Crow's Paradise

Chapter 2 The

A huge high wall made of components that looked like wood but were closer to metal in texture stood tall.

Outside the city surrounded by these high walls, on the desolate and dilapidated neighborhoods, countless dilapidated wastes are piled up and assembled into various hut-like buildings.

Not far from these huts, a young man stood in the ruins where various scrap metal or building materials were piled up like a garbage dump, cursing and trying to get something out of it.

"It would be great if I could awaken the spiritual bridge and become a Yanren."

The young man is not handsome, but he is not ordinary either. If ordinary is 70% and handsome is 100%, then he is probably 85%.

Although this is just what he thinks.

However, this is just a joke.

He is an unknown person located outside the city, just a group of refugees.

The so-called "Yan people" are a race different from humans in the previous city.

However, they are indeed transformed from humans.

Through the Bridge of Awakening Spirit.

Maybe it should be called New Humanity?

The young man couldn't help but think of the words used by the Yanren worshipers in the refugee settlement where he lived.

Although he hated those people, the Yan people were indeed the most prestigious and prestigious group of people he could meet.

That group of people not only had resources that they didn't have, and enjoyed a life that they didn't have, but they also had abilities that he didn't have and that he envied.

Although he also tried, he still failed in the end, unable to awaken the spiritual bridge and make himself a Yanren.

Yanren, in layman's terms, are also called machine people, robots, and constructors.

It is compared to ordinary flesh and blood humans, that is, compared to another concept called "flesh people" by those who worship Yanren.

In the city ahead, the hardest and easiest way to climb the ladder is to become a "Yanren".

Judging from the information he bought from an information dealer in the refugee settlement, after awakening the spiritual bridge, flesh and blood will become organic, mechanized, and organized, transforming oneself from a flesh-and-blood body into a complete mechanical construct, and from a weak body The meat man became a "Yan man".

If you want to become a Yanren, you need to awaken the spiritual bridge.

There are generally three methods.

One is formed through artificial stimulation, the other is formed through natural arousal, and the third is arousal through unexpected stimulation.

The first type is that the meatmen in that city have the opportunity to exchange for it through contributions, but they are not qualified to enter that city. .

The remaining two types can be encountered but cannot be sought. Even now as an adult, he still has not successfully awakened.

In this life, he will probably have to stay in this refugee settlement and be an ordinary meat man until he dies.

With emotion, he pulled out something from the ruins.

It was black and gray, although it was broken, it was roughly spherical in shape, about the same size as a head, and covered with rust.

Is that a helmet?

The young man couldn't help but feel a little confused. The style of this thing really looked like a helmet.

However, if you look closely, you can see that although there is a lot of rust, there are also some places where there is no rust.

Is there some soft glue in there?

"Should I be able to exchange for something by sending it to Lao Yantou?"

The young man muttered a few words. Although he had experienced many disillusionments as a scavenger, he still couldn't help but think about being lucky enough to pick up good stuff.

After making two gestures, the young man fastened the black and gray broken helmet on his head.

"This thing, a helmet?"

Amidst the young man's muttering, the luminous parts like lamps on the black and gray helmet suddenly flashed.

It was at this moment that the young man seemed to see a bridge formed by white light. He seemed to be able to step on the bridge at any time, but at this moment, he saw a group of crows rushing towards him.

In the horrifying scene, he was overwhelmed by the dense crowd of crows, and the bridge formed by the white light was also overwhelmed by the crowd of crows.

The young man fell to the ground, his vision blurred.

Doubt, familiarity, fear, confusion, and contradictory eyes are changing and intertwining in his eyes.

Soon, the young man stood up again, grabbed his helmet and left the place, heading towards his residence.

"Is that the 'crow's mouth' you were talking about? Did you sell the information to him?"

In an abandoned hut, two men suddenly stopped talking. Among them, a strong man in relatively neat clothes stared at the young man passing by the door and whispered.


Another man with a sallow complexion nodded and said:

"But he has no hope of entering Yancheng, so he has no chance to compete with you."

"That's right, a little chicken."

Smiling, the strong man raised his neck and continued:

"Go on, what about the interns? Guys like you who entered Yancheng but failed to become Yanren are really profitable in the intelligence business."

"What a waste of money." The man with a sallow complexion said bitterly, "You can get more if you lie down in Yancheng City doing nothing for a month than if you live and die in the homeless streets selling information for a year."

Hearing this, the strong man smiled, and the savings he gave away to buy information seemed less painful:

"Go on quickly and finish talking about the inmates."

The sallow-looking man choked for a moment, then paused briefly and continued:

"The Yan people themselves don't call themselves Yan people. They call themselves 'containers.'"

"Those monsters that appear in the wilderness are called 'missing bodies' by them. They are a spiritual thing, the spiritual residue of the meat people of the old era, and their 'containers' are the spiritual bodies of the meat people after they awaken to the spiritual bridge. The new human being becomes one through physical integration.”

"After the integration of spirit and body, their thoughts will directly affect the body, and the changes in the body will also directly affect the spirit, allowing them to directly interfere with the missing body, attack, destroy, and even contain it."

"Contain it?" the strong man asked quickly.

"Yes, it's containment."

The man with a sallow complexion recalled what he had read in a book that every Yancheng resident had:

"The integration of spirit and body allows Yan people's spirit and body to be synchronized at all times, and the past world outlook, values, and outlook on life will be directly assimilated with the body."

"Yanren's special ability was also formed from this."

"However, this has a disadvantage. Because the body and spirit are synchronized, they cannot be like meat people. When the mind changes, the body does not change. If the mind changes too much in a short period of time, it will cause the body to directly collapse or various abnormalities will occur, so , their concepts are quite conservative and stable. In this case, if they want to gain new abilities and strengthen themselves, they must rely on discovering the spiritual residue left by humans in the old era and improving themselves by containing the missing bodies.”

The more the strong man listened, the brighter the light in his eyes became.

The sallow-looking man has a different mentality than the man in front of him.

He has sold this information to many people, including the young man with the crow's mouth.

The days of obtaining living resources through information distribution and selling this set of information that everyone in Yancheng knew was almost unbearable.

He glanced in the direction of the wilderness.

If it doesn't work, he can only try to break into the wasteland where all kinds of monsters with thoughts are entrenched.

If someone can come from the wilderness to the vicinity of this city, then he can also do the other way around.

ps: Thank you to my old book friends for your continued support. How about my world view? Isn’t it pretty good?

New book friends are also welcome to join the game. My story-telling writing skills can only be described as average. I can only say that I ask you to bear with me and treat me as a hay.

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