Crow's Paradise

Chapter 249 Lijire people...white knight?

Chapter 249 The Ligil White Knight?

Similar to the draconians, the Ligilians are gradually losing their humanoid form.

However, although the direction Yao Yan chose for them was not humanoid, it was not a giant or flying dragon either.

However, in the general understanding of most people.

There are mainly three types of things that can fly.




Yaoyan gave it to the people of Lijire to choose.

The reason is also because the reproduction of Lijire people comes from the source of "nest parasitism".

Human beings habitually classify things, and in unconscious behaviors, group things that have certain "common belongings" together.

When you see feathers, you will think in the direction of a bird, forming a preset of "bird".

Then when you see the claws, you will default to thinking they are the claws of a bird.

The phenomenon of nest parasitism of birds and the parasitism of insects are used.

Yaoyan mixed them.

In the minds of ordinary people, when insects are mentioned, characteristics such as rapid reproduction and small size often emerge.

So, in this world, will creatures with insect characteristics get a bonus to their reproduction speed?

Moreover, compared to other organisms, the characteristics of "metamorphosis" are often closely matched.

The birthplace of the Ligil people.

A group of strange creatures are watching from a distance.

Their bodies are wrapped in strange white exoskeletons.

And under their gaze, a humanoid Ligir creature looked like a "corpse", its body was cracking.

And from her body, a strange-looking creature emerged.

The original Lijire people were not very different from human bodies.

However, now, the Ligil people at this stage have become another kind of creature.

From the perspective of humans in Yaoyan's lifetime, seeing such a monster would definitely frighten them.

However, the Ligil people would not.

Their genes do not contain the vigilance and attention they have paid to countless types of insects for countless years and times.

Even in Yao Yan's newly constructed genetic template, the Ligil people will even have an extra favorable impression of creatures with exoskeleton structures.

Based on the sequence of the genetic templates of the Paradise Human Stalkers → Demonic Enemies → Executioners, Yao Yan created a new genetic template for this group of Ligil people.

From an ordinary person's perspective, metamorphosis can be roughly divided into complete metamorphosis and incomplete metamorphosis.

In order to construct class, Yao Yan of course chose a completely abnormal model.

There are large morphological differences between developmental processes.

The egg is where the separation between the Ligil people and the humans in Paradise begins.

Ligil people reproduce by laying eggs.

Large in quantity and growing rapidly.

Yao Yan had already experimented with the strategy of quick life and quick death on dragons and giant dragons, and had gained experience.

In order to hunt humans and demons, Yao Yan chose a strategy.


As the leader, the Ligil will replace the eggs of other Ligil in his team with his own eggs in a manner similar to nest parasitism.

The eggs they give birth to live a parasitic life, have certain mobility, and will actively hunt down demons and humans.

They will give priority to humanoid creatures such as demons and paradise humans as hosts to replace their brain tissue.

If there is no suitable host, they will resort to other animals.

These Ligilites in the larval stage, no, should they be called Ligil Wormmen?

These Ligilworms will eat the human or demon whole and then begin to pupate.

The second stage is based on the "Demon Enemy".

However, the second stage, the "chrysalis stage" of the Ligil insect-men will not lose their ability to move.

It was like they were wearing a layer of armor.

The whole body is covered with an insect-like exoskeleton and moves in various postures.

If the host is a human, their exoskeleton looks like a human knight wearing armor.

If the boarding target is a deer or other four-legged animal, the shape is approximated and the body is covered with an exoskeleton.

The pupa shape is selected according to different hosts.

In this way, after they wipe out the demons and humans in Paradise, they will automatically lose their human form.

The third stage is the emergence of pupae and adults.

The form Yao Yan designed for them is highly similar to stick insects.

This is a form that can hide and develop in most host beetle pupae.

After all, most hosts have supports like bones.

At the same time, Yao Yan also designed the instinct to collect words by referring to the genetic template of dragons and giant dragons.

The instinct to relate is to "build a nest."

Driven by the desire for safety and the desire to protect their offspring, they are driven to look for places with various "complex patterns" to reproduce and lay their eggs in the corresponding areas.

One is that it will be easier to find human gathering places, and the other is that if the larvae of the Ligil insectoid are found somewhere, then there will be written remains in that place.

This is another way Yaoyan can find words.

In the first stage, their search and tracking capabilities improve.

In the second stage, protection and combat capabilities are improved.

In the third stage, movement speed increases and reproductive ability increases.

For the sake of simplicity, Yao Yan gave the Ligil insectoid a corresponding codename——

Parasitic insect → Public enemy of mankind → Chief insect

Of course, if you like to add some fancy-looking professional title, you can also use:

Puppet Master→White Knight→Swift Hunter

In order to achieve the desired effect of Yao Yan, Yao Yan gave them a special hormone.

A "craving to develop" hormone, a hormone modified from the stimulation of appetite and the desire for self-preservation.

When the body is small and weak, the concentration of this hormone will be very high, causing them to feel anxious and prompting them to actively seek out hosts.

Finding a host can relieve anxiety.

Development and growth can relieve anxiety.

Transforming into a white knight can relieve anxiety.

Hunting humans and demons can relieve anxiety.

Transforming into an alpha bug can relieve anxiety.

Only after they metamorphose into adults do they stop pursuing growth and development.

They are intelligent and can communicate.

Because this instinct drives development and affects psychology, their social outlook and values ​​will be very different from humans.

And this structure will eventually lead them to form a worship and desire for the adult form of the "leader worm".

They may even have the urge to parasitize the leader worm.

This was an accident, but it was also a back-up plan arranged by Yao Yan.

If necessary, he can also eliminate the Lijire people by manipulating this point.

Even if it cannot be eliminated, it can still significantly reduce the population, right?

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