Crow's Paradise

Chapter 16 The Cult of the Unbelievers

This Yan Ren's behavior was something Yao Yan did not expect.

However, this Yanren's behavior was not beyond his expectation.

The reason is precisely what Yao Yan felt in her before, that kind of "same kind" feeling that other Yan people did not have.

But Yao Yan didn't say anything, he just stared at her, waiting for her reaction.

Loulan's thoughts were also a little uneasy. She had seen the whole process of the team leader being killed, and she had realized that this "missing body" had its own will.

Not the "missing body", but the "contaminated body".

A special existence with self-will and spiritual form.

Which recipient completed the emergence?

She tried hard to recall the organized shelters she knew near Yancheng.

However, she soon noticed that the polluted body in the form of a giant crow was just looking at her without taking any action, and understood what the other party meant.

She raised her right hand, and as the machine opened and closed, the parts of her palm gradually reorganized into a hollow pattern that looked like a bug or a snake:

"I am a member of the Cult of the Unbelievers."

She said a title.

When he heard this title, Yao Yan couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Because this somewhat contradictory name is the name of an organization in "Crows Paradise".

The people in this organization are a group of strange organizations who believe that "everything can be used, whether it is interpersonal relationships or social status", including the status of "members of the Unbelievers".

The structure of this organization is both loose and strict, and exists in a rather contradictory state in each story copy of "Crows Paradise".

To simplify the description, this organization is a group of "purpose centrists".

For one's own purposes, one can sacrifice everything that can be sacrificed by any means necessary.

They can spread rumors for their own purposes, they can kill friends with whom they have a good chat, and they can do all kinds of things for their own purposes.

In "Crow's Paradise", this organization is quite strange.

One is because this organization is known to many people.

The second reason is that although this organization is known to many people, it is unable to form an effective attack.

Because they will disguise themselves in various identities.

Can you believe that a person who has done nothing bad from birth to the age of sixty or seventy is a member of a cult of infidels?

Can you believe that this man suddenly burned down the village where he grew up one day, killing the entire village?

The members of this cult of unbelievers are extremely difficult to guard against.

Because they are unscrupulous, they will support something if they think it will help achieve their goals.

For example, Yao Yan once played such a script.

An old man founded a family, and several generations of the family lived together happily.

No matter from various details, you can feel the old man's feelings for his family members.

However, when the plot progressed to a certain stage, everyone in the family was killed by the old man.

And as the plot explores, the superficial reasons emerge—

"After my death, they will benefit, so they will hope that I die early, and they are even planning to kill me."

In the plot, acting from another direction, when some players with bad taste help him kill his whole family, they will hear this sentence——

"I'm more important than them, just like I killed my parents, for that simple reason."

Yao Yan was very impressed by this plot.

But not every member of the Unbelieving Cult is like this. This is also a relatively extreme type among the Unbelieving Cult.

He learned from the player forum that among those in the Faithless Cult, there were relatively few people who were this extreme, and more of them were refined egoists.

They will take "cost-effectiveness" as their core purpose.

What kind of actions can maximize your benefits and minimize your risks?

It is human nature to pursue cost-effectiveness and efficiency.

However, once the bottom line is exceeded, this behavior is the biggest worm in the group.

They often hide among various forces, using the banner of the group and others to cover their actions and reduce their risks.

They will hold up the flags of various doctrines and groups to cover themselves.

A group of people who will do anything for their own purposes and interests.

And they are often very good at disguise and packaging their behavior.

This member of the Faithless Order appears in almost every copy of the story.

Many of them will achieve their goals by betraying other members of the Faithless Order.

If you have to simplify it, this is an "insider" organization.

To everyone in the organization, everyone is a mole.

For everyone outside the organization, everyone in this organization may become an insider, plotting to harm himself for his own purposes.

Looking at the strange emblem that looked like an insect and a snake, and the related memories of the "Cult of the Faithless" that emerged in his mind, Yao Yan couldn't help but fixate his eyes on the face of this female human.

However, this kind of person with no bottom line is the best target for blackmail.

Because except for themselves and their own purposes, everything else is "not worth sacrificing" to them.

A voice came out as his crow's beak opened:

"An unbeliever with no bottom line. Or a self-believer? Give me a price that is enough for me to let you go."

These words with a questioning tone made Loulan's expression stagnant, and she quickly said:

"I can provide the door to the Wall of the Unbelieving."

Wall of the Infidel? what is that?

Yao Yan didn't know this title.

No, it can’t be said that he doesn’t know, “Wall of the Unbelievers”, he thought of the setting in another well-known game during his lifetime.

That game setting has been widely spread and changed because of its literal meaning.

But the "Wall of the Unbelievers" has no specific connection with "Crows Paradise" and "Nightmare Game".

When he didn't know the situation, he just looked at Yanren, waiting for her next words or actions.

Yao Yan's silence once again gave her hope. Her arm parts opened and closed, revealing the same diamond-shaped wooden block.

Or a piece of metal.

While he was thinking, a little crow flew out of his body, flew in front of the other party, grabbed the wooden sign, and brought it back to Yao Yan.

When in close contact, Yao Yan could clearly feel that this wooden sign seemed to be connected to something.

And this feeling.

With a little curiosity and vigilance, the little crow got into the wooden sign.

The next moment, a slightly familiar rising feeling emerged.

A bit like the feeling when entering the game "Crow's Paradise" before?

Soon, Yao Yan realized the "familiar" source of this feeling.

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