Crow's Paradise

Chapter 289 Empty Shell

Yao Yan stood still, but at this moment, he had changed his posture.

The mask on his face has been replaced by a beak mask - although the "Corpse Poet" stage has not yet had the ability to change bones, the beak part of this beak mask is the bone bird he broke from the captain's skull. Obtained there.

The Death Clothes on his body had transformed into a shadow, swaying like flame, and an unstable form.

As he moved, the Death Clothes shook.

You can start to prepare to spread the deeds related to the image you have created, and prepare to use your rumor ability in the future.

However, there is currently no specific method to relieve ability suppression.

From a general logic point of view, by making yourself stronger, you should be able to "break through" suppression.

The way to become stronger in this world is to "find your own voice", which was also his previous judgment.

Generally speaking, there is nothing wrong with this logic.

However, there is a problem.

Where is the source of the power to suppress him?

The world itself?

No problem with that.

But how did this kind of oppression fall on him?

In a “law of nature” way?

Suppress all forms of power that are not of this world?

If this is the only point, then the logic of "the suppression can be lifted when one's own strength becomes stronger" may be established.

But if you look at it from the perspective of "rule level" and "law level", maybe the result will become -

No matter how strong one's own strength becomes, as long as one does not reach the level of rules, one cannot resist suppression.

To be more optimistic, it means that "no matter how strong your own strength becomes, some of it will be suppressed."

Another question is whether the "clothes of death" on him are a positive or a negative for him.

Positive direction: Recovering his "voice", the Death Clothes become stronger. As he advances according to this system, his power will be unlocked, and he can act in conjunction with the Death Clothes and his own original abilities.

Negative: Recovering his "voice", the Death Clothes become stronger. If he advances according to this system, his power will be "sealed" tighter, or even "out of control".

Supplementing the positive: His power cannot be unblocked, or even if it is unblocked, it will not have much effect. Recovering his "voice" can be used as a supplement to his power, and he can use this "local system" to find a breakthrough.

Supplementary negative: Finding his voice will intensify his seal, but he can use this "local system" to act.

These are the most basic and simple conjectures.

But he had to think more.

Because of the "pass".

According to Lao Jia's description, the principle of the pass is to take advantage of the "conflict" between the components of the world.

The "pass" itself was created by members of various forces using "star fragments", which are secondary abilities, through "Buzhou Mountain" after the end of the world.

"Buzhou Mountain" itself seems to be related to the concept of "passage". Some people even think that "Buzhou Mountain" itself is a spiritual concept world, and the main body is the concept of "passage".

The major forces stationed inside Buzhou Mountain use this method, in some way, to use "Buzhou Mountain" to create various passes and even fixed passages to control some spiritual and conceptual worlds.

However, there is a big problem.

That is, Buzhou Mountain is not that easy to use.

Lao Jia himself was related to Mr. "Almost" and used the resources left by Mr. "Almost" to create some "passes" through the gray area.

But that's all.

A world with a stable rule-level power structure exerts great pressure on external forces.

Pass, a means that can create a temporary "passage" in the world with the help of external forces, will itself be suppressed and rejected by the world.

The power of "Buzhou Mountain" itself may be able to fight against these worlds and create a passage to enter the world from the outside. However, it is difficult for people who are blocked inside to use the pass to leave.

Because, maybe even the "news" won't get out.

In layman's terms, the pass cannot send out a "signal" and cannot allow Buzhou Mountain to respond and use the power of Buzhou Mountain itself to open up the world.

It can be said that the pass is "invalid" in these repressive worlds.

If he wants to leave, he can only do so internally, triggering major events that can affect the underlying structure of the world.

He needs to be careful, otherwise, he may be trapped in this world forever.

But if you’re trapped, stay trapped.

What we want to pursue in history is [rumor], it is "Yao Yan", it is "he".

The conscious subjects of these three people, the thinking subjects who are performing the act of "thinking", do not have enough identification with these three people.

Being trapped will not cause any trouble to the subject of this thinking consciousness.

For this thinking subject, whether it is rationality or gratitude, all thinking activities involving memory and experience do not have enough feedback driving ability for him.

However, at his level, he itself is just an "existence" produced by "interaction of consciousness", a thing produced by memory, experience, and various interactions.

He is not the body, nor the "original owner" of "consciousness".

Consciousness itself is a structural product, a product of the interaction of various things such as memory, experience, and body.

It can be described as "process".

And he, "Yao Yan", is "thinking" about the described object, which is itself the product of memory, experience, and consciousness' reflection and templated counter-selection of their own formation and composition.

A "confirmed subject" was born by trying to strip away all kinds of related things and find the "core" consciousness activity.

In layman's terms, although not accurate enough, it is to find the "center of the solar system" in the "solar system".

Self-define a subject, define a "core", and then find a "core" according to this standard, and recognize this found thing as the core of the solar system.

As for him, the "confirmed subject", his own alienation from "memory" and "experience", in other words -

The core of the solar system itself has no concept of the "reference object", does not identify with it, and does not identify with itself.

I don't agree with various "concepts" either.

An "empty shell".

An empty shell with no concept and no content.

Because there is no content, no cognitive subject, and no connection path, there is no subjective understanding of various things.

Now, there's a glimmer of connection.

If the last link between this consciousness and "Yao Yan" and "him" is severed, then the behavioral subject of "Yao Yan" will lose the ability to consciously act and become an indifferent person. , a "stone statue" that cannot move.

However, for all this, no matter what "damage" it suffers, the "empty shell" itself does not care.

It is from this point of view——


Thoughts flashed by, Yao Yan took steps, and the shadows and flame-like swaying clothes of death led him into the distance.

First try to see if you can use other people's "voices" to "unlock" your own Death Clothes.

However, at this moment, a figure appeared in his field of vision.

It was a man dressed like a "pirate captain" in his lifetime, holding a gray-black weapon in the shape of a flintlock gun.

From the thick, dark, trumpet-shaped muzzle, an eyeball-like spirit emerged from it and cast its sights on Yao Yan.

Meeting the gaze of this eyeball, Yao Yan raised his head.

ps: The creation of the account was completed yesterday, and the book was also published, "Trainers Don't Want to Train".

You can read it if you have nothing to do. Well, don’t have any expectations. Everyone is familiar with me. My writing style is plain and simple. I won’t deliberately arrange any ups and downs in the plot.

And I can't guarantee whether I can finish the book or anything like that. Just use the idea of ​​​​"maybe a eunuch at any time" and lower your expectations, which is good for your physical and mental health.

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