Crow's Paradise

Chapter 220 Plan Change

In this case, the weights are different.

During his lifetime, Yao Yan saw more than once that people viewed reality with the belief that "every problem has an answer" and "every problem has a way to solve it."

Of course, there is an inherent defect in people's attention as the reason, and there is also an inherent defect in avoiding difficulties that can be explained.

However, the reality is not so ideal.

Some people always think that talking about "reality" has nothing to do with idealism.

However, the fact is that many people who shout "reality" all day long will idealize the problem unknowingly.

Oh, "simplistic" might be a better description.

The functional mechanism of “simplification” is also deeply rooted in human genes and thinking.

Memory has a simplification mechanism, which summarizes what has been experienced, and then only retains key words, which are stored in the memory partition. When recalling the memory, they can be recalled and combined from different places.

Human memory is not like a camera that captures the memory and stores it in its entirety.

Instead, it will be disassembled and stored after generalization.

The benefits are space saving and "convenience".

The disadvantage is that when recalling memories, humans don’t know whether they have remembered something incorrectly.

You don't know whether your memory has recalled one more word or one less picture.

When there is no external reference, it is impossible for humans to know whether they have remembered something wrong.

What? Can?

If you think so, then think about it carefully, are you using your own memory related to another thing as a reference?

Unfortunately, these "reference objects" themselves are also assembled when you call up your memory, and are not the "original" ones.

It is impossible for humans to abandon "simplification".

If we abandon simplification, will people accumulate the details of all the things they experience, useless details, and repetitive details?

This is not the key.

The point is that humans have incompletely documented functions.

Does not have this physiological function.

Not to mention that one or two images, words, or sounds are missing.

Even if everything is there, if there is a problem with the order, big problems may arise.

Because of the "automatic association mechanism" of human thinking, people can be guided to make associations through certain seemingly unrelated words.

The reason, there is a saying is the "placement order" of the human brain's memory intervals.

Simply understand it as a bookshelf.

Saying "cow" can lead to a "worm" that is basically unrelated to the concept of the word "cow".

This theory holds that "cow" and "worm" are located on the adjacent upper and lower floors of the bookshelf in the memory area.

Although there is no direct correlation in human thinking logic, the structure makes "ox" implicated in "worm" when called.

This is a statement, a statement that even Yao was not sure was true.

It can also be a rumor without confirming its authenticity.

However, how many people would be wary of such words when he did not emphasize the truth or falsehood?

I'm afraid I can't be sure at the first time, but I'm too lazy to check, and I don't have the motivation to check.

Even with a dubious attitude, after a while, the information was divided into memory intervals.

If he is called out without knowing it himself, he will think that he came up with it himself, or that he got it from an authoritative source.

Unknowingly, these uncertain contents are believed and spread.

If it's true, it's easy to say, but if it's false, congratulations, you have become the spreader or even the maker of rumors.

After all, some content will change from true to false if part of it is cut off.

However, the most critical issue at this time is not whether the content is false.

It’s that they already believe it.

What factors do the demons consider to be of greater weight?

Will the devil be as wary of the "Queen" as he is?

Will the devil have the same thinking and judgment process as him?

Just think about it and you can roughly understand that it's impossible.

Certain ideas need training and reminders.

Yao Yan previously judged that the queen became the queen because of her importance, and then successfully made an "inference"——

If the queen makes any judgment that goes against the interests of the demon society, she will be dismembered and destroyed by the demons without hesitation.


This is actually a conjecture formed by Yao Yan's projection of his own value judgment onto his observation that "the queen is not indispensable".

However, is the devil really on guard against the queen?

Or in other words, if the devil is on guard against the queen, must he choose the option "separate from the queen's palace area"?

Human beings always unconsciously project their own preset answers onto the objects they are thinking about.

So does he.

This is a logical mindset.

Because a pattern is imprinted on the logical structure, if the logical structure of thinking is not changed, the only way is to add an "alarm" to the outside.

When you have similar behavior, use this alarm to alert yourself, and then suppress it through negative feedback.

This is a "structural defect" that can only be solved by changing the structure of thinking.


In people's minds, this structure is generally called "experience".

This is the underlying structure of thinking and judgment logic.

Yaoyan is currently unable to modify his own logical underlying structure.

In his thoughts, Yao Yan raised his head and glanced at the queen's palace.

It seems that he needs to get a "goblin" to help him accomplish his goal.

Otherwise, it can only be done through violent means.


Cultivate a demon force yourself.

Tinkering and deleting existing structures is sometimes more difficult than building from scratch.

The larger the goal, the more so.

He turned his gaze slightly.

the other side.

At the edge of the forest, a "Demon" turned his head and looked at his companion:

"Kerry, why did you stop?"

Behind her, a "devil" similar to her body shape was looking towards the southeast.

Lijir couldn't help but follow the other person's gaze as he said "Demon":

"Is there something there?"

As she spoke, she instinctively used the ability of the "Mimic" to bring herself closer to the demon to avoid being seen through her disguise. At the same time, she also subconsciously planned to use the ability to track people to make her senses sharper. .

However, at this time, the other party said:

"There is a large gathering of demons there."

"Huge scale?"

Ligil was slightly startled, and her already tense body was pressed again:

"How far away?"

"far away."

"far away?"

While Lijil breathed a sigh of relief, she felt a little confused. She followed the other person's gaze and found nothing suspicious:

"Then it's better for us to leave quickly."

Although I don’t know how Kali discovered it, the huge gathering place of demons sounds like something that should be avoided.

However, Lijil didn't notice that the girl beside her turned her eyes again and looked to the other side.

And on the tree in that direction, a demon with slender arms and legs was lying on the tree, almost integrated with the tree.

It’s up to you.

Yao Yan made his decision silently.

Cultivating a demon force is not an easy choice.

But through "Shadowcrow", maybe it can.

Should the genes changed by the Shadow Crow be retained after breeding?

He thought silently.

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