Crow's Paradise

Chapter 275 Trigger

Split Skull roughly told some news about Sanhai.

Yao Yan also roughly understood the differences between the dead in Sanhai through his words.

Looking at the corpses, he asked aloud:

"These are the 'living dead'?"


Splitskull controls the bone bird to grab a skeleton:

"Some people also call them 'floating corpses'."

"Generally speaking, if the voice of the heart is destroyed by others, the Clothes of Death will fragment, dissipate, and disintegrate."

"But if you destroy your own voice and refuse to accept your own voice, then..."

"After they destroy their voices and become confused, their Death Clothes will 'corrode' and then merge into the torsos of these bones."

His eyes fell on the damaged "hearts".

"After a period of time, the bones in the chest and abdomen of these white bones will condense into an organ similar to a 'heart'."

Having said this, he glanced at the black arm and wrist on the side, and motioned the two of them to focus on the hearts that had been penetrated and destroyed.

After the two of them brought the heart to him, he continued:

"When these 'hearts' are condensed, these bones will become like wild beasts, actively looking for diseases and hunting down the dead who still have their voices heard."

"Their bodies will also become 'alive'."


Yao Yan thought of how their bones were as soft as flesh and blood when their hearts were not damaged.

But now, after "death", their bones will become hard and return to their original state.

"However, as long as these 'hearts' are broken, they will lose their last voice due to contact with seawater."

Hearing his words, Yao Yan just nodded in response.

Immediately, Yao Yan asked the last question:

"Has the problem been solved?"

"not yet."

Splitskull knew what he was asking.

Turning his attention to the damaged half of the hull that might sink slowly due to water intrusion at any time, Split Skull began to use his abilities against the scaly monsters.

One corpse stood up, the bones peeled off, and they were assembled under the operation of skull splitting.

Later, he canceled the control——

Repeating back and forth, the bodies of one scaly monster after another were assembled into a shape similar to the body of a bird.

Moreover, he also controlled the bone bird to start destroying the hull and dismantling the parts that were not in direct contact with the sea water.

In this way, Yao Yan and others watched the split skull create a bone ship.

Compared with the original bone ship, this bone ship is much larger, but it can also accommodate about ten people.

After checking the tightness, Splitskull boarded the ship and beckoned the three of them to follow.

Yao Yan showed no resistance and followed Black Wrist Black Arm directly onto the boat.

On the boundless black sea, in the sea skeleton ship where nothing else could be seen in the sea fog, the four people started talking.

Compared with Yao Yan, the thinking and habits of the three are closer to ordinary humans.

Even without flesh and blood, we can still have various desires, feel lonely, and long for communication.

Yao Yan confirmed this information.

"It's strange to say that I don't know my own name, but I can remember something about the world before my death."

The "Scavenger" gangster, who has an obviously cheerful personality, had obvious doubts in his tone when talking about this.

"So how did you die?"

After Hei Zhi glanced at Hai Wu, he turned his attention back to Hei Zhi.

Black Wrist thought and recalled for a moment, then beat his hands. Amidst the sound of bones being knocked, he said:

"Should he be killed? I seem to be involved in some kind of war."


"Yes, it seems to be because of famine. Then, foreign enemies broke in to kill and plunder, and then I became a robber?"

Black Wrist's tone was a little uncertain, and it seemed that his memory was not clear enough.

He thought for a moment and recounted what he remembered:

"The war lasted for a long time. I went around as a bandit and looted with others, and then I was killed."

"Well, the robber deserves to die."

The black-armed man was quite calm about whether he should die or not.

Then, he suddenly remembered something:

"Speaking of which, it seems that many of those foreign enemies are some kind of artists. They can perform concerts, paintings, and various performances. If I remember correctly, the country of these people is famous for its art. What are they called?"

He looked thoughtful.

But after hearing this, Hei Arm sat up straight:

"What are the foreign enemies? Foreign enemies are just the trigger. The reason why you become a robber is due to social reasons. You are the victim."

As he spoke, he asked again:

"In that war, were there many bandits like you?"

Black Wrist was a little confused, but after thinking for a moment, he responded:

"Quite a lot."

"Then it's over. It must be due to social reasons. The culprit is your society."

Hearing this, Yao Yan glanced at him.

What a classic routine.

He recalled Black Arm's reaction before.

I see.

At this moment, Split Skull said:

"What 'certainty' and 'culprit' have come out?"

He didn't even look at Black Arm or Black Wrist:

"Black Wrist, do you remember clearly what happened?"


"Do you remember your own, or do you also remember other people's?"

"Of course I remember my own, and I also remember some of others'."

"Some? Which ones?"

"I" Black Wrist hesitated, obviously, he didn't know what exactly he remembered.

But Yao Yan said nothing.

In theory, all major events can be attributed to social causes.

Terms like "trigger" often appear.

However, there is a big problem.

If this fuse had not been clicked, would this big incident have happened?

Many people like to use terms such as "root cause" and "direct cause".

Then start to analyze what will happen to a thing and what are the underlying reasons.

However, why do many people tend to ignore whether this incident would have happened if the fuse had not been lit?

Just use his death as a blueprint.

The direct cause of his death was probably sudden death caused by cardiac arrest.

Then, many people will start to analyze that he was affected by radiation, genetic collapse, tissue necrosis, organ failure, etc., thinking that these are the root causes.

Then, the cause will be attributed to this.

Based on this, a case was modified.

If he was pushed to the ground by someone, someone overturned the bed, and died suddenly after falling to the ground.

Some people will still follow the above process and analyze a "root cause".

So, here comes the problem.

If he hadn't been pushed to the ground, when would he have died suddenly?


Without this push, would he have died?

People like to simplify.

Once the focus is "identified" and the focus is on the "root cause", the "direct cause" will be ignored and weakened.


Direct causes will also start to be linked to root causes -

His body was weak, and his respiratory failure after being pushed was also a subsequent effect of his own weak body. His "direct cause of death" was respiratory failure.

Then, when the gaze and perspective are focused on the inside of the body, the person who pushed him will be ignored intentionally or unintentionally.

Then, rumors started.

"The cause of sudden death is radiation"

In just two steps, a rumor was born and the direct culprit was created.

ps: The concept corresponding to this story has several versions of ability design. It is difficult to choose. I don’t know which one to choose.

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