Crow's Paradise

Chapter 165 Harpy Lenado

Because of Yao Yan's shouts, several elves, insect men, and several bird men with gorgeous feathers quickly approached him.

Among them, the insect man with a mantis head, a pair of sickle blades in his hands, and several pairs of legs on his lower body came to his side unceremoniously and pushed him away.

"There's a body in there? Are you kidding me? I've just been here."

After being pushed open, Yao Yan saw the mantis man push open the door and walk into the house with three pairs of legs.

"Professor Leonardo!?"

Then, the moment he walked into the room, the mantis man couldn't help but scream.

The people who were just onlookers immediately gathered at the door after hearing the sound, pushing Yao Yan away.

However, at this moment, Yao Yan's crow's beak twitched and his eyes turned to a figure outside the crowd.

The smell of blood came from this person.

It was a bug-man, and its appearance and characteristics were very similar to those of a scorpion——

Similar to most insect men, or rather similar to a praying mantis, the lower body has four pairs of legs, and the upper body is somewhat similar to a praying mantis, a pair of huge scorpion pincers.

The head is generally oblate, with three eyes on the left and right. Near the top of the head, there are two completely black eyes that are slightly larger than the other eyes.

If placed in his lifetime, this posture should be placed in the same category as the centaur?

That's not right. Centaurs are a mixture of humans and horses. The shape of these bug-men is to elongate most of their torso to form a human-like shape, or a torso and head similar to that of a mantis.

If it is the body of a human being and an insect, then it should be called a "human insect", just like the naming method of "a human horse"?

However, it's not just him. There is someone standing at the door. He has lavender skin, his lower body is like a spider, and his upper body is a female elf?

Spider elf.

Although the memory of his previous life made him want to call this creature a spider elf, the memory of the original owner Norton told him that this female creature should be called a spider elf.

The spider-body elf hugged her plump chest with her hands. When Yao Yan was wondering whether she was a mammal or an arthropod, she said loudly:

"Professor Leonardo, after the consciousness is transferred, the original body should be disposed of within three days, right? Whether it is eaten or buried and burned."

This sentence caused all the insects and elves to turn their gazes away and follow her gaze to fixate on the scorpion man.

The students who originally entered the room quickly squeezed out after hearing this.

Especially the mantis man who was the first to rush into the room. He closed his sharp sickle-blade hands and pushed away the surrounding insect, bird, and elves, and came to the side of the scorpion man. His big eyes composed of dense compound eyes followed. He tilted his head and looked at the scorpion man.

In doubt, he rushed into the room again, and brought out the blood-covered body amidst everyone's exclamations.

Only then did Yao Yan have the opportunity to look at the corpse carefully.


It is not the kind of harpy that has a bird body with a human head in mythology, but a harpy that is mainly based on the outline of the human body and embellished with bird characteristics after the humanoid postures continued to increase in later generations.

There are sharp claws in front of a pair of winged hands, and the body is exposed. Only the chest and between the legs are covered by feathers. The rest of the body is similar to human skin.

The head is also similar to that of humans.

The mantis man lifted the body of the harpy with his closed claws, tilted his head and looked at the scorpion man, and then asked in a somewhat puzzled tone:

"Professor Leonardo?"

Yao Yan, who probably understood the reason, fixed his gaze on the scorpion man and said:

"Professor Leonardo, right? Whether you plan to pursue art or something else, the sky burial ceremony requires the body to be tidy."

In response to his words, the scorpion man did not make a sound, but opened and closed his mouth a few times, seeming to smile at him, and then turned his head that was somewhat similar to the mantis man's to the spider elf. A harsh voice said:

"Miss Julia, this was supposed to be a perfect death in the art."

"Professor Lenado, no, you are no longer a professor at our Jungle University of Arts. You also violated the consciousness transfer law by not leaving the original address after the consciousness transfer."

The spider-body elf still looked calm and turned to Yao Yan:

"The consciousness transfer law stipulates that you cannot participate even in funerals. The professor named Leonardo is a harpy, not a scorpion. After death, this identity will be canceled."

Her words made the scorpion man swing his huge pliers:

"You are right, but at the same time, the consciousness transfer law also stipulates that after the consciousness transfer, I have three days to choose how to deal with matters related to my previous identity, and I did not actively use Lenado's Identity, it is you, Miss Julia, who informs others of my identity.”

These words made the spider elf's face change slightly.

Without saying anything else, the spider elf named Julia turned around and left with an ugly look on her face.

And their conversation also made many students and several teachers look at each other.

At this time, the scorpion man took the harpy body from the mantis man's hand, and then said:

"I'm sorry, students and teachers of Jungle University of Arts. Today, Professor Leonardo of the Harpy was declared dead, and I, Danian the Scorpion, will be an excellent wanderer~"

After saying this, the scorpion man named Danian looked at Yao Yan and handed over the body:

"I have already applied for this undertaker, and the sky burial ceremony will be held on the roof of the building."

Taking the harpy's body with his claws, Yao Yan glanced at the other party and said nothing more. He just used his wings and flew towards the roof with the body.

At the same time, the scorpion man also waved his pincer hands at the students, and walked towards the stairs with four pairs of scorpion legs alternately.

On the roof of the building, not long after Yao Yan opened the suitcase, took out the intricately patterned shroud and put the harpy on it, Yao Yan waited for the arrival of Danian the Scorpion.

The scorpion man Danian alternated his scorpion legs and came to Yao Yan. Before she could speak, Yao Yan spoke first:

"I'm going to find the other two undertakers to discuss the details of the sky burial ceremony."

Without making a sound, the scorpion man did not have the proud look he had when facing the spider elf Julia before, but just looked at the harpy corpse in silence.

Yao Yan didn't say much, spread his wings, flew into the sky, and let out a slightly sad crow.

This is a familiar signal for the arakkoa to summon their companions.

Soon, two black shadows flew up from the other two tall teaching buildings and moved closer to him.

At this time, Yao Yan turned his gaze downwards, where the scorpion man was still looking at the corpse.

ps: Pictures, speaking of them, since I was a child, apart from school graduation photos, I have never taken any other pictures.

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