Crow's Paradise

Chapter 235 The Dragon’s Poetry

Time passed by, and nearly three years passed.

Everything is peaceful.

The Demon City has experienced several expansions, but each time it was chosen to expand because of the increase in its population and the lack of required land and biological resources.

They will not expand when their resources are sufficient.

The Jungle Dragon Man and the Jungle Dragon have also experienced several changes.

The jungle dragon realized the threat of the Demon City. After experiencing a battle with the Demon City, it moved directly to another plain where the lake and the river met more than fifty kilometers away to build a new city.

One building after another, buildings rose from the ground under the power of the jungle dragons.

Because of their size, these buildings look majestic to all creatures less than three meters in size.

For themselves, these buildings are also worthy of admiration.

In Yao Yan's eyes, these were born out of human architecture, but adapted to the differences of the dragons.

These buildings are very tall and heavy and can bear the weight of these dragons——

A city building that can withstand six thousand dragons is not that easy to build.

However, because of their ability to temporarily connect the body to the plants and influence the direction and size of the plants' growth, these buildings are very suitable.

Giant trees rising from the ground have wide lower cavities. These are located in the bottom tree holes near the ground. Each of them has one or two jungle dragons living in them.

The habitat of the largest guard dragon, which has reached sixteen meters in size, is not an independent tree hole, but a "tree cage" formed by two or three intertwined trees.

With each burst of size they undergo a migration.

Although the total number is less than five hundred, these guarding dragons live in the outer circle of the dense forest dragon city. They are the strongest pillars of the entire city, solid pillars forged by strength and physique.

And what they left behind, the tree holes and tree cages that could no longer accommodate them, became the homes of other smaller jungle dragons.

It's closer to Yao Yan's expectation.

It is impossible and will not be possible for the jungle dragons to build a tree cage house that can accommodate a twenty-meter-sized dragon from the beginning. This kind of construction using a cage-for-bird approach is the most likely method.

Because of the continuous increase in size, the big dragon changed its house to a new one, and the small jungle dragon lived in the original house.

Most of them are cluster-type dragons.

There are 500 guarding dragons, nearly 1,500 dark hunting dragons, only more than 300 messenger dragons, and nearly 1,000 collecting dragons. The rest are all in swarms. Giant dragon.

After all, they are the main force in various wars.

And the more important point is that all the people are soldiers.

It is different from human cities that are filled with a large number of individuals who are specifically responsible for production and have completely lost their combat effectiveness and cannot fight.

Every dragon here is responsible for production and combat.

Dark hunting dragons use hunting operations to collect food. With the staged development, by the third stage, they already have very powerful hunting capabilities.

The communication dragon is good at speed and will also assist the dark hunting dragon in collecting various intelligence and assisting in investigation work. At the same time, it serves as the communication work between various sentinel points outside the city and Dragon City.

In addition to searching for various things with complicated patterns, the collecting dragon is also a collector of various wild edible and usable crops in the wild.

This is especially true for the swarming dragons. They use their ability to influence trees and various internal products to develop orchards.

As society expanded and developed, Yao Yan saw the culture that emerged among these giant jungle dragons.

Misunderstanding, subjective conjecture, beautification.

Various factors, among this group of dragons who are rich in communication, led by the messenger dragon, gave rise to the so-called art.

Messaging dragons don't have that much information to communicate, but their strong desire for communication and self-expression allows them to learn and adapt to the "art" of making up various stories and poems.

The collecting dragon also began to choose to construct its own items when it couldn't find enough items with beautiful patterns.

The guarding dragons were happy and at peace, but no battles came day after day. Their expectations for protecting the group and their desire for battle found some satisfaction in the various battle stories and adventures the messenger dragons made up.

As the "majority", cluster dragons have no special desires and fully accept all kinds of "works" produced in the dragon city, especially those related to various collective battles and legion-scale battles. .

The queen of the jungle dragon did not expect that so-called "art" would spread among her tribe.

She just listened with some strangeness as the young dragons she gave birth to, who had not had direct contact with the "Mother", described to herself the stories they heard from the messenger dragon.

What they learned was that the Dragon Queen was great and a powerful leader.

Then, the Queen's mother should also be great.

"The wise, ancient and powerful matron describes the great landscape of dragons to dragons and dragon hatchlings."

"The dragon people are vulgar, evil, inferior, and difficult to cooperate with. They tried to kill the dragon's cub, but were stopped by the mistress and the infant queen."

"Under the judgment of the mistress, the dragon people all left the dragon nest."

"Heavy, evil sins that grieve and disgust the wise and ancient, powerful and just Matron."

"After the mistress guided the dragons out of the dragon's nest, she temporarily protected the weak young dragons until the queen grew up."

"The queen has grown up to be as wise and as powerful as the mistress."

"The Queen rules over the dragon and lets the dragon develop."

"And the mistress has left. She wants to return to the legendary place where the dragons originated. It is the paradise of the dragons. It is the paradise homeland given to the dragons by the sky and the earth."

"One day, under the leadership of the great queen, we will go to paradise and return to the hometown of the dragon."

Queen Tiller was a little confused about this strange song.

The content inside is either right or wrong.

The Mistress did describe Paradise, but she was talking about the Paradise of all life, not the dragons.

The dragons did not try to murder her and the other dragons, nor were they judged, nor did the Mistress grieve.

The mistress did protect them at first, but soon they no longer needed protection, and the mistress never fought again.

Later, the mistress did leave, but she left during the previous migration. She didn't know where she went, and she didn't know if she went to paradise.

She was a little confused about a lot of exaggerations in her poems.

But she will take pleasure in those places that exaggerate her, those places that sing her praises.

If she said this, she would be a little unhappy.

After thinking about it, Tiller chose not to correct the poems.

This is the story, and everyone should know that it was made up by the dragons who brought the message.

And among them there must be brothers and sisters who were born at the same time as him.

At this time, she heard her child say several names.

Dragon King

Mountain Dragon

Shadow Dragon

Wisdom Dragon

war dragon

Storm Dragon

Tiller:? ? ?

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