Crow's Paradise

Chapter 79 Four Letters

There was something besides the pistol.

Yao Yan followed Karina's memory and took out some letters from the drawer that looked like they had been written but not yet sent.

Yao Yan directly opened the envelope of a letter that was the oldest one from a year ago in terms of the time on the envelope, and Yao Yan looked at the contents:

[Dear Mrs. Ergon:]

[Good morning or good evening, I'm not sure what time I should use to greet you, but I have come to this manor town as you ordered. ]

[It is just like what you described. It is a very boring town. Although there are bars, it does not have as many fisheries and fine wines as Funazaka City. ]

[It's so boring here, but I promise, madam, I will be able to find what you want according to your order. ]

The first letter seemed to be just a letter expressing determination, and the content was not long.

After confirming that there was no special information, Yao Yan stuffed it back into the envelope and opened the second envelope.

[Dear Mrs. Ergon:]

[Good morning, even though it's morning, I'm still excited, you won't believe what I found? ]

[This town really has magical power. ]

[Although I have opened the minds of several priests with guns, and their holy Lord did not save them, I can guarantee that the things found in this town will be considered evil by them. ]

[But, I'm sorry, I don't have enough accurate and wonderful words to describe that thing. Maybe I should say it is a cat? ]

[real! lady! I swear, I actually saw something weird like that. ]

[The ring you are looking for may be related to them! ]

[But, sorry, it's just me. I haven't been able to get away from these dirty mudbags quickly enough to find what you're looking for. They're so annoying and they keep staring at me because I'm a foreigner. ]

[For the sake of that incredible weird cat, I let them go. ]

[But I swear, I will find it! ]

The second letter contains a lot of useful information.

Compared with the easy-to-detect but useless superficial information that Mo Senke has killed people, is not religious, pursues the upper class and despises the lower class, the more obvious description is that Yao Yan is more concerned about the "cat" and the ring. .

In the latter case, what this Mrs. Ergon was looking for was a ring.

The former, the text in the specific letter describes that there is something incredible in this town, and it is described in the image of a "cat", and it is said that the priests who died under his gun will regard this thing as this thing. It's the devil.

Ever since he realized that his ability was essentially "rumor", Yao Yan would from time to time dig out various related things from his memory that might lead to the creation and spread of rumors.

The “comparison” mechanism rooted in human identification ability is the core rumor-making machine.

After certain features are "the same" or "similar" in some form, humans will fit both sides.

For example, a person who has never seen any other four-legged mammal other than a cat will say "a creature that looks very much like a cat" when seeing a dog.

By comparing the characteristics of "both walk on four legs, have tails, and ears on the top of their heads", they are "similar", and then compare the two.

Then, describe "cats have whiskers, but this animal does not and is larger than a cat", which can make the communicator roughly clarify the similarities.

Can humans clearly and quantitatively realize how many details differ between cats and dogs?

If he had asked this question during his lifetime, the answer would have been basically "yes". Just compare everything and that would be it.

However, that's not the problem.

The problem is that the human recognition mechanism will judge it as "similar" when the similarities reach a certain level.

What is the difference between "same" and "identical" in a general sense?

If a person judges two things A and B to be similar because they are 50% similar, then when he tells the news to the second person, if this person's judgment of similarity is "60% the same", then , what information did he get?

A and B are 60% similar.

However, what is worse is that the person does not clearly realize where the similar 60% is.

If the weight of his judgment is "the overall body shape and outline are the same", and the weight of the former's judgment is "the various features are respectively the same".

For example, the "similarity" of the former does not include feet, and the latter does not clearly obtain this information. Then, there will be situations where the feet are judged to be the same element.

In communication, his description may cause the thing to inadvertently bias the parts he values.

Then, when he relayed it again.

Before actually confirming the target, Yao Yan was quite taboo about descriptions such as "like a cat".

Even he can't avoid such descriptions.

Because his language, his communication words, his conceptual expressions, production, effects, changes, and his logical thinking are all based on this comparison mechanism.

The most common and common means of explanation used by humans is to use metaphors and metaphors.

The easiest and most common place for rumors to arise is through metaphors and metaphors.

If this Mosenke focuses on certain features, such as color, then this "cat-like" thing is an approximate color.

There will even be people who accidentally substitute the characteristics of a cat into it, unconsciously identifying it with a cat, and then suffer a big loss or even die.

Having thought deeply about the birth and spread mechanism of "rumors" closely related to him, it is impossible for Yao Yan not to notice the possible risks hidden here.

For example.

I was thinking about the above paragraph, if it was seen and heard by others, what information would be obtained, and what information would be missed?

Have others understood everything he wanted to express?

Did someone come up with something that he didn't express, something that was different from his meaning?

At least, in his mind, the occurrence of rumors was already quite common, and he would often find it, but he couldn't completely guard against it every moment.

I can only hope that I won't suffer a loss on my own.

Yao Yan suffered from rumors?

This is not a strange thing.

During his lifetime, before the great catastrophe, one rumor was defeated by another rumor, and there were many cases where one poison destroyed another poison.

After sealing the second letter and stuffing it back into the envelope, Yao Yan took out the third letter, opened it skillfully and pulled out:

[Dear Mrs. Ergon:]

[Good evening. ]

[I seem to have provoked an unkind guy. ]

[It's not a cat. ]

[Cats don’t eat people. ]

No, cats can eat people, and many of them eat the corpses of their owners.

Yao Yan lowered his gaze indifferently:

[Someone has been eaten. ]

[I-I was targeted too! ]

[No, I don’t want to die! ]

The short sentences are divided into lines like poetry, but the content is not beautiful.

Yao Yan seemed to have thought of something, reached out and took out the last letter and opened it.

[Dear Mrs. Ergon:]

[Good morning, William was eaten. ]

[I am being eaten. ]

There was no exclamation point in the very short sentence, which seemed very calm. However, the sentences that were difficult to connect directly grammatically made Yao Yan think of a question:

"Isn't your brain being eaten when you write a letter?"

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