wei Sheng held it in his hand and looked down under the rune lamp.

It was still dark.

Turn the fur upside down.

No longer a no-light zone.

Wei Sheng looked back and forth for a moment, and put the entire fur on Xiaofeng.

Xiaofeng disappeared suddenly.

"If this thing is put at night, it can have a very good shielding effect~"

"However, it needs to be processed. If it can be made into a set of clothing, it will be - about the same."

"It can also be made into a cloak."

Wei Sheng estimated that with such a large piece of fur, it was more than enough to make two sets of clothes.

Research for a moment and put away the Dire pelts.

Next, look for the location of the golden treasure chest.

The entire cave is fifty meters long.

There is also a platform above.

Wei Sheng flew to a height and found the golden treasure chest.

Things are collected, and then fall back to the ground.

Some resources are also waiting to be collected.

After searching all over, a quarter of an hour has passed.

"Open the treasure chest!"

Wei Sheng not only took out the gold treasure chest, but also took out the silver treasure chests from the first two caves.

Three treasure chests are lined up in a row.

Today's blessing BUFF is still there.

Also choose to open!

The first is the feedback of a bunch of runes and materials.


Read on.

[System Reminder: Rune Paper +2]

[System Reminder: Ordinary Blood Pill +2]

[System Reminder: Low-level Power Enchanting Scroll +1]

[System Reminder: Low-level Rune Base Upgrade Scroll +2]

[System Reminder: Void Hand Learning Scroll +1]

[System Reminder: Secret Magic Mark Learning Scroll +1]

[System Reminder: Exquisite Dodge Skills Learning Scroll +1]

[System Reminder: Rare Wind Element Ring Manufacturing Diagram +1]

Wei Sheng put away everything.

This time out of the box, not only the marrow, but also the new material rune paper!

This thing can be used to make spell books.

Unfortunately, only 2 units are not enough.

Earth Essence has fired another 2 units this time, which is still a long way from repairing the Sand Soldier Horn.

It is not difficult to gather the materials for the horcrux.

The main materials are a large number of chalcedony, soul and four-element runes.

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