Crow's Paradise

Chapter 162 A rigid calendar

Soon, the three-eyed woman also noticed the commission amount line:

"Only 3,000?"

When a slightly surprised voice reached Arnold's ears, he just responded without looking back:


"With this amount of work, how much can I earn with 3,000 gold?"

After reading the terms of the commission contract, the three-eyed girl slapped the contract on the table:

"The workload is not worth the price. Is there something wrong with this person?"

"There shouldn't be any problem. Although he may be hiding something, there shouldn't be any big problem."

Arnold took out another set of clothes from the closet:

"However, I don't know the price of commissioned surveys. I asked several times about the average market price of this type of commissioned surveys. In order to reduce the price, I decided to give up the commission several times. I calculated the price of taking a taxi and commissioning, and asked about surveying only a part of the road section. Can you reduce the commission fee?"

"If the problem you are talking about is in this area, then there should be a problem."

After hearing these words, the three-eyed woman showed a look of contempt:

"Tch, it turns out he's a miser again."

However, Arnold continued at this time:

"Although there is nothing wrong with people, this matter needs attention."

"this matter?"

Hearing this sentence, the three-eyed female general picked up the contract again, and her eyes immediately fell on the "Skeleton Church" that was a bit unfamiliar but definitely not an ordinary word:

"Church of Bones?"

"Yes, hurry up and look up the history of the Church of Bones in the last era."

Arnold responded while changing into different clothes from before and taking out a mask:

"Especially the part about 'cannibalism'."

"eat human!?"

The three-eyed woman suddenly stood up and stared at Arnold with all three eyes.

Seemingly noticing her gaze, or because her voice suddenly became louder and then stopped, Arnold turned around:

"In the last era, various religions and races coexisted, and consciousness transfer was indeed controlled by specific forces. It was very difficult to transfer consciousness. However, there were also various consciousness transfers in the black market in private, just like now. mechanism."

As he spoke, he pondered:

"Even so, there are indeed many races that are restricted to certain jobs."

"The angels control a large number of religions, and the demons are regarded as enemies of religion. However, consciousness transfer tools are indeed privately owned by many demons, and they can infiltrate or cooperate with some churches and racial forces in this way. ”

"In that era, all forces were generally divided into two opposing camps: the angel side and the demon side."

"The Church of Bones probably belonged to the demon side at that time."

He whispered as if talking to himself:

"However, after the defeat of the demon clan forces, the church forces and even races related to the demon clan have been purged, and the historical data has also been purged."

"As much as you can find, just try to find something related to 'cannibalism'."

After giving instructions to his sister and his assistant, Arnold put on his hat:

"I'll be back in an hour."

After saying that, without waiting for his sister's response, Arnold walked out of the detective agency.

The three-eyed girl silently watched the other person's disappearing figure, and walked towards the bookshelf with a frown on her face.

At night, at the entrance of the Forensic Identification Center.

"If today was not a holiday, my salary would be gone."

Yao Yan followed the character of the arakkoa Nord and complained about this old Reiter.

"Haha, so this time Old Rhett will give you half. Next time you have time on the weekend, remember to come together, brother Nord!"

The old vulture man just laughed in response, then spread his wings and flew away. When leaving, he did not forget to remind:

"Brother Nord, please remember to move quickly. It's almost 0:00, and there will be flight control in this area on Monday."


After responding casually, Yao Yan also spread his wings and flew towards Nord's residence.

However, in the air, he was thinking about one thing.

That is "week".

During his lifetime, the origins of "zhou" and "zhou" that everyone took for granted were very complicated.

The way a civilization or culture records time is naturally related to the rhythm of life, and it will change over time and will not remain static.

And the most critical thing is often at the very beginning.

After all, habits are something. As time goes by, if you want to suddenly change, the destructive power caused by inertia can be very great.

In early civilizations, many used the stars in the sky as a reference to measure time rhythms.

There are also various differences in the range of cycles.

The major cycle is one year, with 24 months, and the minor cycle is one month, with two weeks.

Or 13 months, the first 12 months have 30 days per month, and the thirteenth month has 5 or 6 days.

Or 18 months in a year, 20 days in each month.

Or there are 12 months in a normal year, divided into big and small months, and 13 months in leap years.

Different calendars themselves have clear influencing factors related to geography, climate, and customs.

For example, after the flaws of the early lunar calendar were discovered, ancient Egypt switched to using the flooding of the Nile River as the starting point of the cycle, using Sirius and the sun as references, and the experience of the rise and fall of the Nile River and crop planting as the calendar rule.

Because of the flooding season, the farming season, and the harvest season, a common ancient Egyptian calendar was divided into 3 quarters and 12 months, with 3 weeks per month and 10 days per week.

This method of division is somewhat similar to that of the country where he lived during his lifetime, which was more ancient and used to count periods with ten days as one period, but it is completely different.

Not to mention the seven-day week.

Why does the world use a seven-day calendar?

He looked towards the stars.

In this world, in the memory of the original owner that he could understand, this starry sky would not move.

In this world, there are no seasonal changes, no cold or hot seasons.

You can farm at any time of the year, and you can harvest at any time of the year.

Yao Yan's pair of crow eyes looked at the starry sky.

Although there are similar situations in the calendars of Dasheng World, Witch World, and Sun Stone World, this situation will change with the development of the times.

However, this world does not.

This "seven-day week" corresponded to the ancient Babylonian calendar during his lifetime.

However, the earliest Babylonian week was not a seven-day week, let alone the "seven-day week" officially used in its previous life. It was actually formed through the cross-cultural influence of ancient Babylon, ancient Rome, ancient Greece, Northern Europe and other regions.

The calendar of this world, compared to the several worlds he has experienced before, has the most obvious artificial traces.

The worlds he has experienced before have all been localized.

For example, in the Sunstone World, as the year progresses, the length of the months becomes shorter and shorter, and the reason is that the day becomes longer and longer, and it resets in January.

But, this world.

Yao Yan's crow eyes were fixed on the starry sky.

He is not surprised why the calendar is so rigid, because in the world view, there is a "writer".

What he was confused about was why the writer chose "seven days a week" as the small cycle.

As Lao Jia said, why did the Yan people who control this world choose seven days a week?

Are they also influenced by habits and subconsciously using this calendar?

While thinking, Yao Yan's figure sank into the night sky.

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