Crow's Paradise

Chapter 202 Stealing the Victim’s Perspective

However, soon, the newcomers asked various questions from time to time, which made her irritated even more.

Almost instantly, all kinds of doubts and thoughts popped up in her.

At this moment, Lijil stopped and glanced at the large box in his hand.

On the detector, the photothermal signal mark of a large life entity appeared.

Devil? Or something else?

"You all should be careful. Next, search in teams of three, with the last person following the last team."

After thinking briefly, Lijil issued the order.

The team she brought out, that is, this team, itself has three demon hunters who have been modified by genetic template assembly. It is no problem for each person to lead a team, and it is no problem to deal with several demon pretenders, or even to deal with several " The perfumer “also has a chance of winning.

However, every time she thought of "perfumer", a title given by the ancient humans who created demons, she felt nauseated.

He is disgusting to both demons and humans.

Whether it's the demon's killing of humans, or his own imitation and pursuit of the demon.

Afterwards, after separating from the team and searching for a while, Ligil stood still, frowned in front of some traces and said:

"There are indeed traces of biological movement. It is determined that they are traces left by some small four-legged animals moving in groups. The number is not too large."

"A hunted prey?"

said a girl in her team.

"It may indeed be some kind of predatory behavior, but..."

Hearing this, Lijier's eyes followed the direction of the animal's attack, and his eyes froze slightly:

"When birds move in groups, it means we have found the target."

After hearing her words, the two team members worked harder and checked the ground marks more carefully.

Soon, they discovered that on the forest floor where some dead leaves were piled up, some feathers and bird pellets of different sizes could be vaguely seen from a certain height. It could be seen that the general trajectory was a straight line.

In my mind, "Carnivorous birds that directly eat small animals with bones will vomit out the indigestible feathers and bones in their stomachs. When attacked or chased, they may be frightened and vomit out the indigestible feathers and bones." The teaching content of “vomiting out food pellets that can digest flesh and blood” emerged.

Vomiting out undigested things and digesting them until only indigestible remains are not the same concepts.

It’s understandable to scare away small animals on the ground, but if you want to scare away small animals living in books, you need to take a look——

Those demons that can perform photosynthesis like to live in the canopy of trees.

After searching carefully, they found more footprints of various animals.

Under the leaves, various but generally determined footprints were dug out from the bottom of the leaves, bringing information to these young demon hunters.

The girls with excited expressions were obviously already enjoying the various results of destroying the demons.

But Lijier still remained cautious enough:

"This season shouldn't be migration season, right?"


After confirming several situations one after another, Ligil finally determined that the target was the demon's lair.

While raising their heads and paying attention to the creatures that may appear on the tall tree canopy, the 334 team slowly advanced towards the target location.


Ligil didn't make a sound, but just made a gesture, telling them to spread out in a small area and continue to search for possible enemies in the trees and under the trees as a team.

And after a few minutes, Lijie was stunned.

There were no sounds of fighting, no unusual noises.

Of the 334 teams, only 322 are left.

Three people disappeared inexplicably.

In this situation, no matter how stupid everyone is, they realize the problem.

A startled girl with a frightened and excited attitude immediately took out a dagger from her pocket, a revolver in her right hand and a dagger in her left hand, as if she was ready to fight at any time.

Although Lijie was anxious, she still acted calmly, looking for her target.

Soon, she found traces like the bites of some kind of wild beast behind a tall tree not far away.

However, there were no sawdust around.

It was as if the things in the bite marks on the tree trunk had been completely devoured by the creature that left the tooth marks.

However, at this moment she suddenly heard a scream not far away.


Beside Ligil, the girl who had originally moved her hand to check her movements immediately picked up the weapon she had dropped due to being frightened, stood up, and waited for his order.

"Don't be nervous."

Ligil comforted her team members, and then walked towards the tree with traces of animal teeth with her dagger and weapons.


At this moment, a black shadow rushed toward her among the empty pile of leaves.

Bang bang bang! ! !

The unoriginal revolver fired three consecutive shots, spitting out three bullets and shooting towards the black figure.

Boom boom.

With the sound of two gunshots in succession, Ligil saw two black figures falling to the ground.


Lijire soon recognized that the target was a bird, a crow and an owl.

After poking it with the tip of the dagger and confirming that there was no reaction, she called the other team members to her side and said:

"Be careful."

Even though it's just a bird and it's dead, it still has something to do with the disappearance of other team members.

However, just when a group of people were looking at each other and helping others to be vigilant, a rustling voice sounded——

When everyone's attention was immediately drawn to the position where the green vines were entangled on the tree trunk, a black shadow rushed down and went straight to the girl demon hunter who was farthest away from Ligil.

Amidst the swaying shadows of the mottled trees, gunfire rang out——


Bang bang!

boom! boom!

Bullets were fired in various gunshots, but only one hit the target.

In an almost unbalanced movement, the black shadow knocked the girl to the ground several times, making a falling sound.

And Lijil's keen eyesight immediately discovered the reason.

It was a creature with a form almost identical to that of a human female——


Ligil’s rare close encounter...

She was about to be shot at close range.

She raised the muzzle of the gun and fine-tuned its direction, aiming it directly at the body without pursuing the vital points, trying to weaken the target with the most stable damage.

However, at this moment, the other party suddenly distorted his body:

"Your gun is broken. If you hold it down, it will break down."


Or human language.

Even though she knew the origin of the demon, she still felt nauseated when she heard him speak in human language.

However, almost at the same time, the demon stretched out his hand and grabbed her head.

There is no death in this way.

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