Crow's Paradise

Chapter 9 Missing Body Contaminated Body

The white-clothed Yanren stood still, looking at the black figure flying into the sky and quickly disappearing from the field of vision, his face livid.

As the expression on his cunning face changed, the black and white snake shadow emerging behind him also echoed his emotions, swinging its body restlessly.

At this time, the giant machine wolf that had fallen to the ground continued to shrink amidst the sound of the machine opening and closing, and returned to the posture of the man in the black jacket. Apart from the broken clothes and weak state, it seemed that there was no life crisis. :

"Chang Kui, leave me alone and catch up quickly."

On Lang An's face with an expression of pain, a pair of eyes stared at Yanren in white:

"Maybe it's a contaminant."

"It defeats me, makes me lose my fighting ability and cannot pursue, makes me a drag, and prevents your pursuit."

The white-clothed Yanren known as "Chang Kui" heard the name "Polluted Body", and in his eyes that had just faded, the vertical pupils, one black and one white, reappeared.

He knew that the "contaminated body" that Lang An mentioned did not refer to the contaminated target in the general sense.

The missing body is a complete spiritual form. As the spiritual residue of ancient humans, their spirits are missing many parts. During the constant wear and tear, only highly condensed qualities remain, so they will show very strong tendencies.

The recipient is a combination of spirit and body, but to be precise, the recipient is more physical.

But, there is another category.

To be more precise, the recipient is not just leaning towards the physical body. The physical body integrates the spirit, carries the spirit with the body, and slowly turns the spirit into a part of the body.

There is also a spiritual orientation.

The spirit unites the body.

This direction was originally known as "the degenerate" and "the eclipse".

Their direction is to continuously transform the physical body into spiritual form.


This tendency is extremely dangerous.

The material body is stable, but the spiritual form is changeable.

Without the stability of the physical body as protection, the mind is extremely susceptible to the influence of external objects.

Especially the influence of the missing body.

Among the major events recorded in Yancheng, a long time ago, the city was roughly divided into two factions.

One group advocates focusing on the body, on the grounds that it is stable and controllable. When facing external crises, at least part of the vitality can be retained, with the body as the leader and mental strength as the assist.

One group advocates focusing on the spirit. The reason is that it is flexible and changeable, and can handle various situations more effectively when facing external crises. The mental power is the dominant one and the body is the assistant.

However, after that, a thought body pollution incident occurred, and all the degenerates in the city were contaminated.


They have become new and alternative "missing bodies".

Although they do not have the highly condensed characteristics of the missing body, they are almost unable to resist frontally and can only choose to destroy them from the side.

But they are not like the mental remnants of the old humans from the old era. They are mentally deficient, have almost no self-will, and can only follow instinctive actions.

But they are also different from the inmates. They have specialized mental traits to a certain extent and will act unscrupulously for a belief and a goal.

Whether they are missing bodies, old humans, or hosts, these polluted bodies will not regard them as companions.

If this group of "contaminated bodies" leaves four points on a line, with the receiver on the far left and the missing body on the far right, with old humans as the middle line, then the degenerates will be closer to the receiver, and the degenerates will be closer to the receiver. The polluting body is more inclined to the missing body.

Was that a "contaminant" just now?

Changkui was stunned for a moment.

However, compared to the "thought body", that thing probably has its own will.

When he and Lang An were fighting with that thing just now, the other party used action strategies that were rarely seen on the missing body several times.

Camouflage that interferes with sight, attacks that make false claims in the east, and escapes that mislead and lure

Compared with those thought bodies that some people can call "natural phenomena", that thing is indeed more like a polluted body with self-will.

But how did this pollutant appear?

He glanced at Lang An and then said:

"If that thing is really a pollutant, if I catch up with you, you will die here."

After saying these words, he went directly to the location of the corpse just now.

The body was damaged and disfigured under the attack between him and Lang An.

After careful perception, he was able to confirm that the spirit and body of this corpse were separated. There was no tendency for the body and spirit to begin to integrate after the spiritual bridge was combined.

That's not it.

He turned his head and returned to the refugee hut where the body was pulled out by Lang An.

And this one.

There are traces of the integration of body and spirit, spirit

Wait a moment?

What about spirit?

Yanren, known as Chang Kui, frowned with his crystal-like eyes and looked solemnly:

"No energy?"

There are traces of physical and mental integration, but no spiritual body?

He checked carefully and found no remaining mental fragments.

Is it really a pollutant?


He took another look at the corpse with wide eyes.

Its capabilities can be a little tricky.

He recalled the battle just now and thought in his mind.

However, only the spiritual body disappears, and the physical body has not been assimilated by the spirit.

Although there are potential threats, there is no need to worry too much. Such pollutants will be very weak.

A premature contaminated body, as long as it is found and eliminated as soon as possible, it will be fine.

Unlike the thought body, the contaminated body only needs to continuously absorb the same spiritual characteristics to be able to recover completely in a very short time.

Yao Yan has fallen from the sky.

Although he hid in the strong man's spirit, he was not able to avoid the attack.

Relying on the strong man's spirit as a meat shield, he took an attack and suffered a lot of trauma.

Although he managed to remain silent in the end and waited for the opportunity to cause damage to the two Yan people, and even almost killed the wolf-like Yan people.

However, it was still quite painful to be bitten by the wolf-like Yan people.

However, it was only the feeling of "pain".

Now he has no body.

The feedback mechanism of the body will make people secrete different hormones after being injured as a means of regulating the body.

For him now, it is a "feeling".

A feeling based on "experience".

When he was alive and had a physical body, he remembered the associations of being hurt, anger, fear, etc. due to the feedback process of the body, and these contents formed experience.

Now he has no physical feedback, and the "pain" he feels is just a "feeling" caused by "his body being torn apart, so it hurts."

Or it should be called an impression or something like that.

Although it hurts, there is no real feeling.

Just like when he was living in the body of "Crow's Mouth", he did not feel the external feelings.

His emotional fluctuations are also based on this "experience". In the absence of corresponding stimulation and regulation of body hormones and feedback mechanisms, this fluctuation is quite false.

No real feeling.

However, Yao Yan can still realize the danger of his current consciousness.

He needs to find a place to recuperate.

And, if possible, he also wants to know what the game like "Crow Paradise" has to do with him.

However, this idea is relatively bland.

Without the stimulation of the reward mechanism of exploration and curiosity for physical feedback, his curiosity is only based on the experience that "things of unknown origin should be figured out."

Yao Yan examined and deconstructed his own thinking patterns almost mercilessly while searching for a "container" that could host his body.

Oh, I found it.

Within his sight, a man who was rummaging through a pile of waste came into his sight.

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