Crow's Paradise

Chapter 261 Demon Queen

Although Yao Yan realized that there were some problems with the development of the matter, it was impossible for Yao Yan to let the situation continue.

Majin City has begun mass production of the "perfect" model of Majin Queen. If this battle is suspended, it will be difficult to control the development of Majin City in the future.

The rebels cannot be completely eliminated before the arrival of the Dragon Legion.

Yao Yan chose to take action.

Among the war teams, the battle between the demons continued.

The most eye-catching thing is the strange "humanoid" creatures.

To be precise, only the "upper body" humanoid.

According to Yao Yan's memory, these demon queens are relatively close to "spider elves" in shape.

The lower body is as huge as a spider, with limbs full of joints supporting the ground.

And her upper body is somewhat similar to humans.

Well, 30% similarity is also similarity.

The three pairs of arms on the upper body of the Demon Queen were swaying, and the carapace covering the arms spread out like wings, forming a shield to block the attack of a Demon in front.

Demons who tried to attack from behind, from the side, from above, or from below were also blocked by the hard horny carapace stretched out from different places.

If it only covers the body surface of the limbs, these carapace only have one layer.

But as a movable carapace that can be opened like insect wings, it forms multiple layers of defense.

Although the cost is that the position of the active carapace will lose defense,

The limbs on the Demon Queen's body are excessive.

In normal times, when the Demon Queen moves, these excess joints can provide the Demon Queen with extra movement speed. However, during battle, even if these limbs are folded and overlapped, they will not increase the Demon Queen's movement. What a drop in speed.

However, because of the movable and superimposed carapace, she gained additional defense and attack power.

Yes, the edges of the carapace of the class activities are very sharp, and after being superimposed and combined together, they become weapons.

In front of the lower body of a Demon Queen, on the pairs of jointed limbs closest to the upper body, the carapace opens. As the jointed limbs move closer to the arms, they overlap on the three arms, forming sharp protrusions like knight's spears.

With the rapid flapping of the wings on the back of the Demon Queen, a trace was swept out, piercing the bodies of several Demons.

And the exoskeleton wings that can be movable and closed opened at this moment, splitting the demon impaled on the arm from the inside——

Then, the disintegrated demon fell from the Queen's spear arm.

An efficient individual combat machine.

Yao Yan came to this conclusion.

There was nothing "perfect" about the creatures that appeared during his lifetime.

Because of the "efficiency" mechanism of organisms, in the competition for resources in nature, the vast majority of organisms are eliminated. The result is "using the least resources to create a body structure that is more suitable for this environment."

In the natural environment, there is certainly a diminishing marginal effect when improving a certain function.

After improving to a certain level, if you want to improve again, you will have to spend far more resources and nutrients than before.

Therefore, most organisms stop at this stage.

But demons are different. A certain function requires a particularly large amount of resources? Diminishing marginal effects?

That is something that the devil society as a whole needs to consider.

For the Majin Queens who are built with the goal of "perfection", she does not need to consider the waste of resources.

Even if it takes resources to create a queen, it is worth it if the queen's functions can be improved.

The Demon Queen created under this trend has excellent functions that lower-level demons cannot match.

One Demon Queen can easily tear apart a team of more than twenty Demons.

If it is a human society, it is possible for humans to use strategies to use one enemy's attack to offset another enemy's attack when faced with an attack, and to use one enemy as a human shield to create a blind spot to eliminate the attacks of several people.

As for hard resistance?

There is no way one person can resist the attacks of twenty people at the same time.

However, such things do happen.

Possessing a physical quality that far exceeds that of lower-level demons, as well as a complex structure that lower-level demons do not possess, the Demon Queen has exerted terrifying lethality.

However, at this moment, Yao Yan participated in the battle.

A rebel demon that was spewing poison on a large scale at the enemy suddenly turned and attacked a demon queen that had impaled itself nearby——

A highly corrosive liquid was sprayed out mixed with a strange white outline.

Facing the attack, the Demon Queen skillfully opened her side carapace and stacked it into multiple layers of shields.

The highly corrosive liquid penetrated the first shield, but after corroding the second shield, it was thrown away with the movement of the limbs and fell on the other rebels, corroding their flesh and blood. .

However, the strange thing is that on her shield, there is a strange white spot that cannot be shaken off at all.

Moreover, on top of this white spot, there is also black like a shadow, with blurred outlines, like a pair of black marks like eyes.

However, the Demon Queen did not notice this abnormal situation. The compound wings on her back that were like insect wings and bird wings flapped rapidly, and her whole body rushed towards the attacking rebel Demon like an arrow.

However, as she continued flying, she suddenly found that she was suddenly tired and her judgment declined.

After a moment of distraction, she suddenly discovered that the demon did not make any dodge action, but opened its mouth, and various organs on its body that were used to spit or inject corrosive liquids were simultaneously raised towards her. Spit again.

Mixed with the white liquid corrosive substance, there is also a little black color.

Moreover, these corrosive colors have clear dividing lines.

White, black, white, black, white, black

Facing this strange corrosive substance, the Demon Queen quickly opened her shell shield.

But, this time——

The white corrosive substance at the front penetrated the first layer of shell shield, and then fell on the second layer of shell shield. However, the next moment, when the black corrosive substance fell on it, the white corrosive substance with strange shadow marks appeared. The corrosive substance disappeared instantly, as if it had been bitten by something, leaving only irregular edge cracks.

The defense of the second shell shield collapsed instantly.

And the same thing continued to happen, the third shell shield was corroded, the fourth shell shield suddenly disappeared, leaving a gap like a beast biting, the fifth shell shield was corroded, and the sixth shell shield disappeared.


Fuzzy outlines like shadows and eyes were already densely covered on the Demon Queen's body.

As if she was in a trance, the Demon Queen's vision was empty.

If anyone looks carefully, they will find it.

The demon queen's spirit has been occupied and corrupted by shadow-like things.

Yao Yan was not surprised by this, after all, this was a characteristic obtained by [Rumor] at the effect level.

ps: fgo, Guild Wars 2, Genshin Impact, Kangong.

Mobile games and online games are exempt. I probably won’t be able to keep up with the ones that are continuously updated. I want to play games that have a more complete process.

Well, how can I put it, it would be better if it is a business simulation or chess game.

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