Crow's Paradise

Chapter 284 Listen to your heart

The funeral song, the power that represents death brought about by the sound of the heart, makes the undead, who are like living creatures and flesh and blood, scream and howl.

This is like a monster combining a horse and a seahorse, a beast and a fish. Its body is constantly opening and closing amidst the roaring sound.

And the wriggling "flesh" formed by softened bones and scales is also gradually hardening.

Two hoarsely chirping bone birds raised their claws and directly tore open the scales around the eye sockets of the undead head.

Also like flesh and blood, a light green, liquid-like light cluster was revealed.

And at this moment, after the scales were torn open, the light ball was directly impacted by the funeral song of the heart.

In an instant, the light group shrank rapidly and even tended to be extinguished.

However, this monster would not be captured without restraint. At this moment, it roared, and the waves like water rippled, colliding with the heartbeat spreading from the bone bird.

However, it is obvious that Bone Bird is better.

In its empty eye sockets, the heterochromatic light gradually dispersed, as if it had fallen into confusion.

Click! ! !

At this moment, a bone bird suddenly stretched out its foot and stepped on the undead's eye socket.

The next moment, the bone bird penetrated into the eye socket of the undead, and then——

boom! ! !

Following the explosion-like impact, mournful sounds spread out, and bone fragments flew out from the bone bird's body, instantly exploding into the monster's skull, causing the scales to shatter and the bones to shatter.

The undead, who originally seemed to be dead, let out a shrill cry like a beast's cry at this moment, stretched out their hooves and claws, and rushed towards the sea. The extremely strong body was like a heavy chariot, easily crushing the strings of the ship. .

However, at this time, another attack from Captain Skull also arrived——

One bone bird continued to scream and play a funeral song, while the other bone bird pounced and directly penetrated the undead body whose skull cavity was torn.

boom! ! !

The explosion sounded again, and countless bone fragments penetrated the monster's flank, and many bone fragments and soft flesh and blood scales were scattered everywhere.

Along with this, there was the sound of the undead hitting the hull after losing his balance in the air.

After a slow movement that was visible to the naked eye, the bone bird that played the funeral song also penetrated into the body of the undead——

At this moment, the undead body stopped in the air.


boom! ! ! !

In the third explosion, the already severely damaged undead body was completely torn apart.

In the chest, the heart, which was surrounded by dense scale bones, was exploded this time.

The body of the undead fell on the water.

However, the "heart" that was exploded in the belly of the undead face up was slowly repairing at this time.

If the vitals are severely damaged, they will recover slowly.

An undead person who can be "resurrected" as long as he recovers completely.

However, it has no chance.

Once again, pieces of bone intertwined in the air, and a wisp of flame emerged out of thin air in the center of the bone piece.

A bone bird, a bone bird was created, and then it jumped towards the water.

boom! ! !

With another explosion, the ship's hull was shaken by the shock and water pushed up.

In Yao Yan's sight, another bone bird formed, and then

The impact of the explosion occurred twice more. After a total of seven rounds of explosions, Yao Yan waited until it was over.

It was also at this time that the captain's skull-cracking voice sounded:

"You can come out now."

Yao Yan paused slightly and walked out.

The rocking hull did not affect Yao Yan's steps. His eyes fell on the captain's skull standing near the string of the ship.

Following the other party's line of sight, he saw the monster that had been blown to pieces. The pieces were picked up by bone birds and brought back to the ship.

Black Arms and Black Wrists also came closer.

Looking at the debris on the ship, the black arm suddenly asked:

"Created using the undead"

"Puppets made using the undead will indeed be stronger."

The cracks on the mask, together with the flame-like blue light deep in the eye sockets, followed the movement of the skull turning its head, towards the black arm:

"Do you want to?"

Black Arm took a step back and remained silent, saying nothing.

However, Yao Yan noticed that the other party tilted his head slightly in his direction, but quickly stopped.

Although he didn't do anything, there was no doubt that there was already a grudge between the two.

Yao Yan ignored it.

He stared at the "corpse" of the undead.

The fragments of the undead corpse were hardening and turning into bone fragments.

Under Captain Skull's operation, these bone fragments formed new bone birds.

Three bone birds reappeared in sight.

At this time, less than half of the corpse was left.

The captain split his skull and recreated the remaining corpses, creating a human-like puppet, and then looked at Yao Yan:

"Black Eyes, I'll leave the rest to you."

Apparently he asked Yao Yan to make this corpse into his own puppet.

Yao Yan had no intention of refusing because of humility. He just glanced at the puppet and said:

"It consumes a lot."

This sentence made the captain look at him with split skull, and then he thought for a moment before responding:

"It will indeed consume a lot, but the undead can give you better protection."

Yao Yan glanced at him and said bluntly:

"Why do you value me? Because during your lifetime?"

Although I didn’t expect him to be so straightforward, Captain Splitskull didn’t hide it:

"Yes, I have never heard of a deceased person with your background in life."

He did not suspect that Yao Yan was lying, and his thoughts were pure.

The dead of the bird branch can tell whether what a person says is true or false.

He didn't feel false in the other person's emotional excitement.

Otherwise, the other party did not lie.

Otherwise, the other person told a lie and he couldn't identify it.

And if a first-level deceased person can hide from the listeners of him as a third-level death bird, then this is enough to prove his value.

If it is not fake, if this background is real, it has value just because of its rarity.

In comparison, he hoped that the other party had lied, but there was no such possibility.

Of course, more importantly

Black Arm is no longer worth cultivating, so he needs to be cultivated.

If the other party mistakenly thinks that it is his background that caused his attention, then he will be very willing to continue to maintain this misunderstanding.

However, the fact that the other party asked this also meant one thing.

If Black Eyes did not lie, then Black Eyes may be doubting him and the background of Black Arms and Black Wrists.

The dead from different eras.

Sometimes, the further time goes by, the easier it is to question reality.

What kind of "afterlife" is this afterlife really, rather than some "prank" or "conspiracy"?

As a modern person, although he can accept it quickly, it does not mean that he will not doubt it.

While he accepted the reality, he continued to doubt it for a long time.

ps: For everyone’s concern, my body has recovered. Apart from the cold, my body is much better than before.

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