Crow's Paradise

Chapter 209 Bloody


Soon, Yao Yan recognized the black figure that appeared in the night.

However, when the moonlight fell, Yao Yan's eyes directly moved away from the figure of the demon——

Because in his current ranking of the value sequence, the world view of the entire world is naturally greater than the demon figure appearing in this small town.

His eyes fell on the celestial body emitting reddish moonlight.

Red moon?

Visibly to the naked eye, the moon is moving towards the red color.

In my lifetime, the red moon was nothing special in principle.

Many people are familiar with total solar eclipses.


What about a total solar eclipse on the moon?

The familiar total solar eclipse is when the moon is used as an obstruction on the earth and the sun is blocked.

But if you are on the moon, using the moon as the base point of observation, when a total solar eclipse occurs.

In fact, it is not complicated. It can be simply summarized as "total lunar eclipse".

However, at this time, the cover blocking the sun is the earth.

Take the sun-earth-moon straight line position.

During a total lunar eclipse, there are several colors: black, coppery yellow, and dark red.

It was difficult for ancient people to fully understand the rules, and they would associate a total lunar eclipse with some bad star or disaster, or they would associate bad things that happened during the total lunar eclipse with it.

The formation of various folklore legends largely comes from these conditions.

Even among modern people of his time, many people do not know what a blood moon is, and even think it is a fictional landscape that does not exist.


What Yaoyan should consider is the humanistic image represented by the "blood moon".

It is related to the idea just now but takes a different line.

Human beings have the instinct of self-preservation and have a strong fear of death and physical trauma.

And the color of blood, and the color of the moon

Of course Yao Yan had carefully observed it, and people tend to associate it unconsciously with the color red, the red color of blood.

Their associative instinct causes them to associate things with similar colors to blood.

Red wine is imagined to be blood wine, and bright red flags will also cause people to associate with blood, and dark red moons such as bloodstones are also among them.

By frequently displaying it in front of your eyes, it may be easier to eliminate it through desensitization fatigue training, but it may also have the opposite effect and strengthen this image.

The red moon was widely used in various works during his lifetime and was associated with blood or disaster.

A "blood moon" will appear in these trial spaces, and Yao Yan immediately traces back through this idea -

Those people who constructed the spiritual source of this trial space must have experienced extremely large changes.

And most likely war.

In this world, does the image of the confrontation between "demons" and "human beings" represent a large-scale confrontation that has occurred in history, and is regarded as a confrontation between "humans" and "non-humans"?

Yao Yan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Moreover, in this world, the reality that "only women are left" in the human race may reflect the events in history that have caused internal confrontation among human beings?

Does the disappearance of all men mean that this internal confrontation manifests itself in the form of the complete annihilation of the other side?

Thinking of this, Yao Yan suddenly thought of something——

Dream interpretation?

During his lifetime, there was work on dream interpretation in society.

It's funny to say that when Taoist priests interpret dreams, people often beat them to death with a stick and call them superstition and fraud.

But once a "scientific" name like "psychologist" is given, people tend to believe it.

When they can't tell whether it's true or false, they look at what flag the other party is holding.

Judge by the flag raised.

However, many of them do not realize that anyone can hold a flag.

Those who hold the banner of communism and do reactionary things will also have many fools following them passionately.

At this time, they are not communism, but religious believers who use the symbol of commision as their banner.

Thoughts flashed through Yao Yan's mind. At the moment when his thoughts went off topic, his eyes returned to the figure of the demon:

"Captain, we should attack."

Yao Yan's eyes fell on the pieces of smoke-like things lingering around the demon.

Should that be called pollen, exactly?

He added: “It’s the ‘perfumer’.”

The moment this name given by ancient people in pursuit of beauty came into her ears, Ligil was shocked.

She must be stopped.

This demon is "hunting".

Demons in the "Perfumer" stage can release a large amount of alternative pollen——

It is not a reproductive substance that recrosses other demons, but a pheromone that attracts animals and affects their actions.

Ligil once encountered a perfumer.

A teammate who was not wearing a mask directly attacked them because of a disagreement.

Later, Ligil learned that the teammate they thought was killed on the spot by the parasitic influence of the demon at the time was actually only affected by the "scent" of the demon in the "Perfumer" stage.

She immediately put on the mask she was carrying.

However, she also knew that in order to disguise themselves smoothly, they carried as few items as possible, and none of the "leather armor" of the witchers was brought out.


"Captain, you stay here and cover me, I'll go up and attack."

At this time, Lijier heard the voice of "Jia Li".

Without waiting for her to answer, "Jia Li" flipped out of the window.

Lijier wanted to call her back, but she also knew that she couldn't do that.

As a last resort, she immediately took out the small firearm that was not large in size, and at the same time took out the genetic bullets, ready to cover the shooting.

Yao Yan raised his hand.

The moment he confirmed that the demon in the "Perfumer" stage appeared in front of him, he made a decision.

Make this demon into a shell.


Demon Hunter-Stalker-Tracer

This is a demon that is relatively equivalent to his current shell.

At present, he has not retained the demon's shell. If he encounters other demons, it is not easy to act as a human, so he needs a demon's shell to act.

However, he needs to be careful.

His spiritual scale level is "effect", which is the level of the third stage.

However, in this world, the effect he can cause by directly using power is probably not high.

At least, in direct physical strength confrontation, he just suppressed this body.

Based on this point, the next life level of the demon will be stronger than him.

In short, his strength is equal to the level of the second gene template transformation of the tracker, which is equal to the level of the second life expansion of the demon.

It should also be lower than the third gene template transformation and the third life expansion.

You need to be careful when you act.

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