Crow's Paradise

Chapter 212 The Queen of Demons

The so-called true sociality refers to the collection of all individuals in the hive society as an "independent individual".

The biological individual responsible for a certain job will be regarded as an organ in an organism.

The queen bee, queen ant, and the "queen" in the city in front of her are synonymous with "reproductive" organs.

This kind of society, where everyone is almost moving towards a unified goal, has a strong ability to act.

Although it sounds crude and primitive, the goals of this demon society are different from those of the bee swarm.

What Yao Yan was interested in was what he collected from this truly social group.

This huge demon society, with the development of the entire demon society as its core purpose, is constantly collecting all kinds of things.

Entering this city of giant trees, Yao Yan saw demons in action one after another.


His body, this devil's body, was able to receive the pheromones that permeated the city.

The "Queen" is distributing pheromones to the demons throughout the city.

Yao Yan silently looked at the top of the city with giant trees.

To put it simply, in this city, this demon society is trying every means to make all demons become "ultimate beings."

With the Queen as the leader, let the Queen become the reproductive core of this demon society to ensure the continued existence of this demon society.

In order for the queen to exist as the core of reproduction, it is necessary to combine the queen's functions with other demon functions, and to make the queen stronger and reach a higher level of life.

It does not just exist in this society with a simple reproductive function.

If it only has the function of reproduction, the meaning of the queen's existence is too small.

The "demons" are thinking.

Think about what kind of social structure can survive in this world.

Taking this social structure as a starting point, they will choose to integrate different genes according to the division of labor that is most suitable for this social structure, so that they can develop in a certain tendency.

And now.

The current goal of the devil is to make the queen into a perfect creature, able to resist all disasters and enemies.

The queen will be responsible for reproduction.

Demons with different divisions of labor are, to put it simply, like hands and feet.

In the spiritual process of constantly expanding the level of life, the devil in the first stage of life is the finger, the second stage is the palm, and the third stage becomes the arm.

The ability level of the lower-level demons at this stage must reach the level of the queen's arm as a perfect life.

Then, in the next stage, this arm demon must continue to strengthen, and its ability in its arms alone must be specialized to a level that surpasses that of the queen.

At this stage, in the conception of this demon society, the "queen" is the "template".

This is the epitome of demon society, a mold

Referring to this mold, the entire demon society will be transformed into a large queen.

The demon possessed by Yao Yan is the "prey" organ.

The way forward is to further strengthen and specialize the "perfumer"'s ability to attract prey.

For Yao Yan, this idea was very crude.

Groups and individuals are different.

What is perfect for an individual may not be perfect for the whole.

For a group, some individuals' abilities are "redundant".

However, individuals in the group cannot lose these abilities, and these abilities become a contradictory existence of "necessary redundancy".

Similarly, some abilities possessed by groups are not needed by individuals.

The way forward for this kind of template copying requires a lot of additions and subtractions when changing from an individual to a whole.

Just because one individual is particularly strong in defense, you can't let another individual give up defense completely, right?

Moreover, the zero problem is "coordination".

Although individuals also have elements of the ability to cooperate, this cooperation is different from the cooperation between individuals.

Just look at the history of human wars, think of human weapons and equipment as the abilities of different demons, and think of human tactical coordination and division of labor as the division of labor of demons.

Different cooperation methods will create different results.

These calculations are complex.

However, it is still a feasible goal.

At least

In this world, in the war between demons, can this "queen" cultivated by all the demons in this society and other demons be able to solve it?

Yao Yan turned his head and glanced in the direction of "Paradise".

Can humans destroy this "perfect" demon?

According to Yao Yan's thinking, if this "perfect" demon can be successfully created, then the best way is to curb this plan before the queen is cultivated.

However, this is not something Yao Yan needs to consider.

Yao Yan's purpose was to collect all kinds of information from this demon society.

Unlike other demons, this demon society is trying to make use of human legacy technology and continuously collects human data and technological products from ruins.

With their "goal" in mind, they are using all their resources and means.

From this point of view, this demon society is a war machine that keeps moving forward.

Either this demon society is completely destroyed, or if it is just scattered, it can be repaired and move forward again.

Lowering his head slightly, Yao Yan referred to his body's memory and headed towards a tree house under the guidance of pheromones.

This city of giant trees is developing in full swing.

Yao Yan glanced around.

This city of giant trees has dozens of huge warehouses.

Because of the ability of photosynthesis, the devil does not need a completely sheltered residence, and will only move to a covered tree house in weather such as rain or snow.

Yao Yan quickly found the tree house he needed.

However, he did not act immediately.

Because he needs this power to continue to expand and collect more information for him.

Therefore, he only needs to hide in this force at this stage.

And, if there is a suitable opportunity, he needs to seize the body of the "Queen".

No, no.

The Queen cannot decide on the direction of action at this stage.

The current goal of the entire demon society is to build the queen into a perfect template, so the queen's "willful" request will be rejected by the entire demon society.

She is just the "queen" among the demons' social goals.

A queen in terms of status, a queen in terms of importance, but not a queen who can make decisions.

She is a queen because she is important, not because she is a queen.

Yao Yan could clearly understand this.

If the queen does something that is not beneficial to the whole society, this demon society will not hesitate to dismember the queen and create the next queen.


Oh, compared to the swarm of bees and ants, the social nature of this demon society is more cruel and a higher level.

In a truly social group, the "queen" is not the queen.

ps: Bacterial food poisoning, my limbs are weak, I can't even get out of bed, I can't push my body up with my hands, I can only move my body to get up. I finally understand why the elderly at home move slowly and difficultly.

There is no reason, there is nothing you can do.

It's really a touching experience.

Oh, don’t worry, it’s fine now. This is a summary.

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