Crow's Paradise

Chapter 23 Dasheng Baijia

Yao Yan raised his head and looked at the sky.

blue sky.

How long had it been since he had truly seen a blue sky?

After the catastrophe, I could only see the blue sky in the virtual world.

After he woke up, the sky he saw outside Yancheng was always gray.

But can this be considered the “real” sky?

Even if it was, he didn't feel any excitement.

Extremely bland.

There is no emotion, no nostalgia, no excitement.

He recalled the information he got from the rat "Lao Jia".

The "berry" given by Lao Jia is actually a spiritual fragment and an information carrier of spiritual form.

The information in that berry told a lot of basic information about Buzhou Mountain.

Some of them were repeated to what Lou Lan told him.

As for other non-duplicate information, the more important ones to him are probably the basic information of "containers", "contaminated bodies", "old humans", and "missing bodies".

There is also information related to these trial spaces.

"The trial space is a spiritual space condensed by the escaped spirits and thoughts of humans in the old era."

"In these spiritual spaces, there are different stories."

He took a look at the street whose style and taste were extremely familiar.

It is very similar to "Crows Paradise", which has a fictional story world that is based on various myths, legends, and historical works from around the world or is completely fictional.

However, the difference is that there are "contaminated bodies" and "containers" who have entered this world.

rather than "players".

They will invade the bodies of the "NPCs" in this world, act as them, and accomplish their own goals.

Standing at the door of the teahouse, he looked around, looking for something.

The "trial space" is different.

According to the information given by the rat "Lao Jia", the "trial space" itself is a space condensed after the spirit of old humans escapes, and it should be a "spiritual form" itself.

However, after entering the "trial space", the "contaminated body" as a spiritual form and the "container" with body and spirit will exist in two different ways.

The former will exist in the form of "soul", "spirit", etc. that correspond to the world view in this trial space.

Generally speaking, if these worlds have a world view such as "people cannot directly see the spirit and soul", then their existence cannot be directly observed by ordinary "people".

To put it simply, there are different "rules" in different trial spaces.

Suppose there is a world whose worldview is "this world has no spirit."

Then, after they enter, they will die quickly.

If there is a world whose world view is "the spirit of this world cannot be separated from the body"

Then, they will be trapped in the corresponding body.

The world view of the trial space determines everything.

As his thoughts drifted, he suddenly turned his head and looked in one direction.

With a thunderous sound, a man fell to the ground, but he quickly got up from the ground.

"Fortunately, there is no subject will in this trial space, otherwise I might be discovered now."

However, at this moment, he saw an old man walking towards him.

The man suddenly became alert and took an attack stance.

However, at this moment, he suddenly saw a small black crow emerge from the old man's body and land on his shoulder.

It is a pollutant.

The man quickly realized that this person was the contaminated person with Lao Jia.

Slightly lowering his guard, he waited for the other party to come.

After the other party reached a position less than ten meters in front of him, he stopped and asked aloud:

"With 'Lao Jia'?"

"Yes." After hearing the name "Lao Jia" and confirming that the other party was a traveler, the man nodded in response, "You can call me 'Shi Bu Jian'."

not see?

A nickname?

Yao Yan didn't ask any further questions and responded like an old man:

"Just call me 'Crow'."

"Crow." The man with sharp eyebrows glanced at the crow on the other person's shoulder and nodded.

Yao Yan then asked:

"Where are Lao Jia and the others?"

"It should be nearby. Let's enter the trial space together. It shouldn't be far away."

Shi Bujian said while looking around.

Keep the change, please.

At this moment, a voice sounded.

The next moment, Yao Yan and Shi Bu saw two figures approaching quickly.

Two people.

In other words, the two appearances are human things.

"The crow and the stone are gone."

A tall man who looked powerful, with strong and well-developed limbs, and a mean smile on his face, appeared in front of the two of them.

Beside him was a woman with an expressionless face.

Yao Yan glanced at her, was this one of the men in black robes from before?

"'Yu Bu Xian', you can call her that, Crow."

After saying this, Lao Jia, who looked like a strong man, then said:

"As I said before, the goal of coming to this world is to intercept the achievements of Hu from Yanren."

He raised his head and glanced around, then turned his eyes to Yao Yan:

"Don't die too many times in this world, otherwise you will be assimilated and absorbed by this trial space and become part of this world."

After Lao Jia seemed to say something meaningful, he said:

"Let's act separately next. Our guys from the Chaos Land won't coordinate and cooperate."

As he spoke, he looked up at the sky again:

"At this time in two months, we will gather here again."

After saying that, he turned around and left without any hesitation.

The man and woman who called themselves "Shi Bu Jian" and "Yu Bu Xian" left side by side in the other direction.

After staying there for a while and thinking about some things, Yao Yan also left the place.

In the teahouse in the small town, the waiter, who finally had a rest because there were no customers, looked at the old man sitting beside him and couldn't help but ask:

"Old Man Gao, why are you back again? I told you that the food in the store cannot be served to you."

"Little brother, I didn't ask you to share my food."

Yao Yan recalled some things about the trial space given by "Lao Jia" and responded:

"I'm just thinking about something. The world is prosperous, but besides the Sheng Wang family, what kind of forces are there?"

"What kind of power can you have? Aren't you just telling stories and making up stories every day?"

The waiter looked at him with contempt:

"The prosperous king will last for eternity, and hundreds of families will pay homage to him. The ministers will be able to survive, but those who disobey will be reduced to ashes."

"In addition to the Sheng Wang family, there are naturally hundreds of forces."

"The Mohist who works as a bureaucracy, the famous scholar who speaks arrogant words."

The waiter read out the names of each force fluently, like a storyteller.

While Yao Yan was listening, he was thinking about another thing.

In "World of Crows", in the story copy, players can obtain some "extra cards" through various means.

There is also the matter of the "power" level of the "polluting body".

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