Crow's Paradise

Chapter 154 Bargaining

Although the process and causes are different, the results of this situation are also somewhat similar to the situation of nuclear deterrence during life.

The latter is because the destructive power is too great, causing them to dare not act rashly.

The former is still difficult to kill, and even if you pursue them relentlessly, your efforts will most likely be in vain, and will lead to long-term hatred that is difficult to resolve.

What impact will such social relations have on social culture?

Yao Yan's thoughts were agitated and he unconsciously jumped to this issue.

However, he soon turned to another matter.

Buzhou Mountain.

He didn't know if he was unique enough, but he really didn't know if anyone else besides himself could enter the trial space when Buzhou Mountain disappeared.

That polluted body of intertwined light and shadow was able to enter the Sunstone World. Judging from what he knew so far, Buzhou Mountain should have reappeared.

After hiding the helmet fragments in an abandoned building, he gathered a group of crows, and the strange-looking

The giant crow once again appeared on the top of the abandoned building, overlooking the earth in the night sky where no stars could be seen but were inexplicably bright.

After pondering briefly, Yao Yan used his ability to change his appearance——

Crow gesture?

Although he now has no physical contact and no aesthetic concepts, the memory logic and values ​​​​left behind during his lifetime indicate that he did not like the appearance of this type of toucan during his lifetime.

The posture of the black and white strange crow?

A very unique shape, but the characteristics of the black wolf crow and white sheep crow are too conspicuous.

Backfire Crow?

Likewise, even though it’s dark, it’s still quite eye-catching.

Under such judgment criteria, the one-eyed crow was not included in the selection list.

Ink Crow and Shadow Crow are the most suitable.

Soon, Yao Yan made his choice.

The strange giant crow with floating shadows and complex physical features slowly turned into an ink-like form. From all aspects, it looked like a black crow painted with ink on a flat painting.

The feature of the translucent one-eyed eye was covered, and the swaying posture of the dark red flame was also covered. The horns on the top of the head were also retracted into the top of the head like flowing ink, but the rather sharp claws and the raven with jagged edges like animal teeth were retained. beak.

After disguising himself, Yao Yan took out the wooden sign leading to Mount Buzhou.

The moment he used his power against the wooden sign that looked like wood and metal, Yao Yan could feel more clearly than before that some power had been touched——

This token, like the Buzhou Mountain, has the same origin.

Immediately, in that sense of vastness, that huge, boundless and strange rotating thing appeared in his field of vision again.

However, once again, chaos, miscellaneousness, and a sense of contradiction that seemed to follow some rules filled his perception of the behemoth, making it impossible for him to identify it.

The moment his spirit stabilized, he found that he had arrived inside the huge, twisted, spiraling tower-shaped space, appearing inside the land of chaos.

In the space shrouded in black fog, the chaotic and gray street scene, and the stacked buildings up and down made him realize that this was a gray area.

Various chaotic architectural scenes of different shapes passed by one after another, and Yao Yan flew to the place where he had seen Lao Jia several times before.

In the shadow of the street corner, Yao Yan saw Lao Jia, the rat standing upright.

There was no difference between the other party and the previous one. It was still a slightly blurry gray rat image but with clear general details.

However, when he saw him, Lao Jia raised his head slightly and looked at him actively, instead of waiting for him to arrive before looking at him like before.

The rat's beard twitched, and Lao Jia said:

"It is not a good thing to use crude selection of secondary abilities regardless of suitability."

Hearing this, Yao Yan, whose shadows flowed slightly like ink on his body, just responded:

"How much is this information worth?"

When Lao Jia heard this, his whiskers swayed up and down:

"It doesn't sound like you picked your secondary abilities poorly?"

"Are you sure you want me to answer in this case?"

Although Yao Yan already knew that he would use all kinds of casual conversations to formulate words, it can only be said that it is still impossible to guard against it.'s pretty good.

In this case, Yao Yan gave him his fabricated and exaggerated abilities and intelligence.

There are rumors about his ability, so it is a good choice to use Lao Jia to spread his false information.

This sentence made Lao Jia slightly narrow his eyes:

"Twice stowaway?"

"In addition, if I don't fulfill the previous commission, you will pay me directly."

"I paid the deposit."

"So wouldn't it be nice to settle the balance as well?"

Yao Yan, who had reached the same level as Lao Jia, had also realized what kind of trouble an unkillable enemy would be before. When talking to Lao Jia, he was not as fully prepared as before, for fear that the other party would suddenly attack. situation.

Lao Jia looked at his body carefully and did not continue on this topic, but said:

"Which trial space are you planning to sneak into?"

Hearing this sentence, Yao Yan was stunned.

With just these few words, Lao Jia has already figured out his purpose?

Is it experience? Or is there some kind of mind-reading method?

However, no matter which one, it shows that in terms of playing tricks, he is currently not as good as the person in front of him.

Speaking of which, an important part of the spread of rumors is self-deception?

He was good at making up stories and telling lies, but he was not good at being cunning and cunning in concealing his purpose.

He is good at misleading people with rumors and lies. He just needs to bombard them with a lot of mixed news, true and false.

The other party will definitely be able to get some information from his words, and he is not good at hiding it, so just mix the truth with the lies to mislead him.

Yao Yan knew his strengths and weaknesses, the methods and actions he was not good at, and he had no intention of continuing.

Moreover, people’s hearts are like this. Smart people, sometimes the other party won’t believe you if you tell the truth, but they will believe it if you tell the lie. If the truth and the false are mixed together, it will be easier for the other party to believe it after they have guessed it.

There is no need for him to cover up too much. As long as it does not bring danger, the wider the news about him, the better, which will help Mo Crow use his abilities.

After a brief delay, Yao Yan's ink-like shadow wings flapped and responded:

"Is there any trial space where I can obtain text-related spiritual condensation?"

This sentence made Lao Jia Shu's eyes wander around him again for a moment, as if he had some thoughts on his "calm" words. However, the other party replied in a calm voice:

"There are about ten of them, which one do you want to go to?"


This sentence just made Lao Jia stretch out his rat paw, facing upward, and wiggle it up and down twice, obviously asking for money.

And Yao Yan also quickly thought of suitable information——

In the sun stone world, I made up mythical and religious stories based on the memory of the "Sun God".

Can you sell information about that world?

The world situation in that world changed under the influence of the new Sun God religion and false myths he created, and he also benefited from it.

Although he may have to return to that world in the future, he has no worries about selling information.

It’s okay to misinterpret some places.

Although it is an adaptation, it should still be worth some money if the information about the situation in that world is sold, right?

After thinking about it, he took out the Sunstone World Token he got from Old Crab:

"How much is the information on this trial space worth?"

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