Crow's Paradise

Chapter 252 The Vanishing Crown

In this case, "Tiller's memory and consciousness" actually have the function of substances that can regulate gene expression in epigenetics.

Then, through her conscious tendencies, these controls on gene expression have essentially been inherited.

Not only Tiller herself, but also the young dragons will inherit her choice.

The acquired inheritance of "use it or lose it", this eliminated hypothesis, survives in another form.

In the real world, "use it or lose it" itself is a very problematic hypothesis. Even if epigenetics provides some support for it, it does not mean that it is right.

However, there are always people who use wrong reasons to refute a wrong point of view, and use "this point of view is wrong", so "my reason is right" to prove that their reasons are correct.

For example, the "use it or lose it" approach of epigenetics is actually a kind of predisposition inheritance.

But after some people hear it, they will make this presupposition:

The second generation will completely inherit the value of the first generation, and then add points on the basis of the first generation.

If the second generation does not exceed the value of the first generation, then it is "proven" that there is "no effect".

It should be said that one generation has a tendency to train for strength growth under various influences, and then the second or third generation, or even later generations, will inherit this tendency, causing the body to develop toward strength growth.

Can a child born to a pair of fitness trainers achieve the physical strength of their parents?

What is the inheritance mindset?

However, in the real world, it is not possible in the main world that Yao Yan is familiar with, but it is possible in this world.

This world has its own rules.

However, since then, it can also be seen that the spiritual source that formed the worldview of this world is not a professional.

But it needs to be qualified. If the environment he lived in was the era of Yao Yan's lifetime, it would only be true if it was the reality that Yao Yan was familiar with.

If the originator of this worldview lives in an "abnormal" world, then another discussion is needed.

Concrete analysis of specific problems is the basic principle. It is not a good habit to always be lazy, try to use some rules to generalize, and want to simplify everything.

The same is true in the primitive religious period. When they could not understand food, reproduction, life and death, ancestors, nature, fear, and various phenomena, they omitted the process of inquiry and replaced their illusions and imaginations with conjectures. What comes out is regarded as the answer.

From this kind of thing that involves reality but is not reality, the belief and worship of various supernatural things developed.

Through collective strength and simple tools, we interact and struggle with the natural environment, know ourselves, and know that there is a certain connection between our group activities and natural phenomena; on the other hand, we are under heavy oppression from nature and have a negative impact on nature. The variety and variety cannot be understood correctly. As a result, fear and hope were intertwined, making distorted and inverted reflections of many natural phenomena, deifying natural phenomena, and primitive religion emerged.

fifteen years.

In Yao Yan's constant attempts at various genetic templates, in his gradual control of the humans in the paradise, in his actions of integrating various manuscripts left over from the past, time passed.

In order to trace the traces of paradise, the dragon's territory has expanded to a large area.

The original land of the dragons, the city of dragons, has been abandoned and became the jurisdiction of the demon city.

In the dragons' new royal city, a ceremony is being held.

This is the ceremony of transferring the Crown of Paradise.

On top of the throne, a giant dragon curled up on it.

Although it's called a "throne," it's not a stepped chair with an up-and-down step, but a round, oval shape that can allow a giant dragon to curl up in it.

Lige, whose eyes were cloudy, stared blankly as two teams of dragon guards surrounded a giant dragon, walking towards her on the wide staircase.

The divine light that represented wisdom and knowledge in her eyes had completely disappeared.

There were many things that she could not remember clearly.

However, she still remembered this ceremony.

Want to give this flower to another dragon?

She looked at the Crown of Paradise she held up with the tips of her wings in confusion and confusion.

Her already somewhat confused thoughts made her whisper:

"This is the crown of paradise! It is the crown given to us by the ancestral dragon. It will guide us back to paradise!"

god? What is it? What is a crown?

Tiller was a little confused.

She didn't know what she was talking about.

But that's what she wanted to say.

Because that's what the flower told her.

So, she wants to tell the other dragons what Hua told her?

I don’t know what’s going on, but what it says is right.

Tiller could feel that it was very kind and had a familiar taste.

The voice gradually rises in pitch and volume.

Her voice gradually became louder.

The dragons also became excited.

However, the moment they got closer, they stopped again.

It's not just the actions that the guards prevent.

Also, they saw that strange flower, the "Crown of Paradise", actually "growing".

The strange plant that looks like a thorn is spreading its branches outwards.

This is a scene that the dragons have never seen before.

They wanted to get closer and observe, but they were worried about any interference they might cause.

In other words, this strange crown worn on the head of each ancestor dragon has formed a special meaning.

It has become a symbol of the "Ancestral Dragon".

It has become a symbol of "recognition by the queen" and "recognition by the dragons".

Every city needs an ancestral dragon to garrison it.

To become the ancestral dragon garrisoning the city, you need to wear that crown.

Performing this process again and again, again and again, and gradually improving the ritual makes the concept of this concept become sacred even faster.

And in this process, as the queen who handed over the crown of paradise every time, she also received far more attention than before.

The dragons were all prostrate, looking up at the sacred crown lifted by the queen's wings.

Among all the dragons, Hilde was also delighted and delighted by this scene.

In her eyes, the thorny branches seemed to be carrying something.

However, at this moment, she noticed something.

At the top of the palace, a huge figure holding a crown with its wings stopped moving at some point.



She immediately raised her body from the prone position and rushed towards the throne.

Hilde came to the queen's side while all the dragons looked at her in confusion or confusion.

"Protect it paradise"

A faint voice fell.

Tiller, the dragon queen, passed away.

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