Only about one meter two.

Huge dark red beard and hair.

His eyes widened like copper bells.

The weapons were two hammers, all of which rolled to a short distance.

call out!

Another figure quickly approached.

A big tail swept across.

Throw him away again.

Bloated, but flexible!

This glue monster also has a large number of twisted organs and limbs on its body, which looks strange and disgusting.

On the fat face, the fat is crowded, revealing a pair of small green bean-like eyes.


The glue monster approached the fire dwarf again.

A long, bald, pointed tail like a steel bar rolled around the fire dwarf.

"Damn glue monster, let me down and see if I can hammer you to death grandpa!"

"Get out of the way, you disgusting bug!"

The fire dwarf cursed loudly, without the slightest sense of imminent death.

At this time.

A dozen small fireballs fell to the side of the glue monster.


The glue monster staggers.

Part of his left arm has been smashed by fire elemental missiles.

Wei Sheng smiled and approached.

After the addition of the fire element ring, the power of the fire element missile has been greatly improved.

Glue monsters have eyes in all directions.

In fact, Wei Sheng was discovered for the first time.

It's a pity that this guy is too arrogant and wants to get rid of the fire dwarf first, and then turn around to clean up Wei Sheng and the two little things.

The distance between the two sides is forty or fifty meters.

The glue monster is more assured.

Unexpectedly, Wei Sheng not only has long-range attack ability, but also seriously injured it!


The glue monster turned around and roared at Wei Sheng.


The fire dwarf who wanted to get up again was swept away by the big tail again.

A large amount of white gas is sprayed from the back of the glue monster, and the body is running fast.

"It's really fast."

Wei Sheng raised his hand and fired a frost ray.

Hit the glue monster.

The guy's figure stopped, and the surface of his body was frozen into ice cubes.

The glue monster looked down and took a step forward.


A large amount of black mist was ejected from the body surface.

The fog keeps expanding.

Until it covers the surrounding twenty meters.

"Does this count as using a smoke bomb to cover your progress?"

Wei Sheng thought of some FPS games and smiled lightly.

An invisible ripple swayed in all directions.


With the help of the black fog, the glue monster has quietly touched ten meters away.

Despite its size, it moves silently.

Wei Sheng grabbed his hand, and a net of shadows condensed.

Another toss.

The big net fell from above.

At the same time, a beating current points to the glue monster!

This guy probably didn't expect to be found.

The tremor shock slid through the air and landed on it.


Pain not to mention.

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

Tremor Shock hits inflict a Stiff effect.

The glue monster froze in place.

The web of shadows hits exactly, covering it.

The glue monster resumed action and struggled hard, faintly trying to break free from the net of shadows.

Frost rays and tremor shocks fell alternately, followed by the bombardment of fire element missiles...

Flesh and blood fly!

Under several rounds of bombardment, the glue monster fell to the ground.

[System reminder: Soul +6]

Wei Sheng received feedback that the Fire Elemental Missiles and Frost Rays that were originally going to be smashed, were held back.

[This is the black fog that confuses the sight, and it is not poisonous. 】

Wei Sheng stared at the black mist for a moment.

The prompt is correct.

Enter the black fog and take away the corpse of the glue monster.

Disintegrates a pile of disgusting flesh.

...... 0

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Wei Sheng walked out of the dark fog and heard a high-pitched voice not far away.

It was the fire dwarf.

This guy was disgraced, his face flushed, and he was holding a big hammer and approached quickly.

"Little brother, thank you for saving Sol!"

The fire dwarf put down the heavy hammer, opened his arms, and wanted to give Wei Sheng a big hug.

"You are so dirty."

Wei Sheng took a big step back in disgust.

Sol was stunned, then scratched his hair and laughed: "Haha, yes, you rescued Sol, and Sol wants to give you some rewards. That damn adhesive monster, the defense is amazing!"


Wei Sheng's eyes shifted, looking elsewhere.

The silver treasure chest is next to a stone house.

Wei Sheng stepped forward and scanned the silver treasure chest.

toxic free and safe.

Put away the silver treasure chest first and open it later.

"Hey little brother, do you use weapons? Thor can forge it for you."

"If you already have a weapon, Sol can help you refine it and increase the level of the weapon!"

"It's best to use a fire element-related rune weapon, Sol is good at it! You can refine one for free!"

Sol Mai spread his short legs and followed, chattering.

If Wei Sheng does not agree to this matter, I am afraid that Sol will not let him go!

"Fire element weapon?"

Wei Sheng turned his head, and his heart moved.

A perfect fire elemental ring should work.

"Sol, what do you think of this baby?"

Wei Sheng showed the fire element ring on his left hand.

Sol took a closer look, laughed and said, "Okay, come, take it off, and let Sol give you a little surprise."

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