Wei Sheng was stunned after checking.

Yesterday was not the Dark Curtain Beast, but another Crypt Creature.

"Eat? Or did the geomagnetic pulse change direction?"

Wei Sheng looked at the other four directions.

Same as yesterday.

Obviously, the geomagnetic pulse did not change last night, only the dark curtain beast replaced another crypt creature.

"Check the picture book."

Wei Sheng was silent.

The picture book flashes the results.


[Dark Curtain Beast: A crypt creature floating in the air like a flying carpet, with a very tough skin, invulnerable to swords and bullets, even the power of a giant cannot tear it apart.When it encounters the prey, it will use its lower body to aim at the prey, generate a strong suction, inhale the prey into the body, and then wrap it tightly with the body until the prey suffocates to death. 】

[Capacity: strong suction]

[Weakness: Fear of freezing]

[Danger factor: 62]

Ability to view.

[Strong suction: Like a tornado, the target is sucked in. 】


Wei Sheng saw the weakness of the Dark Curtain Beast and had already picked up the shovel.

Just a few frost rays later!

PS: The Sage Necklace has already come out in Chapter 90 Gargoyle, and the manufacturing process has not been written.I forgot whether it was added later, or it was already there.Where.

Chapter 122

The seventy-second burrow!

Wei Sheng's left shoulder is Xiaohu, and his right shoulder is Xiaofeng.

Considering that there may be encounters from top to bottom, I didn't carry two small things.

The whole cave is not known how big.

The air is full of yellow sand.

The visibility is low, and it is impossible to see the whole picture of the cave.

Wei Sheng put on tactical goggles, but still couldn't see the situation ten meters away.

"I can't see the Dark Curtain Beast, and it shouldn't be able to see me either."

"Go down quickly, the sound of the floating thruster must have attracted the attention of the dark curtain beast!"

Wei Sheng quickly fell.

During this period, he did not see the shadow of the Dark Curtain Beast.

Ground, here we come!

Wei Sheng landed, Xiaohu and Xiaofeng jumped to the ground, one looking to the left and the other to the right.


Suddenly, the little fox screamed.

Wei Sheng looked at the little fox, but saw its paws pointing diagonally upwards.

A huge shadow enveloped them.

Wei Sheng raised his head suddenly.

You can vaguely see creatures like flying saucers floating in the sky.

Dark screen beast!

Wei Sheng froze in his heart, visually measuring the distance between the two sides.

less than ten meters.


The yellow sand around them quickly surged upwards.

A strong suction pointed below the dark curtain beast.

Xiaofeng escaped into the ground and was not sucked away.

Little Fox's paws grabbed the ground, but were sucked away quickly.

If it hadn't been caught by Wei Sheng, he might have been swallowed by the Dark Curtain Beast.

Wei Sheng was not much better, his whole body flew into the sky.

The suction power keeps increasing.

Like a tornado.

A large amount of yellow sand was sucked in, and the visibility of the burrow became higher.

Wei Sheng couldn't see the whole picture of the Dark Curtain Beast, but he could see the strong suction part under the Dark Curtain Beast, in the shape of a chrysanthemum...

"If it's sucked in, it won't die of suffocation, or it will be ugly."

Wei Sheng's thoughts turned, but his hands were not slow.

call out!call out!call out!

Three consecutive frost rays hit the big hole under the Dark Curtain Beast with precision.

The strong suction stopped abruptly.

The Dark Curtain Beast started to freeze from below and spread to the whole body.

It let out a whimper.

The huge body lost its air and fell staggeringly.

Wei Sheng took the little fox and hid aside.


Dust is everywhere.

Wei Sheng stepped forward quickly.

The Dark Curtain Beast had only half of its life left, and its eyes wandered, as if begging for mercy.

This guy inhales like a hot air balloon.

Now deflated and flattened.

Wei Sheng took out the wind and fire knife.

Slash hard and cut off its head!

[System reminder: Soul +6]

Wei Sheng recovered the body of the Dark Curtain Beast again.

Only meat and skin are broken down, no blood!

"Wonderful enough."

Wei Sheng pouted.

Then go to find the silver treasure chest in the cave.

I saw some resources on the way, all recycled.

The silver treasure chest is in the corner.

Checked correctly.

Select On.

[System Reminder: Silver Chest +1]

[System Reminder: Fire Rune +2]

[System Reminder: Water Rune +2]

[System Reminder: Wind Rune +4]

[System reminder: Chalcedony +4]

[System reminder: Sponge +5]

[System Reminder: Detection Learning Scroll +1]

[System reminder: +1 for the perfect rune massager manufacturing drawing]

"The explosion rate is not bad, this time the blessing BUFF really took effect."

Wei Sheng grabbed the scroll and the manufacturing map.

see details.

[Detection learning scroll: Consuming runes can learn scrolls. Using this spell, a circle of light waves can be spread in all directions, and any creature within a certain range can be detected. The greater the consumption of soul power, the larger the detection range.To learn, you need to have a spell bloodline, and you need to consume 30 wind runes, 10 water runes, and 15 fire runes. 】

[Perfect rune massager manufacturing diagram: Lie on it and massage with one button, which can sweep away the fatigue of the day and eliminate muscle soreness. 】

Learn all!

Light and ashes, all melted into Wei Sheng's body.

Check out the manufacturing list.

The synthesis formula of the massager is simple, requiring four kinds of runes, as well as animal skin, sponge, copper and iron, all materials are satisfied.

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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