Crow's Paradise

Chapter 175 Cemetery at night

Plans cannot keep up with changes.

His plan to slowly find the person who wrote the pen through rumors was caught off guard when Lao Jia suddenly appeared and informed him of the attack plan.

As a last resort, Yao Yan could only give up this slowly planned plan.

And in this case, there was no need for him to slowly plan his actions without using his abilities and leaving as few traces as possible.

However, it doesn't matter.

According to the address given by Lao Jia, Yao Yan immediately took the subway locomotive that deliberately created a steampunk style and arrived at the fourth district where the crematorium was located.

After arriving at the area where the crematorium was located, Yao Yan immediately flapped his wings and flew up without pausing, rushing to the Si Green Cemetery on the eastern outskirts of District 4, which was managed by Si Green Crematorium.

The disorderly layout of the buildings incongruously obscures areas, making the shadows of these buildings appear shadowy.

In the quiet night, all the buildings seemed to have turned into monsters with teeth and claws.

However, it seems he wasn't the only guest.

After he fell from the sky, another figure soon came near the cemetery.

That's a carriage.

Yao Yan, who hid behind the tombstone to observe because he sensed something approaching, could see that the person riding in the carriage and getting off in front of the cemetery was a rat man.

Vaguely, Yao Yan saw the coachman glance at the cemetery and mutter something in a low voice after accepting the fare paid by the rat man.

And the rat man responded with a high-pitched but low-volume shrill voice:


Yao Yan couldn't hear the whole thing because he was too far away, but he just saw the carriage driver's expression change.

Immediately, the driver's horse hooves moved together and quickly pulled the wooden carriage away from the cemetery.

The rat man immediately circled the cemetery twice, paused for a moment as if he was looking for something, and then entered the cemetery.

The cemetery doesn't look so pretty after dark.

The suburbs are home to a large number of industrial factories. Although the stoves are not turned on at night, which reduces the smoke and dust emissions a little, the thick layer of ash on the tombstones is enough to make people feel uncomfortable in the chest and lungs.

Not to mention the wind is blowing at this time of night.

The water mist that had condensed due to moisture was suddenly mixed with soot.

Logically speaking, the particles would fall to the ground due to condensation, but this has not happened in this world.

Because the smoke screen and water mist condensed and suspended in the sky, the night became a lot darker. There were not even many stars in the sky. Only the hazy moon faintly peeked out from the cracks in the dusty night, casting thick light and shadow.

Was it sent by Lao Jia?

Hiding behind the tombstone, Yao Yan stopped and went to the crematorium building from the back door to conduct an ambush operation, and silently observed the rat man.

Later, Yao Yan saw the rat man put on gloves and a hood, covering his entire body, and then sneaked into the cemetery.

Yao Yan stared at the rat-man of unknown origin, watching the other person look around a few times in a highly alert manner, and then took something out of his pocket.

Things like bottles and cans.

In the faint sound that sounded like laughter, Yao Yan saw the rat man open the small bottle and tip it cautiously towards the tombstone.

However, at this moment.

In the background that was dimly illuminated by the moonlight and the words of the epitaph were faintly visible, Yao Yan saw the rat man suddenly pull off his mask.

Immediately, Yao Yan saw a horrified and painful expression on the rat man's face.

Almost at the same time, the painful, sharp low howl sounded.

Then, in just a moment, Yao Yan saw the scene he had seen appear on the body of the rat man.

Just like the scene I saw in the shadows on the street corner not long ago, just like the scene where the body of the rat in the suit suddenly disintegrated.

In Yao Yan's field of vision, the body of the rat man suddenly collapsed and turned into a pool of dark green fluid like water.

And, immediately, the pool of green things spread out in all directions of the cemetery.

Although he didn't understand what it was, Yao Yan could understand that this thing should be Lao Jia's ability, and it might be quite dangerous.

Immediately, he flapped his wings and flew up.

He had no plans to die at the hands of friendly forces.

After looking around the area where the green things spread with high alertness, Yao Yan flew towards the crematorium building and found a secluded corner to land in the crematorium building.

Then, he took out the card on which his abilities were condensed.

The background is completely black, except for the shadow of a one-eyed bird with a hazy outline in the center of the background.

The one-eyed crow card is the [behind-the-scenes stage].

A dark red firebird with flames lingering in it, as if it were bathed in fire.

The Firebird card is [Backfire].

Half black and half white, a strange black and white bird with wolf teeth and sheep's horns, this is [Wolf Is Coming].

A hazy crow stands on the black paper.

Abnormal Shadow Crow, [Draft].

Yao Yan's eyes passed over four cards.

If you want to attack, you can hide it with the One-Eyed Crow card.

However, these cards and these abilities can only be used three times.

The ability of the Backfire Crow is defensive and restorative, and it cannot have any destructive effect during an offensive battle.

Therefore, only the other three abilities, [Backstage Stage], [Draft], and [Wolf Cried] can be used.

Moreover, the only means of attack is the black and white strange crow.

However, his core ability "Rumor", after he now enters the effect level, has gained an ability that can be regarded as offensive.

Even if it is not an offensive method, it can still leave a delayed detonation mark.

However, while thinking about the attack process in his mind, Yao Yan's eyes still lingered in the cemetery.

What is the plan of the rat man sent by Lao Jia?

Looks like a trap?

Yao Yan could clearly remember that when he was in the air, he saw that green thing covering the entire cemetery.

Do you want to take advantage of it yourself?

In other words, should I cooperate?

Is the target of these traps Yanren who came to support him after he attacked and killed the disguised Yanren?

After thinking for a while, Yao Yan shook his head.

Since Lao Jia didn't tell him, he didn't need to think too much.

His deal with Lao Jia was just to help him with his actions in this world. Since he didn't tell him, he didn't need to worry.

Do not consider these settings of Lao Jia in the planning process.

If Lao Jia's design works, it's an extra surprise. If it doesn't, it's normal. If it has the opposite effect, it can only be said to be unfortunate news. You can't blame him for not cooperating. It's Lao Jia himself who didn't explain it clearly.

Hiding in the corner of the crematorium, Yao Yan was thinking, holding the One-Eyed Crow card in his paws, waiting for the arrival of dawn.

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