After 15 minutes, it will be automatically retracted and put on the shelf automatically.

This thing cleans itself with little effort.

Among them, the interest requirement is not to collect all the materials, or 30 units of ordinary materials, or 2 units of advanced materials, can be exchanged.

You can redeem up to 96 times in one day.

Prices can be adjusted later based on market feedback.

After Wei Sheng is listed on the regional channel, a reminder will pop up by default.

Everyone in the channel noticed and checked the item information one after another.


From Xiao Yuling.

On the one hand, it is speechless, and on the other hand, it is also because women cannot use it.

"Is it possible to improve strength? To be honest, I'm a little excited, but 15 minutes doesn't feel like enough."

William seemed confident in himself.

Not only him, but others also expressed their opinions.

"Just increase the weak strength, and with the stone, I am afraid that I will be bald."

"Why does it take half an hour, sir, who do you look down on, administrator?"

"Anyone try it first? I'm waiting for everyone's experience."

"Big Brother Wei is awesome, the founder of Shared Toys?"

Everyone is very interested in this.

A slight increase in strength can be considered an increase.

A few minutes later, a guy who claimed to be excellent, exchanged for the Charm Stone Girl for the first time.

From now on, everyone opens the door to a new world! .

Chapter 100

"Brothers wait, I will try the effect first!"

A guy named Chen Xiu took the lead in spending 30 wood to complete a loan with Wei Sheng to charm the stone girl.

"Hey, isn't it just a stone? I can't believe it can't last 15 minutes!"

After Chen Xiu's loan was successful, he still spoke up in the group.

All the girls escaped.

It's a bit of a shame on this topic.

"Chen Xiuyou, take care and be careful with broken eggs."

"Hahaha, the description of Charming Stone Girl is a bit awesome, I don't know if it's really like that?"

"Is Chen Xiu still watching? Send me a message."

"Chen Xiu?"

In the regional channel, no matter how everyone called, Chen Xiu seemed to disappear.

Wei Sheng smiled slightly.

Now Chen Xiu must have been attracted.

How could the old cow who is ploughing the fields pay any attention to you!

[System reminder: Sophisticated anti-virus purification mask-1]


The number of gas masks Wei Sheng was hanging outside kept decreasing.

When outside players buy, they must meet the combination of 2 wind runes + 2 other runes.

Creating a gas mask consumes a lot of wind runes and must be balanced this way.

Within minutes, the gas masks were sold out.

233 Wei Sheng built 100 more and put them up for sale again.

In the World Channel, a bunch of people are talking about gas masks.

Most believe that the chalcedony acquired by Wei Sheng was also used to make gas masks.

But some do not agree.

Because the price given by Wei Sheng did not include chalcedony, and it was purchased in batches.

No one knows for now.

In the regional channel, everyone cares more about charming the stone girl.

A quarter of an hour has come.

Charming Stone Maiden reappears on the regional channel.

"Chen Xiu, how was your experience?"

"Xiu'er, come out and say something, is there any strength enhancement?"

Regional members have urged.

After half a minute, the news of Chen Xiu appeared.

"I'm sorry, it's a bit embarrassing, I only lasted for three minutes, I was not like this before! It's really... so charming! What can I do, go on, everyone, now lying in the base, don't want to move, thinking about life , why did you make such a ridiculous move..."

The whole person was a little gibberish.


Regional channels fell silent.

"Boss Wei, can I do it again if I want? Just once, not much!"

Chen Xiu spoke again.

If this can be video, I am afraid that I will be kneeling on the ground and begging.

"Happy play, refuse to indulge."

Wei Sheng responded coldly.

Just because I know the attraction, I set 15 minutes and only allow one redemption per day.

It is equivalent to the anti-addiction system in the game.

Chen Xiu just ended, so I'm still a little obsessed.

Wait a little longer for the sage, about half an hour, and the influence of the charming stone girl will all disappear.

Chen Xiu's performance was so strange that the second person did not appear.

A few minutes later, Chen Xiucai gradually calmed down and told the whole experience.

From tactile attraction and attraction, to the final effect...

"Hey, the strength is definitely increasing. In order to become stronger, I will come once a day in the future."

Chen Xiu came up with a legitimate excuse.

Everyone heard a good experience, and soon a second player appeared.

The performance is almost the same as that of Chen Xiu.

"It's great, I feel like my strength has grown, it's awesome!"

Word of mouth spread.

After many people tried it in a row, I got the nickname Juicy Ji.

As for whether to increase their strength, it is nothing more than an excuse for them to be upright.

Wei Sheng was well aware of this, but he would not expose it.

Gas masks are constantly being sold, made, and put on the shelves.

The entire market is in great demand.

After more than [-] sales were sold before and after, the sales speed dropped significantly.

And, there are competitors!

Someone put up a batch of ordinary gas masks.

The effect is not as good as a good gas mask, but the price is affordable, and you can buy it for 2 runes.

For most people, it's better to use inexpensive props at the moment.

Sophisticated gas masks are more for a relatively high-end group of players.


Wei Sheng made a lot of money by relying on gas masks.

Just the four-element rune, after a wave of operations, the total number has exceeded [-]!

Rune base three floors.

Wei Sheng sat cross-legged on the futon.

After the base was upgraded, the third floor was planned as a training hall with its own futon.

Sitting on it, you can quickly enter a meditative state.

Wei Sheng has just done a comparison, and the futon has a significant improvement effect.

"Imagine yourself as a bright moon, suspended high in the sky, and the luster it emits is soul power..."

Wei Sheng's brain gradually emptied.

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