Crow's Paradise

Chapter 279 The dead of different eras

After the story of the Captain's split skull, it was soon his turn to tell the story.

Yao Yan did not describe anything about himself. Although he cannot use the ability of rumors now, he can still try to spread the story in advance.

He only asked one question:

"It seems that you were not in the same era when you were alive, right? Are you in the same region? Why can you communicate with each other? Do you know the iconic things of your era? For example, energy or transportation?"

"Also, in the world you were alive, did you have the ability you have now? You can control or influence the bones."

These questions caused the three of them to fall into a brief silence.

Captain Splitskull responded:

"Although I can't determine the specific year of my lifetime yet, there was electricity, oil, transportation, cars, trains and airplanes. Magical abilities like the afterlife only appear in virtual works such as games and movies. "

Black Wrist scratched his head:

"I don't know the specific year. When it comes to transportation, do you mean boats, horse-drawn carriages and ox-carts? What do you mean by energy? I haven't seen the capabilities here. Maybe there are. Those who were burned to death should have them?"

After hearing his question, Captain Splitskull added:

"What kind of lighting do you have at night, other than candles and torches?"

Black Wrist thought for a moment and asked with some confusion:

"What other light can there be than candles and torches?"

"Oil lamp?" The speaker was Black Arm, who also sounded doubtful.

"In addition to carriages, there are also boats and hot air balloons?"

Black Arm's tone seemed uncertain.

Afterwards, Captain Splithead asked the question several times while Yao Yan listened and roughly determined the era the three of them lived in.

If we look at the memory of the world during Yao Yan's lifetime, Captain Split Head should be a person from the 21st century, and the country he is located in is a cold zone country, and if it is correct, it should be the Soviet Union or Russia.

Yao Yan did not use the region of his lifetime as a standard. He had already experienced several worlds, and it seemed that there were not many "modern" countries like the Sunstone World in the trial space.

I can only say that it is closer to the Soviet Union or Russia.

It is difficult to judge the era of Black Wrist, but it was a country near the sea, a backward and chaotic war-torn zone.

When asking about weapons such as "firearms", the other party's answer was that they had never heard of it. When asking about other energy sources and transportation methods, there was no result.

After asking about the clothing style in detail, including the clothing styles around him and the most expensive and exquisite clothing he had ever seen as signs of inquiry, the result could only be roughly defined within the broad range of the Middle Ages.

As for the black arm, if you ask the same question, the result will be in the range from the 18th to the 19th century.

But he doesn't seem to know anything about electricity or steam engines, so it can't be ruled out that it's a world with a different technological path like the Sunstone world.

The era during his lifetime was also full of war, and was the boundary between peace and war. The war destroyed peace and pushed the upsurge of humanistic thought discussions into the fire.

The forces in his area should be warlords, and it seems that because of this, he has a different kind of hatred.

Moreover, Yao Yan discovered something.

Captain Splitskull's description of the things in his memory was far clearer than the other two.

The memories of Black Wrist and Black Arm were so blurred that they lost too many details.

In this case, faced with the captain’s skull-cracking inquiry, his answer was:

"I don't remember it clearly, but I was probably surrounded and killed by hostile forces."

"In order to kill me, they seem to be willing to use several cities as bait to destroy me and these cities together?"

"I persisted for a while, resisted for a while, and watched my flesh and blood being burned away and turned into bones, and then even the bones disappeared together."

"I know I'm 'special', but I'm not sure what makes me special?"

He used vague words to describe how he seemed to be able to withstand powerful damage, and how he died after watching his own flesh and blood burn away.

After his answer, the three people looked at him differently.

Moreover, Split Skull also asked several questions:

"Do you know about electricity?"

"Do you have any flying vehicles over there?"

"What do your weapons look like?"

Yao Yan also used "fantasy" and "science fiction" as templates to respond with ambiguous sentences:

"Release lightning? There should be some."

"There are also flying vehicles. After I was killed and turned into a skeleton, there were many people flying in the sky on some disk-shaped things and came to search nearby."

"The weapon, well, it's just a stick. Is there an opening at the front? It doesn't seem to be. I can't remember clearly."

Although the three of them had no eyes to speak of, Yao Yan could imagine what their eyes would look like.

The scenes and vague features he described can be mapped to science fiction or fantasy.

After that, Splitskull repeatedly asked him whether he existed, using various means of transportation and things that should be described as televisions and computers as references, and he only responded with vague characteristics.

It sounds like it could be considered holographic technology, an audio-visual tool like projection, or it could be fantasy.

Yaoyan did not describe it with the characteristic of determination.

Moreover, even if it is later determined that this world does not have any "extraordinary" abilities in the living world, he can still use "virtual reality games" as an explanation.

After his answer, Captain Splitskull fell into a brief silence.

However, Yao Yan did not continue on this topic. He used a bone plate to make himself a mask——

A crow's mouth mask is different from the three masks.

And at this moment, Captain Split Skull suddenly said:

"The memory will gradually become clearer as you recover more voices. When you find your own name, you will even be able to remember your own appearance, and then reshape your spirit body into the way you were during your lifetime."

Hearing these words, Black Wrist and Black Arm didn't seem to have much reaction, as if they had known about it for a long time, and Yao Yan just nodded and expressed his gratitude.

Afterwards, Captain Split Skull seemed to be interested in what these people had experienced, and began to take the initiative to ask them about what they had experienced during this long journey, as well as some stories they knew.

However, soon, the bone ship was attacked by another wave of living dead.

In the process of fighting against the living dead, something happened to Yao Yan.

After he used his ability, after using the ability of the Backfire Crow, the black robe on his body also changed, turning into dark red, and the overall shape changed in the direction of the outline of the crow.

After a brief silence, he used the core ability he could still use to adjust his appearance back to shadow-like black.

Now, it's better not to have a special place.

ps: Can you go home during the Chinese New Year?

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