Crow's Paradise

Chapter 145 The figure hidden in the flames

Fierce flames rose up, and Triss' vision was completely enveloped by the flames.

At this time, in her sight, the tall man who called her "Prophet" raised his right hand slightly, and then pushed it forward.

Buzz! ! !

A sudden buzzing sound echoed throughout the house.

And at this moment, the tall man disappeared from her sight.

Such a scene made Triss couldn't help but widen her eyes, trying to find traces of the tall man.

And the one who had the same idea was the master who started the flames.

At the same moment that the tall man disappeared, scorching fire swept through the place where he had been standing.

And something in the center of the hall disappeared in the flames.

Just as the flames intertwined, two figures rushed into the mansion riding on the flames.

One male and one female.

When the two men were covered in flames and rushed into the mansion like feathered firebirds, there was a loud bang.

A man and a woman dodge almost at the same time. Almost as their dodge was going on, a huge depression appeared under their feet.

It was as if something heavy hit the ground.

The two of them immediately followed the pit trajectory and sensed the direction of the target——

In an almost unanimous movement of raising their hands, the surrounding flames swept up, and two firebirds covered with feathers flew out from above their heads.

The feather-like flames flew into the empty air as the wings flapped, following the movements of the firebird.


boom! ! !

The blazing four-winged firebird hit the ground, causing an explosion.


After the violent air compression explosion, what followed was the sound of impact and friction that made one's hair stand on end.

Objects hanging on the wall and placed on the floor made noises as they hit other objects and walls in the hot wind from the explosion of flames.

There were also knight statues in front of the stairs. One of them fell straight down and hit the ground.

The tiles, which had been burned red in the fire, were directly smashed by the fallen knight statue.

Countless fragments flew and landed on other tiles, making continuous collision sounds.

However, this situation was bad news for the two people who broke into the mansion.

If their judgment is wrong, where is the enemy?

Without thinking much, they almost made a dodge action the moment the Firebird exploded.

It was at this moment that they saw a huge palm.

Those are inhuman palms.

Under the burned skin, there was a palm structure that looked like wood. Although it was burning, the flames were very small. The surface coating with a metallic luster also explained the reason.

And at this moment, the light and shadow cast by the crystal lamp reflected on the palm that was reaching towards the woman in white, and disappeared from the sight of the two people again.

The woman in white, who had dodged because of the sudden appearance of her body, suddenly stopped moving.

It was inconsistent with the position and direction of the arm when it disappeared. An arm that was not made of flesh and blood penetrated the head of the woman in white.

Without any pause, he grabbed the pierced skull with his arm and threw her body towards the remaining man.

However, at this moment, suddenly, the man's pupils contracted, and the original round pupils instantly locked into a vertical shape, swaying and burning like a flame, wrapping the vertical pupils.

And his sight seemed to penetrate the darkness and stare at something.

Behind him, the flames squirmed and swayed, and the flaming body of the four-winged strange bird was suddenly broken open, and a flaming snake with dim flames emerged.

Different from his dead expression, the flaming snake's looking-down posture was full of majesty and movement, as if the body was just a shell and the flaming snake was the true body.

Breathing out a mouthful of flame, it burned the body of the woman in white that was thrown away into charcoal. When the hot wind pushed the corpse away, the flame snake stared at the center of the hall with its vertical pupils that seemed to be able to penetrate the void.

There seems to be something in the empty space where nothing can be seen.

The scene quickly became quiet.

An invisible confrontation began.

However, at this moment, Triss, who was choked by the flames and coughed, finally couldn't hold on any longer, opened the window and escaped.

This sound, this noise.

Suddenly, the fire-eating flame snake's eyes lit up with light.

Almost instantly, an explosion came from the air, from where it said it was staring.

A figure fell down in the empty space amidst the burst of flames.

Moreover, the moment the opponent appeared, the eyes of the flaming snake once again started to flow with fire like a snake ring.

Suddenly, another piece exploded from the tall figure who fell to the ground.



The "flesh and blood" that fell not far from the Flame Snake was heavier than wooden products. Although it was shrouded in flames, there were only a few traces of burning.

With a brush, the figure of the flame snake pounced over, and the flame fangs under the snake's kiss also bit the fallen figure.

However, when the Flame Snake pounced on the fallen target, he saw that the inhuman thing lying on the ground did not face it directly, but there was no panic on its face.

It seemed as if it had been expected.

The tall and strong inhuman mechanical body, even in a lying posture, can be seen looking down on anyone who looks at it.

At this moment, the man's appearance was inhuman. He raised his arm, which cracked in the scorching flames, and shook the flaming snake.

Silently, the flame snake's body suddenly stopped moving, as if it was bound and imprisoned by something invisible.

And it is the prey in this cage.

"Burn out!"

The Flame Snake seemed to be aware of his situation, and his mouth suddenly opened in a terrifying arc -

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

Amidst two consecutive loud noises, the target who used something to try to imprison him seemed to have been hit by a giant hammer. The blazing flames burned the clothes to pieces and burned the skin, revealing what was hidden inside. Real landscape.

Indeed not human.

Seeing the body that was full of mechanical structures, with no blood flowing out, or any other body fluids flowing out, the Flame Snake opened his mouth again.

However, at this moment, the inhuman giant raised his arm again——

Hit hard.

Snapped! ! !

This time, the flame snake's entire body dragged the afterimage through the flames and hit the wall. It was embedded in the wall due to the overwhelming force.

However, the body formed by the flames quickly pulled itself out of the wall.

And at this moment, the Flame Snake made a dodge action again.


The attacker's attack landed on the head of the body in which it resided.

Unable to dodge, he was hit directly on the head.


In the sound of skull cracking, the man's head was shattered, but the flame snake did not disappear because of this, but completely emerged from the body.

The surrounding flames, at this moment, continued to pour into this flame snake, which was already as thick as a wrist.

On a scale visible to the naked eye, the flame snake's body instantly grew to the thickness of a human trunk.

It was also when the body expanded that the huge flaming snake bit the tall inhuman thing.

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