Crow's Paradise

Chapter 141 God’s Apostle

Triss turned her head and looked at the speaker.

It was a woman wearing white trousers and a black shirt who looked to be about the same age as her, around 26 or 27 years old. That outfit made her look dashing.

It was indeed a woman. Triss's eyes fell on the bulging plumpness of the other person's chest for a moment, and then her eyes swept around the other person, trying to find the source of the male voice.

But at this moment, the voice she was looking for rang again:

"This lady?"

Somewhat deep, like her second brother's, the deep voice of a man in his thirties.

However, this sound still has a sense of segmentation, but the rhythm is quite single.

Triss blinked.

However, at this moment, she was stunned for a moment.

The feeling of extinguishing a flame.

It feels different from the burning flame, and it also feels different from the flame extinguished.

What she felt from the woman in front of her was more like the feeling of an ordinary person, the feeling that the flames had not yet started burning.

But it feels different from ordinary people. The person in front of me is tighter than ordinary people?

How long does it take to burn it out?

She felt like this for no reason.

However, she quickly came to her senses and responded with a smile:

"Sorry, I was reminded of an acquaintance."

As she said that, she picked up the "Bubble" that she could no longer stand, and handed it to the lady of the same age in black clothes and white trousers.


The woman in black who took the book pulled out the chair next to her and sat down, and responded with the same smile:

"I'm Sarina Riker, Collection Manager at the Sky Museum."

A dull sound came from the other party's mouth.

"Sky Museum!?"

Triss was stunned for a moment, and then showed a stunned expression:

"Hello! I'm Triss. Do you think this book is related to any collection in the museum?"

Just like before, she deliberately changed her appearance as the daughter of a consul in various social situations.

Simple, common and rarely seen among ordinary upper-class people, the single ponytail and the most practical, comfortable and cost-effective clothing do not care about beautiful appearance.


No matter what the occasion, try to avoid giving out your surname. Coupled with the changes in appearance brought about by the growth of more than ten years, and finally, there is this unfamiliar look that even the museum administrator seems to have never seen before. He is obviously not a The temperament that the eldest lady once had, almost no one can recognize her anymore.

Regarding her follow-up question after introducing herself, the woman in black just said:

"I don't know if it's related. It's just that this job requires us to try to understand as much as possible about things that may involve ancient history. It would be best if we could trace them back to the source."

"Oh I got it."

Triss lay on the library table without any concern for her appearance, watching the other party flipping through the books.

But in her heart, she couldn't help but think of that strange feeling.

Why did this Sarina woman make her feel that way?

However, at this moment, as if because of her gaze, the other party stopped flipping through the book and turned to look at her:

"Miss Triss, have you heard about the Sun Priest and the Night Priest?"

This sudden question stunned Triss for a moment. She raised her body and returned to her sitting position, looking like she was thinking:

"heard about it."

She thought about it carefully:

"The fire thieves and fire eaters are the so-called sun priests and night priests, right?"

She must have remembered correctly, historical research in previous years published this statement.

However, at this moment, she heard Ms. Serina say:

"Well, there is indeed this theory, but there is also another theory."

"That means the 'fire thief' and the 'fire eater' are apostles, not priests."


Triss was stunned again when she heard this word, because she had never heard of this word before, and had only seen it in "Bubble" just now.

If I remember correctly, that sentence contains the title "apostle", which means messenger of God from the context.

This kind of statement is basically not used in daily life, and what is said is always expressed directly as "messenger".

Even nobles who like to find some rare words to use to show their literary level rarely use this word.

After all, the word itself has other meanings -

Show miracles, spread miracles, and let more people believe in the sun god.

Meaning closer to the word "missionary"

Seeing her expression of confusion and thinking, Ms. Serina responded immediately:

"In ancient times, there were also differences between clergy. The prophets were the ones who conveyed the revelations of the Sun God and the Night God. They could know when the ceremony should be held. The chief priest was responsible for the holding of the ceremony and related work. The priest was responsible for the ceremony after the ceremony began. People who communicate with God’s apostles and guide the coming of God’s apostles.”

"Is there such a difference?"

This was actually the first time Triss heard this statement.

"Yes." Sarina responded, then she raised the book in her hand, as if to show the text to her.

Triss also realized the other party's intention, took a closer look, and read out the words above:

"The boy who walked out of the flames seemed to know his identity without talking to him."

"He is the most loyal night watchman and the most loyal priest of the Lord of Fire. He is here to welcome the apostle of God and the beast of arson."

"The pyromaniac beast is not afraid of any fire-eaters. Wherever it sets foot, flames will ignite and burn up the fire-eaters from the night."

"However, the priest showed a look of astonishment. It seemed that what he was waiting for was not the boy in front of him. The one who communicated with him during the sacred ceremony was the one who could hunt down the enemy no matter how deep the night was. The beast of arson.”

"The apostle of God explained that the arsonist beast went to track down a more important enemy. He came instead of the arsonist beast."

After reading out each sentence, she saw Ms. Salina turning another page.

Triss just frowned. She didn't see this page, but she still followed the other party's instructions and looked at the page she just opened:

"'The evil fire-eaters need to be purified, and the apostles of God will come.'"

"The old prophet spoke to himself in an inaudible voice."

"Everyone heard what the old man said, whether adults or children."

"Everyone immediately began to prepare for the ceremony under the guidance of the officiant."

After reading all these words, Triss immediately understood the situation. She raised her head and looked at the other party:

"This book"

Ms. Salina nodded and responded to her:

"This book is consistent with my conclusion."

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