Crow's Paradise

Chapter 150 Assumptions of Fit Criteria

There may not sound much difference between the three, they seem to be almost the same, but the details, subjects, objects, etc. are all different.

A slight difference can make a difference of a thousand miles.

Different results will have a great impact on the judgment of the origin of his cognitive ability, and may even have a major impact on him at some point in the future.

Where is Mo Crow?

Mo Crow's ability is "rumor".

Judging from his knowledge and memory during his lifetime, the relationship between "rumors" and "rumors" is two intertwined circles.

Rumors cannot be distinguished from truth or falsehood, and rumors are those that are inconsistent with the facts.

However, the key point is that Mo Ya's current "rumor" ability is to "make some of the circumstances in the rumor become true for himself."

Although it is described as a "rumor", it is actually another thing derived from the "rumor".

In other words, they are the offspring developed by "rumors".

This can also be applied back to himself.

His core ability "Rumor" is the two abilities that can be seen now.

The first is to "ignore the prerequisites for an ability to be activated".

This point may correspond to the feature of “no factual basis” in the concept of “rumor”.

and the second, “can effect a certain degree of change in the manifestation of phenomenal abilities.”

He couldn't figure it out at first, but now, he was sure that he was able to make one of his abilities appear as the characteristics of another ability during use.

Just change the appearance.

But the scope is limited to the abilities he possesses.

He can transform the Great-billed Crow into the appearance of the Black Crow, the Shadow Crow, the Black-and-White Crow, the Backfire Crow, and now the One-Eyed Crow.

This ability is also consistent with the concept of rumors, which is "inconsistent with the facts."

But, the focus should be on “active change”?

What are the characteristics of rumors that can be repeated and processed multiple times?

The Black and White Strange Crow, also known as "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", is a story with a similar general structure to "Playing with the Princes by Beacon Fire".

The prerequisites for the ability of the black and white crow are "declaration" and "first affirm and then deny the declaration content".

If you do not use the ability of "rumor" and ignore the preconditions, then the process of achieving the effect will be very cumbersome.

It's even more cumbersome than the human figure with intertwined light and shadow that requires a mirror and a third party other than yourself to observe it.

After all, trust and denial are not so easy to achieve.

The effect of the ability itself is to "increase the mark after negating it", that is, the black crow is attached, and the damage is caused after the mark is cleared, which is detonation.

Also, when the target is marked, the probability of being discovered by the opponent is reduced.

The prerequisites, effects, and ranges of these abilities correspond to the various descriptions in the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf.

Is this ability consistent with his because the "story itself" is fictional, a processed story, with deviations in specific details? Is it a type of rumor?

Or is it because the protagonist of the story, the child herding sheep, is "creating rumors of 'Wolf is coming'", so it fits him?

If there are both, which one accounts for a greater proportion of the impact of fit?

The Shadow Crow is a "draft".

The concept of "draft" is reflected in this ability, which is text, modifiable, and unfinished product.

Needless to say, the text is the carrier of words and black paper.

Modifiable means that the content can be modified.

Non-finished products, insufficient in content, incomplete, finished and unfinished.

This is the result of Yao Yan working backwards from his "draft" ability to find corresponding points.

What does that have to do with "rumors"?

Literary stories and artistic processing are themselves a major source of rumors. Is it because of this high degree of compatibility? Then it is the direction of "creating rumors".

The contents on the draft paper are uncertain and are not clearly "inconsistent with the facts." From this point of view, it is closer to the uncertain characteristics of rumors.

As for the Backfire Crow, Yao Yan was not sure about the source of this ability at first, but after careful consideration, he found a psychological phenomenon that was more likely to be a prototype.

"Backfire Effect"

When obtaining a piece of information, if the information is different or conflicting with one's own cognition, it will lead to a change in one's own understanding, which will instead deepen the trust of the person who obtained the information in the information.

This psychological phenomenon, this cognitive phenomenon is very familiar to everyone.

When his body is on fire, he will subconsciously choose to put out the flames.

If the flames are not extinguished and your clothes are burned, you need to change your clothes.

But it is impossible for people to let the flames burn their clothes. After all, the skin and flesh may be burned or even people may be burned to death.

Moreover, if the rumors are correct, the definition of the backfire effect itself has a presupposition of the "original information", which is "wrong information" and "rumors".

When the "error information" is corrected and there is a conflict, the error information will be maintained and the "fire" will be extinguished.

Although Yao Yan knew that this phenomenon was indiscriminate, whether it was wrong or correct information, as long as it was his own point of view, he would more or less "subconsciously" "put out the flame" when encountering conflicts or flames. .

However, this point of view, this explanation and definition of the "backfire effect" has long been presupposed.

Yao Yan was not sure which version this "backfire" was, the version with preset right and wrong, or the version without preset right and wrong.

But it is certain that this ability itself is the same as the "rumor" type, at least with an uncertain target.

The relationship between this ability and rumors is "creating rumors" and "consolidating rumors".

But if there is a concept of "backfire effect" that presupposes right and wrong, then this ability itself is closely related to rumors.

Crow's Mouth, Cried Wolf, Rumor, Draft, Backfire.

Big-billed crow, black and white strange crow, ink crow, shadow crow, backfire crow.

Finally, there is the one-eyed crow, the "fourth wall".

The first five are easy to understand, but what’s going on with the last one?

Why does the concept of "the fourth wall" coincide with "rumors"?

The fourth wall refers to a situation in a play where the actors ignore the audience who can directly see their actions and hear their voices, as if the actors have created an imaginary wall between themselves and the audience.

A wall that exists only in consciousness.

When any actor looks in the direction of the audience, he will never mention the audience he sees, as if the audience does not exist.

And as mentioned, when there is interaction with the audience, it is called "breaking the fourth wall."

Is it because of this?

Rumors, in a narrow sense, refer to statements that are spread without factual basis and are different from or even contrary to the facts.

In our lifetime, rumors can be generated, spread and exist in countless forms. Is it because of this?

He carefully confirmed his abilities and the suitability of various crows.

According to his current feeling, the one who fits the best is indeed the one-eyed crow of the "fourth wall".

Next is the Shadow Crow, then the "Ink Crow", then the Big-billed Crow, the Black and White Strange Crow, and finally the Backfire Crow.

Does it have anything to do with ability?

However, he soon made two assumptions.

The first is the "scope" of the target being referred to, and the second is the "degree of ambiguity".

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