Crow's Paradise

Chapter 137 “Two” Worlds?

However, as Yao Yan devoured the body of the flame giant, not only did he not get replenished, but on the contrary, he consumed some extra power.

"A drama that never ends?"

The fire giant, Taimoli laughed, and then completely disappeared in the flames of his body.

At this time, Yao Yan could definitely feel that the power in Taimoli's body had been burned out, and because the power had been exhausted, he was constantly trying to grab power from the surrounding environment.

Because of this, Yao Yan's actions of swallowing him did not bring him any benefits——

To be honest, there should be no benefits to this body, only harm.

However, it was still good for Yao Yan himself.

Without a spirit capable of resisting, his actions of contaminating and devouring can be omitted.


Because this devouring behavior was not only useless but also harmful, there was a problem with his new host.

The body that was originally repaired by his use of backfire was torn apart, and the inside of the body once again had cracks and gaps that were disintegrated and destroyed.

However, Yao Yan did not have the power to repair these gaps. The previous repairs had almost exhausted his strength.

"The good body you just got will be thrown away immediately. It's really ups and downs. Let's see how much of it can be retained."

And soon, he found a somewhat unique ellipsoid-shaped sun stone inside his body, and he felt a weak and not yet fully formed spiritual consciousness inside:

"Does it rely on laying eggs to reproduce? Can it be resurrected?"

Without hesitation, Yao Yan immediately transferred.

And his body also fell downwards.

From an outsider's perspective, it was a huge fire beast with a strange shape, resembling some kind of bird. After swallowing the flame giant in one gulp, it fell from the sky.

"what happened?"

The action that stopped because of the "battle" between the flame giant and the strange fire beast did not continue because of the fall of the huge fire beast.

The snake-eyed man and the bird-faced man immediately rushed to the window, their eyes fixed on the falling strange fire beast.

They could all feel that the moment the giant fire beast appeared, the flames on their bodies and their power seemed to be out of control.

As if encountering the flame they possessed, the true master of their power, struggled to break away from their bodies and rush towards the fire beast.

And the only thing they could think of that could correspond to this feeling was—

Sun god.

However, they couldn't understand what was happening.

Was it Tamori who did it?

The snake-eyed man glanced at the bird-faced man next to him.

Tamori's previous actions were just to lure out the "Sun God"?

Although the snake-eyed man did not move, the bird-faced man immediately took action——

Following him, under his control, the white-haired man who was always ready to stop the "Black Snake" regardless of interference, at this moment, the flames on his body surged out, condensed into a four-winged firebird, and flew toward the huge falling fire. The beast gave chase.


However, at this moment, due to the chain reaction of the destruction of the cabin connection structure, other parts of the airship were also collapsing.

Amidst the panicked shouts of all the guests, a voice sounded from the radio:

"Everyone, dear guests, please hold on tight... ah!!!"

At this moment, the last connecting rod on the left side was completely broken, and the entire cabin was only connected by the connecting rod on the right side.

However, it is obvious that the weight of the cabin, with only one connecting rod left, cannot support the weight of the cabin. A total of sixteen connecting rods are designed so that only four broken ones can still support the safety design of the cabin. , obviously does not include the situation where the support rod is all on one side.

Although there are still seven connecting rods, the situation that they are all on one side is obviously not optimistic.

The weight of the cabin caused the connecting rods to bend and break, and the entire cabin dropped and swayed like a pendulum.

All the guests fell towards the window as the cabin flipped.

Forty or fifty guests who were not lucky enough fell directly from the windows that were broken due to flames and fighting.

The sound coming from the sound transmission tubes throughout the cabin turned into screams that gradually became smaller.

Apparently, the flight attendant had fallen out of the airship cabin.

However, "Black Snake" and "Strange Bird" will certainly not have any problems because of this situation.

The flames coming out of the snake-eyed man's hands melted the metal, allowing him to firmly grasp the smooth ground, and immediately jumped to the "flat ground".

The bird-faced man set off flames behind him, forming a four-winged strange bird, which picked up his body and prevented him from falling.

Under the sea.

The huge fire beast, or "Sun God", fell into the sea. Its body quickly disintegrated, and pieces of flames agglomerated in the water, forming strange sun stones.

But inside its body, an oval-shaped, egg-like flame disappeared at this moment, accompanied by dark red flames rising up.

Following the method in the memory of the "Sun God", Yao Yan activated the power in the fire egg and pulled himself into the place where the Sun God had always been.

Darkness, never-ending darkness.

Just like the endless darkness of night.


It wasn't quiet here. To be precise, what he could see was not quiet.

In his field of vision, he could see the sea, the airship, and the city of Poseidonia.

Not just this area, but the scenery of any area in the entire world can be brought into his field of vision if he wants to.

The whole world is like another world to him.

So that’s it, isn’t there just one world? So that's the case, no wonder I can't find it.

The world within the table world? still.

An idea came to Yao Yan's mind.

Yao Yan, who was living on the fire egg, on the fire beast in the egg that was not as big as a human, slowly turned over the memories that had previously flooded his mind to understand what had happened in this world.

However, as he went through the memories one by one, he sighed:

"It turned out to be artificially modified history. It's really boring."

However, if we can understand the history before artificial modification and the history when it was first formed, we may be able to understand the history of the "real world".

The economy, politics, and culture of an era will affect a person and shape his outlook.

Since the trial space is composed of the spiritual residue of human beings, then this person's three views will also be mapped to the trial space in some aspects.

However, how many things are wrong with this chaotic spirit that combines all kinds of things?

If the words in a paragraph are changed in order, they will become lies. What's more, this kind of confusion involves who knows how many people and how many impressions are reflected. How much truth is there in what he can understand?

Yao Yan's eyes fell on the world that he could observe but others could not:

"I can only wait until the next unlucky guy comes? Is there no other way?"

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