Crow's Paradise

Chapter 21 The Smiling Rat


Because, in Buzhou Mountain, there is a roughly determined rule.

That is, the closer and more compatible one's ability is with the corresponding location in Buzhou Mountain, the less impact one will receive.

For example, the power before crossing the space to the Land of Chaos.

Some receivers or polluted bodies cannot do this.

Their abilities conflict with this, which makes them unable to use this power.

For example, in Yancheng, many of the receivers cannot use the powers that Buzhou Mountain itself possesses.

The same is true for black fog.

These black fogs will have a certain impact on receivers and polluted bodies.

The greater the difference between the ability and the black fog and the Land of Chaos, the greater the impact, and the slower the speed of escaping through the black fog.

Every time you enter the Land of Chaos, you need to rest for a long time to eliminate the impact of passing through the black fog.

Compared with various receivers and polluted bodies, they, the unbelievers, are undoubtedly the group of receivers and polluted bodies that are least affected by the black fog.

However, now.

What did she see?

A polluted body that escaped the influence of the black fog faster than her?

At this moment, she was completely sure that the contaminated body in front of her was a recipient of the Unbelievers Cult.

Who is the other party? Which high-level person is it?

The other party is obviously very familiar with Buzhou Mountain, so why does he act as if he doesn't know the situation in Buzhou Mountain?

To hide his identity? To hide his experience?

Loulan tried hard to find the corresponding person from her memory while trying to guess the other party's purpose.

However, at this moment, she heard the other party's question:

"What is important here?"

Hearing the question, Loulan paused, turned around, and quickly looked around, as if identifying something. Soon, she retracted her sight and replied:

"This should be the 'gray area' of the chaotic land."

When she spoke, she seemed a little surprised, but soon, she retracted her divergent thoughts and continued:

"Just like the power we used when we entered here before, different areas of Buzhou Mountain can also be reached by this method."

"However, in those places, such as Yancheng, there will be specific recipients to monitor and patrol to prevent smuggling."

"Just This method can only prevent direct invasion from the outside world. "

"The black fog in the land of chaos is not constant, but it will expand or shrink and change."

"Sometimes, the gray area will expand to other areas."

"At this time, people in the land of chaos can enter the corresponding area through the gray area, and even enter the corresponding trial space. Conversely, people in those places can also enter here and enter the space guarded by the forces through this method."

Her eyes, which were formed by countless fine crystals, seemed a little surprised and doubtful:

"I don't know where the land of chaos has expanded to this time."

And soon, she realized the answer.

Because, in her sight, in the black fog in the distance, several human figures with mechanical Yan characteristics appeared in her field of vision.

Such a situation made her tense instantly.

She couldn't be directly encountered by the Yan people in Buzhou Mountain. Although she was confident in her disguise, if she left traces, her lurking in Yancheng would probably fail.

Thinking of this, she quickly looked at the polluted body in the giant crow shape next to her:

"Sir, I'm leaving first. If you need anything, you can ask the person over there."

As soon as she finished speaking, she took out a diamond-shaped object that looked like a piece of ore metal and a wooden sign that she had obtained from Yao Yan, and the next moment, she disappeared from Yao Yan's sight.

Such a situation only made Yao Yan make a judgment.

She didn't want to have contact with the Yan people or be discovered by the Yan people.

He glanced at the Yan people who slowly emerged from the black fog, and without pausing, he flapped his wings and headed directly in the direction pointed by Lou Lan.

In that direction, a rat with a body length of nearly one meter was standing half-leaning against the wall, and a pair of rat eyes looked at the figures who gradually broke through the black fog and revealed the Yan people's figures, revealing a human smile.

And at this moment, Yao Yan, in the shape of a giant crow, flew directly to his side.

He had horns on one side, sharp claws on the other side, and a clearer beak. Naturally, he immediately attracted the attention of the rat. It retracted its gaze from Yanren and looked at Yao Yan with a pair of vertical eyes: "New here?" Yao Yan's half-black and half-white asymmetrical figure naturally made it pay more attention. Then, a smile appeared on its rat face: "One time of sneaking into the trial space, one shelter, there is no guarantee of success." Smuggling into the trial space? "How to sneak? Why do you need a shelter?" Yao Yan didn't want to play a trick on him and asked directly. "Is it really a newcomer or a complete feathered one?" The rat looked at Yao Yan's body, which looked extremely strange, and then said: "The shelter is assimilated by the spirit, and the body is completely spiritualized, that is, after feathering, its own form is unstable, and it is very likely that the personality will dissipate." "Through the trial of the trial space, you can gain rationality, maintain your personality, and even obtain additional spiritual residues to complete yourself and become stable." "However, not every polluted body can complete the trial."

It glanced in Yanren’s direction:

"Then there's another more dangerous way to maintain your personality."

"Assimilate the bodies of other inmates."

"Oh, just eat it."

It opened its mouth and explained in a very clear image:

"Assimilating an intern is not a good choice. It may even lead to a direct mental breakdown."

"But...compared to the trial space, it is much easier to capture a containment person."

"And it's not just an exchange of opportunities."

With a humane smile, the rat looked at the giant crow in front of him with interest:

"For some pollutants, if a suitable recipient is found for assimilation, the effect will not be much worse than completing the trial."

"If there is such a shelter, it can be sold at a good price."

The rat bared its teeth and showed its big white teeth to Yao Yan.

But Yao Yan just stared at it silently:

"Do you want the body?"

There are probably none alive, but there are two who have just died.

His indifferent words made the rat slightly stunned.

But soon, a smile appeared on its face again:

"The corpse doesn't matter, but you need two copies. By the way, you can call me 'Lao Jia'."

The rat bared its teeth and raised its beard and made a sound.

Then, it glanced at the Yan people and said:

"Of course, if you can accompany me this time and help me deal with a few troubles, how about I help you smuggle in for free?"


Yao Yan also looked at those Yan people.

At this time, several Yanren had completely emerged from the black mist. While their eyes were scanning the surroundings, there were expressions of surprise on their faces.

However, it soon calmed down, and with the sound of the machine opening and closing, they all took out a piece of something from their arms.

Then, a familiar feeling appeared in Yao Yan's perception.

In his field of vision, a round hole suddenly opened in the impenetrable black fog, and an upward staircase emerged, as if leading to a distant place.

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