After a whole night of rest, the curse of weakness on them has basically disappeared.

Less than 3% of the weak state is left, which is basically unaffected.

Last night, Wei Sheng had already chosen the direction of today's excavation.

He came to the front of the earth wall.

[In the cave ahead, half of the cave is filled with sand, you can only crawl for fifty meters, and you may also touch the feces left by the cave creatures. 】


Wei Sheng frowned.

When I checked last night, that wasn't the case.

At that time, an iron treasure chest was displayed in the burrow in front. When I checked it again today, it was turned upside down.

"Could it be that the geomagnetic pulse changed the direction of the channel last night?"

Wei Sheng met for the first time.

I almost doubt if I remembered it wrong last night.

"Look in the other four directions."

Wei Sheng turned away.

[Dig up, there is only a piece of dead bone. 】

[Digging down, you will see an earth dragon tomb. It seems that there are good things hidden in the tomb. Just stay outside the tomb, there will be no danger, and you can also search for an iron treasure chest. 】

[In the cave at the back, weeds are overgrown, and if you dig well, you can dig out some wild fruits and an underground river that is about to dry up. 】

[Dig to the right, a gnoll troop is resting, they carry a batch of baggage, and robbery can harvest a batch of food and grass. 】

After browsing the four directions, Wei Sheng could be sure that the geomagnetic pulse had indeed changed last night.

Vault prompts in each direction, all changed.

"Earth Dragon Tomb..."

Wei Sheng didn't think much of it, so he found a place to dig down.

If there is danger in the tomb, you may not enter it, and it is not bad to harvest an iron treasure chest.

ah ah ah ah ~

Dig down about ten meters and encounter an air wall.

No, it should be the geomagnetic pulse!

Wei Sheng tried to cut with a wind and fire knife...

The wind and fire knife that could cut through the rock at will, wiping out sparks, it was difficult to advance.

Using the electric crossbow and elemental missiles, it still cannot be broken.

Wei Sheng could only change course.

Dig the tunnel and turn left.

About [-] meters away, I encountered the air wall again.

After several consecutive turns, the downward black film finally appeared.

Wei Sheng entered with Xiaohu and Xiaofeng.

The sixty-second burrow!

Thirty meters high.

Wei Sheng landed quickly.

In the air, he looked down, there were hills and rocks, but he didn't find the so-called tomb!

The location of the iron treasure chest can be found, on the hill bag.

Wei Sheng fell and walked straight to the hill.

[Underfoot is the tomb of the earth dragon, and the entrance of the cave seems to be near here. 】

Wei Sheng was startled, but he went to open the treasure chest first.

Checked correctly.

Turn on.

[System Reminder: Iron Treasure Chest +1]

[System Reminder: Water Rune +2]

[System Reminder: Wind Rune +1]

[System reminder: Milk fruit tree seeds +2]

[System reminder: Coffee tree seeds +2]

[System reminder: Black juice fruit tree seeds +2]

[System reminder: +1 for the perfect rune juicer manufacturing drawing]

Three types of seeds?

Wei Sheng checked one by one.

[Manufacturing diagram of the perfect rune juicer: It belongs to the daily rune device, put the fruit in, and complete the juice in three seconds. Even if it is a banana, it can still squeeze the last drop, and there will be no impurities in the juice. 】

[Milk fruit tree seeds: dwarf tree species, grown fruits, rich in milk-like juice, rich in protein. 】

[Coffee tree seeds: Dwarf tree species, the leaves that grow out are soaked in hot boiling water, which can be made into a cup of delicious coffee, which has a refreshing effect. 】

[Black juice fruit tree seeds: dwarf tree species, ripe fruit, peel off the outer skin, you can drink the juice like cola. 】

"Good guy."

"Milk, coffee, and coke, everything!"

Wei Sheng decisively found an open space, opened the rune base, and planted all the seeds.

Last night, a planting shed was expanded again on the first floor, and the open space for planting is relatively large.

Plant, water, fertilize.

After processing, put away the base.

Wei Sheng strolled on the hill, looking for the location of the cemetery.

[Underfoot is the tomb of the earth dragon, and the entrance of the cave seems to be near here. 】

[Underfoot is the tomb of the earth dragon, and the entrance of the cave seems to be near here. 】


[Stop and dig from here, you can dig to the entrance of the tomb of the earth dragon.. 0]

Wei Sheng stopped.

Dig in two or three times.

A dark hole appeared in front of him.

There was a cold wind blowing inside.

[This is the tomb of the earth dragon. It has been excavated, but there are still some good treasures. Now it is occupied by a night dire. Be careful of the sleepy bugs it raises. Wear a gas mask. Don't fall asleep, otherwise it will be Invincible. 】

Wei Sheng immediately opened the illustrated book and inquired about the Nightmare and Sleepy Worm information.

Two results appeared.


[Nightmare: A monster that can enter and exit dreams, with wings and a long tail, a pair of sharp horns, and no facial features.In the real world, it likes to hide in the dark, and no light can reach it because it will eat the light. 】

[Ability: Dive into a dream]

[Weakness: No physical damage ability]

[Danger factor: 56]

Ability query.

[Sneak into the dream: Enter the target's dream and dominate the dream until the target dies. 】


[Sleepworm: A large fat worm that emits a faint fragrance that makes the creature fall asleep. It has no sharp teeth and no claws. It must rely on slender mouthparts for eating and penetrate into the creature's mouth and nose to absorb nutrients. It is often combined with other Crypt biological symbiosis. 】

[Ability: Sleepy Scent]

[Weakness: slow movement speed]

[Danger factor: 15]

Ability query.

[Drowsy aroma: The aroma that can make the target fall asleep. 】


Wei Sheng didn't know if a sophisticated gas mask was effective, but the tip didn't say anything in 4.9.

But it's not wrong to choose the perfect gas mask!

Open the crafting list.

Choose the perfect gas mask.

Build three!

Styles can still be customized.

Wei Sheng finished wearing it, and then put it on for Xiaohu and Xiaofeng.

"Come with me."

Wei Sheng took out the rune lamp and entered the dark tomb.

It was clammy and cold inside.

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