Crow's Paradise

Chapter 177 The sight that was affected

After sneaking into the person in charge's office, Yao Yan used the same method to open the door, entered and lurked and waited.

After he sneaked into the room, the guards of the crematorium did not bother him again.

Dawn came soon.

One, two, three sound sources.

Outside the room, it gradually became noisy.

This crematorium is located on the edge of the fourth district. As the crematorium that received the largest number of deceased people, the entire district is even named after this crematorium.

The only people who will come to this area are crematorium employees, family members of the deceased, police officers, etc.

Yao Yan waited silently by the door.

The person in charge of the crematorium, director Carlos Brooke, is one of the hardest-working people in the entire crematorium.

The last to leave the crematorium and one of the first to arrive at the crematorium.

Taking out the key number 14 from the guard room, the person in charge stood in front of the window and looked towards the cemetery.

He stood in front of the tall window, staring at the cemetery diagonally opposite, looking very solemn.

Even if he didn't speak, it would be difficult for others not to deal with this person seriously.

Because his race is "lich".

The body is skinny, with almost no flesh and blood except for the skin, resembling a skeleton-like humanoid creature.

His withered skin clung tightly to his bones, as if he really had no flesh and blood.

The gray on the temples and the bags under the eyes are not caused by staying up late, but are characteristics of the race.

His eyes seemed to have embalmed pupils, shriveled but with no traces of decay. However, the pupils that seemed to be emitting red light were enough to make people retreat.

The person in charge of the crematorium, who looked like a corpse, returned his gaze from the scenery outside the window, took the key, and walked to his office.

It was not winter yet, and there was no need for heating in a room that was not cold, but the actions of the lich Carlos Brook were quite slow.

This is also a manifestation of race.

He slowly came to the door of his office.

However, he did not immediately use the key to open the door.

Because, his eyes with dry eyes fell on the lock of the door, as if he had discovered something.

Then, his movements slowed down a lot.

Quietly, he raised his left hand. At the same time, holding the key in his right hand, he inserted it into the keyhole and opened the door.

Almost as soon as he pushed the door open, his left hand thrust forward.

Then, amidst the sound of the machine opening and closing, the withered arm suddenly turned inside and outside, and countless root-like things suddenly extended from the dead wood-like arm, piercing towards both sides of the door like tentacles. And go.


There is no feeling of hitting the target.

The room was empty.

The office was dark, with only a faint light shining through the gaps in the closed curtains.

No one infiltrated?

The sight from the shriveled eyeballs of the lich Carlos Brooke froze slightly, scanning all locations on the floor, walls, and ceiling.


Although there were slight traces on the door that proved that the room had been opened by something other than a key, it now seemed that the other party had obviously left after sneaking in.


Thieves who come to steal from the crematorium?


The dry eyelids closed slightly, and the lich walked into the room. The arm that spread out from his left hand and expanded like the roots of a tree was also retracting.

After confirming that there were no enemies, he closed the door and walked towards the curtain.

As he walked, he took off his coat and hung it on the hanger by the window.

However, in this dark room, his action of hanging up his coat suddenly stopped.

The vision revealed by the shriveled eyeballs suddenly solidified.

Almost instantly, his eyes turned to the left as if drawn by something.

Beside the curtain, where the clothes hanger was, a dark figure stood quietly.

It was a black figure whose whole body was wrapped in white things!

Why didn't I find it?

The Lich didn't have time to think about this. He only heard a voice:

"Where is the information?"


The Lich subconsciously turned his gaze to the side, but at almost the same moment, he took action——

The two withered arms made the sound of wooden objects rubbing against each other. Amidst the sound of the machine opening and closing, countless twisted root-like tentacles sprang out from the two arms.

However, at this moment, when the root-like tentacles in his arms spread out, the black shadow standing next to the clothes hanger suddenly disappeared.

Tentacles suddenly pierced the wall, piercing the clothes rack and the wall behind it, and pierced out of the wall.

Almost at the same time, the lich. Yanren, who was assuming the posture of a lich, felt that the feeling of being pulled away disappeared.

However, in the next moment, he felt his sight being drawn again——

The misalignment of body movements and sight made the Yanren Lich immediately realize that he was affected by a mental effect!

Almost instantly, there was a sound of machine opening and closing in his chest and abdomen.

A shriveled arm-like thing made of root-like tentacles took out a card with a dense root pattern.

However, at this moment, he felt that he had pierced the wall, and something seemed to be attached to his retracting arm.

It was at this moment that the feeling of being drawn to his eyes disappeared.

On the card with a dense root-like pattern, when the score of [3/3] turned into [2/3], countless roots quickly expanded to the surroundings.

Almost instantly, every part of the room was covered in roots.

However, at the same time, Yanren Lich discovered that his arms were covered with countless white spots.

Dense white spots, close to a hundred.

The source of these white spots is a group of white crows with horns on their heads.

The moment he saw a white crow fluttering on the roots spreading out of his arm, his mental thoughts were touched——

When the mind moves completely integrated with the body, the body also moves at exactly the same speed.

For Yan people whose spirit and body are integrated, their mental and physical movements will be highly consistent.

There will be no situation where physical actions cannot keep up with spiritual thinking.

However, such behavior.

When the dense roots pierced out like a root tip, the pierced white crows were not destroyed, but white spots were left on the roots that pierced their bodies.

Moreover, at the same moment, he discovered that there were black marks attached to these white spots.

Those black marks were like shadows, like pairs of eyes—eyes with blurred outlines.

Not only that, when these blurry eyes appeared, he suddenly felt that his mental strength was shrinking.

The physical body integrated with the spirit also rapidly declined at the same moment.

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