Crow's Paradise

Chapter 134 The Head of the Sun God

Hound...the snake-eyed man and the bird-faced man were both chewing on this title. After a long silence, the bird-faced man responded:

"Are you saying that the Hound betrayed the Fire Thief?"

The snake-eyed man snorted disdainfully:

"You don't understand this? Of course the Fire Thief and the Sun God were betrayed."

"For a dog like this, it may not matter if it is full, and it can make people trust it, but if it is hungry, it doesn't matter whether you are an outsider or the owner, you will eat all the owner's flesh and blood, even the bones. "

The snake-eyed man looked disdainful:

"Trust the beast? To tame is to tame. It's ridiculous to think that the beast treats you as a family member or companion after taming the slavish obedience."

The snake-eyed man's eyes tightened again, like a thin line, and a cold, snake-like smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"After eating the bones of the Sun God and becoming fearless, will you continue to obey? What dare you not betray?"

And these words also stunned the strange bird, and the bird's face immediately turned back to Tamori:

"What do you mean?"

"Means nothing."

These words made Tamori shake his head and look at the sky:

"Ever since I have these powers and a different identity from ordinary people, I have been wondering why."

"Why do we have these powers, and why do these powers create fire thieves who are different from ordinary people?"

"How are fire thieves different from ordinary people, why are they different, and where are the sources of these differences."

"The more I think about this issue and the more I advance in exploring the identity of the fire thief, the less and less I understand the whole world. I..."

However, at this moment, Taimoli seemed to think of something again, opened his hands, and said to himself:

"Do you know? In order to study how many versions of the myth of the sun god there are, I watched every troupe's plays."

"At that time, I was thinking, what do the differences between these plays, these changes, mean?"

"I have even thought about whether there might be something guiding the actions of us fire thieves, from running around as monster thieves, or pretending to be ordinary people in other identities."

"The actors in the drama troupe can clearly see the audience directly on the stage, but why do they ignore the audience?"

"Is it the audience itself that doesn't exist, or is it a problem with the actors in the troupe."

"From that moment on, I stepped back again. I regarded the audience and the troupe's drama as a whole, as a drama, standing on the outermost edge and observing."

"However, it was precisely this beginning that made me gradually realize a problem."

Flames rolled up on Taimoli's body, like a giant, overlooking the two people, and then raised his head again:

"Is there something somewhere that we don't notice, observing us in another way, and we are the actors in that drama?"

This sentence stunned both the snake-eyed man and the strange bird.

However, soon, the snake-eyed man responded:

"What you said is something that cannot be confirmed or proven. Who knows whether you are right or not."


The flames around Taimoli slowly retracted, and it took him a long time to respond:

"Even if there is side confirmation, it is impossible to confirm what happened in the past. What happened at that node four hundred years ago?"

"If anyone is observing outside the theater and in the audience, then after we give everything and complete the performance, does the performance end and we can see the audience? Can we communicate with the audience?"

Such words made both the bird-faced man and the snake-eyed man take a step back.

Taimoli also glanced at his palm with some confusion and confusion, and then seemed to remember something and showed a sudden expression:


He stretched out his right hand and grabbed it towards his left eye, but halfway through the action, he turned to his right eye.

Amidst the sound of flesh and blood tearing apart, the snake-eyed man and the bird-faced man couldn't help but widen their eyes, and at the same time, the expressions on their faces turned into horror.

Triss, who was still at the auction site, took out the cash she carried and counted it.

Although she had thought about how to buy the Sun Stone called the Skull of the Sun God, she had thought about how much of her assets she would have to sell to buy it.

However, the most important problem is that she cannot produce those certificates.

Prove it by saying that you are the son of a consul?

Although she really wanted the head of the Sun God, she didn't want to use it for anything other than her own assets.


She looked to the side.

Mrs. Bisot left, and so did the man who had been sitting next to Mrs. Bisot.

Not only that, her eyes swept across the auction. After Mrs. Bisso left, several people left the auction site.

At this moment, the waiter responsible for delivering the auction items came to her and delivered the things she had just photographed to her hands.

It was a small statue, densely engraved with words she couldn't understand.

However, at this moment, she suddenly noticed several strange black marks.

After she took the thing in her hands, she stared at the black marks carefully.

This small statue is of a man without clothes.

No, it looks like a person.

However, its head has only one eye.

There is an inexplicable sense of dissonance

Triss scratched her cheek. Overall, it seemed that those black marks were in the same style as the entire statue.

But why do I feel strange?

However, at this moment, whether it was an illusion or not, she seemed to smell a strange smell.

By the way, it’s the smell of extinguished flames.

The flame goes out?

Triss frowned, why did she feel the flame extinguished from this strange statue?

Before, the most I could feel was flames or the feeling of flames extinguishing on people's bodies, or sun stones.

Yeah, and the Sunstone.

When she asked her father and mother, they all replied that it was normal for the sun stone to have flames in it. After all, it could generate heat.

But, it's different.

Triss was certain that the heat of the sun stone and the flame she felt were two different feelings. It was appropriate to have both feelings. Her father and mother were talking about only one feeling.

Could it be that.

Is there a sun stone hidden in this statue?

Triss's eyes became confused.

No, she had never felt the flames go out from other sun stones before.

What is actually happening?

Triss thought hard, but she still couldn't get an answer.

However, at this time, another auction item was replaced on the auction stage.

That's a huge stone.

A stone full of protrusions and depressions.

The appearance of the facial features is vaguely formed.

Only, it's not human facial features.

However, when Triss was thinking about this problem, there was a loud noise from above her head, as if something exploded.

Amid the strong shock, the statue in her hand fell out and fell to the ground.

Something as illusory as a shadow seeps out of the statue.

ps: I didn’t expect that I accidentally canceled my trip to Fujian and did the right thing, otherwise I would have to be quarantined for a long time.

Book lovers in Fujian and surrounding areas, please pay more attention to safety. It seems that the epidemic will indeed be around us all the time.

However, I am also thinking, if the epidemic lasts for decades, centuries, or even millennia, what kind of social culture will be created by the impact of the epidemic? What aspects of culture will be affected?

If it were ancient times, there would probably be more literary and creative works such as gods of medicine and diseases, legends of various gods, ghosts and monsters that heal and cause diseases, and novels.

The simplest, the necessity of masks, the increasing social attention of doctors, hostility towards immigrants, the decline of the tourism industry, etc.

The first reaction should be these. Imagine deeply, what will happen if this environment continues? What will human society develop into?

I really want to take a look at the future. It would be great if I could travel to the future and read history.

Curiosity is really hard to contain.

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