Crow's Paradise

Chapter 292 Creations of Thought

"sexualized order"

Because of the original lack, one part after another is pulled in to be "filled in". These filled things themselves are also missing, but because they are different from the original lack.

The ability of cognition becomes clear and powerful through continuous stacking.

However, this cognitive ability is actually built on the outermost layer in reverse -

By observing various information from the outside world, we can find correspondences in our own "experience" and "memory".

From this point of view, people's cognitive structure is reversed.

If we have to find an "ontology", then the outermost layer, the "outermost cognition" stacked up by an unknown number of underlying structures, may be the "ontology".

However, the way this ontology carries out cognition is to look back inward.

In fact, you regard what you observe as cognitive prototypes and look for corresponding ones within.

But the underlying logic of the cognitive structure is that the original "impulse" is looking for a correspondence, to correspond to what it "misses" and "needs".

Therefore, it is often easy to cause cognitive misalignment.

And what living things most often and first recognize is often themselves.

The cognition piled up by the original impulse also contains the lack of "self".

Therefore, people will look for various "labels" to fill the holes in themselves.

"Male", "female", "strong", "healthy", "hands and feet", "skin color", "height", "fat or thin".

The differences in various physical characteristics are also what the visual organs can best distinguish.

In this case, the characteristics that will change and the stages experienced in life will become the corresponding materials in the cognitive structure.

This process does not begin after a person has sufficient "intelligence".

Rather, it starts the moment you have “consciousness” and the ability to “cognitive activity”.

Moreover, it is not the cognitive ability of the theoretical "brain".

But physically, somatically.

The description of "cognitive" ability here is closer to the level of "feeling" and "feedback".

When a baby is one with its mother, the two are physically connected to each other.

At this stage, physically, the baby will "think" that he and his mother are "unified".

If we have to simplify it, we can only describe it as "they are the same creature" and "have the same subject".

At this stage, the baby's physiology and cognitive structure have gradually completed the construction of "correspondence to self-deficiency".

It’s what I said before, “filling in the missing holes with various things,” layer by layer.

However, in addition to the original gap and a series of non-real correspondences that cannot be filled in the first place, a new gap appears.

After being born, the baby is separated from its mother.

This also means that the external entity that "corresponds to the lack of self" is disconnected from oneself.

A new, huge rift was torn out, a cognitive rift from the outside in.

In the process of gradual growth, this cognitive gap will continue to be filled.

What is filled in depends on the environment and oneself.

However, the process to fill in the gaps is still the same.

However, people have begun to accept information from the outside world at this time, and it is no longer just a pile of internal impulses in the body.

From this stage, to explain the situation of "filling holes and filling gaps" in a way that ordinary people can understand -

"I want to be whole"

Then, here comes the problem.

"What am I? Who am I?"

When you begin to define and judge various labels for yourself, and gradually begin to construct your own identity concretely, using the characteristics of external things as prototypes, "I want to become complete" will gradually be projected into various forms. shape.

Self-identity is “I am male.”

Then the complex and comprehensive integration power of "I want to become complete" will drive consciousness and the whole body according to this to find a "method for men to become complete."

However, the problem is that human external cognition can be changed.

Moreover, the most important thing is "language".

What do you use as a mapping of concepts, and what do you use as a tool for thinking?

For another example, if a computer wants to display a picture, the shallower "kernel" is a series of codes.

Going a little deeper, these codes can be broken down into "electrical signals."

However, on the "Display Interface", the file name of this picture is "Man".

Whether it is the file name or the series of codes, they are part of the symbol system.

However, symbol systems are often developed from external objects.

People's cognitive structure cannot recognize the details of their own cognitive construction process. In addition, the misalignment between the cognitive correspondence process from the outside in and the cognitive process from the inside out leads to the inevitable errors in this symbol system. "Full expression" is not possible.

Therefore, "continuous revision" is needed.

In the process of using language as a symbol to construct cognition, the original internal form of information transmission also collapsed.

People continue to fill in the gaps with language as cognitive material.

It can be said that in the process of language learning and being able to communicate with the outside world, a "new consciousness" constructed with "language" as a cognitive element appears.

This "new consciousness" constructed with language as an element is "consistent" from the perspective of self-thinking.

"I am who I am".

Therefore, some theories believe that the original self has been "killed" when the baby opens its eyes, or even earlier, when the mother's belly begins to hear information from the outside world.

Or "locking the original self in the cage of language symbols."

However, this cognitive process, the driving force behind cognition, thinking, and physical impulses are still there.

However, according to Yao Yan's thinking, it is better to say that "a group of selves are imprisoned in a cage of language symbols."

The "number" of selves, or the number of layers, is too many. There are as many selves as there are vacancies.

However, this "self" may be more accurately described as "needs" and "desires".

But it’s just “more”.

The "new self" constructed by this language symbol does not really imprison the original self.

Still being affected by the body's "primary power".

The “search for correspondence” in cognitive structure continues.

Look for empty correspondences from language, symbols, and things observed from the outside world.

Because language systems replace cognitive structures, many people tend to confuse "biological sex" and "semiotic sex."

They all use "sex" as a description.

"Sex" at this level is not "gender" in the true sense.

It's just two targets for "motive force" and "vacancy correspondence".

This target uses "male and female gender" as a reference.

Depending on the self-perception, if a person calls himself a "male", then the "female" can be a lofty ideal, some kind of destructive behavior, or food.

This is from the perspective of occurrence.

"I want to be whole" "I want to fill the void".

"Be satisfied"

Whatever can make you "satisfied" is the "other half".

Another reference can be other labels of people.

Within the scope of the concept of "person", if you are a "man", then correspondingly, your vacancy is a "woman".

Within the scope of the concept of "biology", if you are "human", then the corresponding one is "non-human".

Within a certain "conceptual scope", cross himself out, and what is left is the "other half" he pursues.

In this process, all behaviors of "possession" can satisfy the corresponding pursuit brought by this driving force.

However, cognitive processes, self-identity and language concepts will have a greater influence than "eating food", "eating non-human beings", "possessing things other than humans" and other things that are still in the impulse stage.

If anything, possessiveness, desire to conquer, and desire to control can all be used as relatively one-sided descriptions.

“I don’t have it, so I need it”.

Yao Yan recalled and rummaged through the memory of this description of cognitive formation.

A theory of perspective that has some similarities with Lacan’s expression of Eros.

His eyes also fell on that eyeball.

In the process of the formation of the spiritual world, in what form will the influence of this cognitive construction construct "women"?

Is it using the women in memory as templates and replicas, or is it a creation that combines the imagination of "missing things" from the gaps in self-cognition?

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