Crow's Paradise

Chapter 199 Gene technology = extraordinary power?

Soon, Yao Yan found that the "elf" disappeared.

Compared with the names of jungle people and humans, Yao Yan believed that the image corresponding to the name "elves" was more suitable for them.

But that's not the point.

After the jungle man completely disappeared for a period of time, Yao Yan chased after him.

nothing found

No, there are traces.

From Yao Yan's body, a shadowy crow flew out and landed on the ground just now.

When the bird-shaped shadow squirmed on the trace just now, words appeared on the black page.

Another place.

Ligil took off the helmet on her head.

Here, there are densely packed metal equipment everywhere, various pipelines can be seen everywhere, and mechanical recliners shaped like easy chairs, and these cockpits are the highest technology of mankind at present.

These pods can connect to any living thing in the land they once called home and abandoned.

The closer it is to your own life fluctuations, the easier it is to be possessed by them.

Life terminal brain.

The earth's environment has been destroyed for unknown reasons and has become a land that humans cannot adapt to.

And they, humans, can only hide in this land called paradise.

Maybe this should be called a biological warehouse?

It was originally used to study extraterrestrial life and a small artificial ecosystem where humans can live. In the end, it became the last land for humans to escape.

As for the life terminal brain technology, they are not sure about its origin.

This is a magical technology, a technology whose principle is unknown. They can only use it through existing equipment. All current development and research cannot copy or imitate it.

Lijil sighed and glanced around.

Not far from her, several naked women were floating in tall biological tanks filled with liquid.

But maybe human extinction is a good thing?

She sighed again as she recalled the history she knew.

Although the life sciences have developed to the point where maternal reproduction is no longer needed, society has not changed for the better.

When life science technology made it possible to cultivate human fetuses outside the body, many women around the world began to cheer that they were liberated and no longer needed a man.

This is true, but unfortunately it is also true for men.

What is even more frightening is that it is also true for society, capital, and various institutions with resources or social influence.

There is no cure for humanity.

When men cheered without women, and women cheered without men, capital and various power entities began to create human beings.

More than just cloning and copying.

"Gene optimization" and even various artificial genes and various biological templates have successively appeared in the human world.

Did people resist? Is it restricted?

It was done in the beginning.

But they were quickly inundated with a wide variety of genetic products.

The beginning is genetic beauty and personalized genetically adjusted offspring.

They are various medical clones, various artificial servants that can replace human work and can be purchased back.

Are people afraid?


Can one imagine the harm?

You can imagine.

Can people stop it?


Especially when various gene-related products and various sugar-coated bullets turn some of these people into supporters or indifferent people, failure has been announced.

"I think it doesn't matter. Even if I don't want to participate, why don't you force me to express my position?"

"It's okay if you object, and I won't be the one to do it, right?"

Many active indifferent people, or people who were indifferent due to laziness or various objective reasons, defeated their front line.

"It doesn't matter". If there is one person, there will be ten people.

When there are ten people holding firearms, perhaps a hundred people can just dismantle these weapons. However, if there are so-called indifferent people, the situation will be dangerous.

When the combat power ratio is 7:3, what will happen if indifferent people can account for 10%?

What if it is 6:4?

What if it is 5:5?

Indifferent people, those who do not choose to take a stand, choose to watch in various postures, thinking that they are indifferent without someone, wait for death with a posture of not resisting, and an attitude of sitting back and enjoying the results.

Of course, there are also people who have subsequently enjoyed various genetic products and genetic technologies, and who have begun to "indifferent" or even support it in all directions.

Gene's commodity is delicious food, sugar that can make them unable to unite.

As long as you are happy, what's the use of resisting?

Since I can't do one, I won't do it.

It would have been difficult for people without power to unite, but with the help of the indifferent and the incompetent, the team that could have been united and the victory that could have been gained were lost.

In the face of war, to escape is to surrender.

In the face of war, to escape is to capitalize on the enemy.

After being fed various "benefits" and various sweets into domestic animals, and having nothing to stop the enemy's wheels, the gray wolves who gave them sugar would eat these fat pigs and sheep.

These differentiated so-called human beings have lost their ability to resist in the face of established technology.

Capital no longer needs these things that can be replaced by artificial humans.

They are just inferior products compared to artificial humans.

The irresistible times have come.

In a vicious circle, the lower-class, inferior human beings gradually disappear.

Can heirs be produced through genetic culture?

But who controls the technology and equipment?

Yes, men no longer need women.

Yes, women no longer need men.


Humanity no longer needs humans.

Lijire recalled the history, and her eyes had to fall on the brains of these creatures.

The various "genetically optimized artificial humans" that were born without anyone knowing about it have completely replaced the status of human beings without knowing it.

Are they human?


Humanity almost wiped out the human race.

However, there is something more terrifying

Lijil put down his helmet and walked to the biological tanks.

When she read that "various human beings with optimized genes take it as an honor and challenge to defeat various natural beasts with bare hands, and even create intelligent life forms that feed on humans and can disguise themselves as humans," Lijie realized everything. It's over.

Intelligent life that feeds on humans?

An intelligent life that can disguise itself as a human being?

No matter which one it is, it is a deadly natural enemy for humans.

This is true even if humans try to remedy the situation and develop genetic technology specifically to deal with this creature.

As intelligent creatures with the same or even higher level of intelligence than humans, humans, creatures that were originally separated from the food chain, form an evolutionary chain formed by constant confrontation with each other.

However, that magical humanoid creature even possesses higher genetic technology.

Oh, no, they call these genetic technologies supernatural powers.

Just like humans call people who implement these genetic technologies used against each other as demon hunters.

Haha, applying new era technology to the names of fantasy things in cultural works?

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