Crow's Paradise

Chapter 270 The World of the Dead

Where the stars and the water meet, a strange giant crow is flapping its wings.

The body of the giant crow is generally hazy black.

On the top of the giant crow's head, there is a sharp metal horn that resembles a sheep's horn.

Gray and black mechanical horns.

To be precise, it is a gray-black metal armor with gears and other metal transmission structures everywhere.

From the cracks in the armor, you can see dark red flames burning inside.

A dark red fire crow wore mechanical armor.

Shadows and shadow-like flames swayed under the armor, and the gears on the surface were also turning, as if the flames were the source of power for the armor.

On the face of the giant crow, there is a beak mask that looks like it is made of clay.

The ink-like paint carved strange lines on the beak mask.

The eye sockets of the beak mask also seem to be the outline of a bird.

Through the outline of the bird, what can be seen is that the inside of the giant crow's body seems to be hollow.

Different from what was seen from the gap in the armor, there was not a dark red flame inside, but a one-eyed light crow.

Moreover, under the claws of the light crow, metal chains like chains were connected together, fixing a black paper like book pages at its feet.

A different image appears when viewed from the outside and through the mask's bird-like eye sockets.

However, at this moment, Yao Yan's gaze fell on the words in front of him:

[This is the world of the dead]

[Different people have different ideas about death]

[The voice from the heart will tell them where to go. 】

[Some people think that the world after death is the beginning of another period of suffering. They want to disappear completely. They try to destroy these voices from the bottom of their hearts, but this makes them go crazy. 】

[Some people believe that the world after death is a punishment for life. The voice from the bottom of the heart is the source of sin. Keep silent and resist the voice of your heart.]

[Some people pursue the world before their death and want to return to the place where all the good things come from. The voice of their hearts becomes their guide for return and the songs on their endless wandering journey. 】

[So, what do you think? 】

As his eyes followed the lines of text, Yao Yan's eyes finally landed on a map.

The map is weird.

To be precise, this map is more like a nautical chart, but this chart is dark.

The chart is clearly divided into three parts.

One piece is black, one piece is gray, and one piece is gray and black intertwined, distributed in an approximate triangular position.

Black is on top, gray is on the lower left, and gray and black are intertwined on the lower right.

At the junction of the three patterns, there are fragments of small block patterns, and countless fragmentary small patterns are distributed in strips.

He checked carefully, and after memorizing the scene on the screen, he headed towards the map.

A sense of addiction.

The feeling of sinking into water enveloped Yao Yan.

A different feeling than before emerged.

It was as if something was suppressing his power and ability.

He couldn't even feel the presence of his own power.

However, soon, his consciousness also fell into hazy silence.

In the dividing line between gray and black oceans, a gray-white island stands quietly on the sea.

On the island, dilapidated gray-white or gray-black buildings also stand quietly on them.

However, the people walking on the streets surrounded by these weird and dilapidated buildings are not human beings.

It was a pile of white bones.

Strange bones.

The shapes vary, but they are generally human-shaped.

And within the bodies of these bones, and within their skulls, there is a gray-white strange energy that exudes a faint light.

As for calling it a corpse or a skeleton, it doesn't make much sense.

At least, it doesn't make much sense to these ignorant guys.

Figures wearing strange robes, but whose gray bones could clearly be seen, were scanning the unexplained group of bones.

And, from their mouths, a voice came out:

"There are no good seeds."

The one who spoke was a trio standing on a low one-story gray building:

"Are there really any good seeds among these bones that can't even hear their inner voices and can't even realize their 'self'? Although our ship in the Black Sea says that as long as they are willing to find the 'door', they are allowed to board, but You won’t let the bones that can’t communicate come on board, right?”

On the left, a man in black robe said.

"However, our ship has been damaged like this. If we want to set off again, we must find some people to collect materials together. We can't dismantle these bones and make ships, right?"

The man in black robe on the right responded, with gray bones exposed under the black robe blown by the wind.

After hearing this, the man in black robe on the left replied:

"It's not impossible. Let's start with yours. If you fall from the stage of 'Tidecaller' back to 'Scavenger', you might turn into bones next time you go to sea~"

However, upon hearing these words, the man in black robe on the right became a little angry:

"Isn't it because of you!? Even though I have been in the stage of 'Dead Soul Player' for so many years, I still can't control the scope of influence. It has also affected me!"

"That's because you can't defend yourself well. How can I control the range? What can I do if the sound gets out?"

"Still quibbling!"

Amidst the crackling sounds of bones opening and closing, the two argued.

However, at this moment, the man in black robe in the middle whispered:

"Stop, don't waste time, find a few potential White Bones and Black Arms, wait until you enter the stage of the Dead Soul Player, and directly catalyze them."


The man in black robe on the left, who was called Black Arm, exclaimed:

"But the 'Dead Soul Player' plays and expresses his own voice, and uses his own voice to influence others. Although the bones awakened in this way can become 'people', they can't go up and can only do hard work. Ah, Mr. Splitskull."

"Human" is what they call the bones that can hear their own voices and find themselves again.

Although they have not been resurrected yet, one day they will return to their previous world and become human beings.

After hearing these words, the man in black robe "Split Skull" in the middle just responded:

"If you pity those bones, you don't have to."

“Whether it’s the Gray Sea, the Black Sea or the Dirty Sea, there are all kinds of sounds floating in the sea all year round.”

"Compared to the influence of the soul players' voices, the noise floating on the sea is more likely to affect them, but the noise on the sea will only appear periodically."

He looked towards the direction where the most bones were gathered on the island:

"If they can't even recognize your voice and their own, it means they never had the chance to awaken in the first place."

"You were all washed ashore from the sea just after the last Wailing Tide. Look at the middle of the island."

"There are bones there from the last time or even the last time, the last time the tide of mourning came ashore."

"Because they can't tell whether the voice comes from themselves or from one of the wailing waves, their self-awareness collapses and turns into bones again."

ps: It’s okay, I’m very open-minded, so you don’t need to take it too seriously.

Otherwise, you see, I am just a pigeon, and I am already heartless, haha.

My current goal in life is to eat well, drink well and travel well.

I no longer work and my health is well managed. It is better for you to take care of your own health first than me.

Speaking of which, I wanted to write about this world a long time ago. Night Crow and Silver Crow were split into several parts, and now I finally have the opportunity to write it more completely.

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