Crow's Paradise

Chapter 128 The Myth of Opposites

However, as soon as she finished speaking, a young man in a black shirt and blue morning coat sitting on a nearby chair echoed excitedly:

"Oh, "The Flame at Twelve O'Clock"? It was the Phantom Thief who used the bell tower to set up a mechanism when the clock tower automatically chimed at noon, causing the flames to ignite, attracting the attention of the police and guards, and took advantage of the book pendant on Mrs. Sterling's chest. Right?"

Yao Yan couldn't help but turn his head and glance at him. The man looked very excited.

But I don't know why he was excited.

Is it a novel or

"Yes." Yao Yan imitated Mrs. Bisso's tone, "That's it."

"As expected! This is also one of my favorites!"

After the young man finished speaking, he seemed to have remembered something, smiled awkwardly at the people around him, and then lowered his voice and said to Yao Yan:

"Oh, sorry, I am"

"Igonaris Kilion, I know." Yao Yan dug out this person's name from the memory of the original owner.

Unlike her husband, the aristocratic alderman, Alding Aldin was a commoner.

This man is the younger brother of the city official.

However, the relationship is not very good. The political forces of the nobles and the common people are opposite.

However, it is not consistent with the suspected prototype of Rome.

This society, which is close to modern productivity, has long since passed the era of large estates and slave labor, and its social foundation and system are specious.

It can only be said that it is just a cover of the Roman Republic.

Moreover, there are other more complex factors, such as

After she said the other party's name, she continued:

"Is Mrs. Kilion here too?"

Although the alderman himself was a commoner, his wife was from another aristocratic force.

"No, she and her father went to attend a friend's wedding." The young man, Igonaris, was stunned for a moment, then quickly shook his head and explained.

"Really? I wanted to hold the wedding ceremony on the Stairway to Heaven but was rejected, making the entire Gillion family a laughing stock, so I had to find a place to hold it quietly?"

Yao Yan skillfully imitated Mrs. Bisso's harsh tone, and after making the same sarcastic remarks towards Kirion that were consistent with her personality, he immediately made amends to avoid unnecessary trouble:

"You have more hope than those rotten nobles. Those rotten old things should have been buried long ago."

It looked like she was also dissatisfied with some people in her family.

Igonaris's initially excited expression darkened and his smile disappeared a little, but after her words, the smile returned again.

However, before he could speak, Yao Yan spoke:

"Do you also know something about that ancient book?"

He returned to the previous topic.

Although it was awkward to change the topic, it was obvious that neither of them paid attention, or in other words, they both cared about the ancient book.

And Yao Yan also realized this.

The drama is probably about to end, and they haven't confirmed the time yet.

If you don’t spread it now, you may not have time later.

Raising his head slightly, Yao Yan glanced at the sky outside the airship window.

At this time, he also heard the other party's response:

"No, I haven't heard of this book. Can you tell me about it?"

Igonaris looked curious.

Yao Yan didn't say much, he just embedded the core of the Fire Eater story he made up into the story of "The Twelve O'Clock Flame".

It's not a coincidence, but the Phantom Thief novel "Twelve O'Clock Fire" is similar to other Phantom Thief novels from earlier eras. At that time, the Sunstone had not been widely used, and it was a discovery on the "cutting edge of science and technology."

Detective novels themselves are closely related to criminal investigation, and many of them are even written by professionals.

Phantom thief novels should describe the battle between phantom thieves and detectives and the police, and the battle of wits with stolen companies or nobles. They should either rely on ancient times to write about ingenious mechanisms from ancient times, or they should go to the forefront of science and technology and use technology to fill the information gap among readers.

In this world, the Sun Stone itself is not only an "ancient object" related to the myth of the Sun God, but also a "technological cutting-edge object" that is competed by major technology companies.

He "explained" in a slightly louder voice than Mrs. Bisso's usual voice:

"In that ancient book, there is a record of a kind of monster called fire eaters. They can swallow fire and then generate gems. Those gems are sun stones."

"These monsters are not afraid of any fire or light, and can even swallow light and fire."

At this point, Mrs. Bisso's voice was amplified by him again:

"In the records in that ancient book, the reason why you can't see anything even if you light all kinds of things at night is because you were eaten by monsters like fire eaters."

"Huh? Was the flame and light swallowed up by monsters at night?"

Triss said in confusion, her expression obviously extremely surprised.

Night is called night because there is no light, and daytime is called day because there is light.

Is the cause and effect reversed?

What a strange legend this is.

Triss's doubtful gaze only made Yao Yan smile. He was not convinced, but said:

"The description of this book states that the Sun God and the Fire Eater are the same monster. The Sun God represents the day and the Fire Eater represents the night. The two have equal status."

Having read all kinds of folklore and myths and understanding the common points of various myths and stories, Yao Yan was very good at fabricating such myths and stories:

"Fire eaters are also known as gods of the night or gods of darkness in some remote areas."

"The power of the two was originally equal, but the Sun God has been killed by the Fire Stealer."

"At night, only the blood of the Sun God and the brilliance of the Sun Stone can illuminate the darkness."

"But during the day, because the sun god is dead, all living things are able to cast shadows during the day."

A simple and clear, easy-to-understand myth of binary opposition.

Yao Yan knew that it would not be easy for people to believe in creating a myth out of thin air. It would be easiest to embed the fabricated myth into an already existing and widely known myth.

Moreover, he also took advantage of the natural laws of this world.

That is to say, at night, there is no light other than the Sun Stone that can illuminate the darkness.


"Hahaha, the sun stone lights up the night, hahaha!"

At this time, a burst of laughter came from behind the three people, and a man with a beard laughed.

After all three people turned their attention, he stopped laughing, quickly stretched out his hand and gestured:

"What, by the way, the sun stone only generates heat, and it won't get hot without light."

"This story is so false."

Triss on the side nodded repeatedly. These myths completely violated the laws of nature.

However, Yao Yan did not react much and just said:

"After all, it is a handwritten book of unknown origin. It even says that the Fire Stealer is a subordinate sent by the Fire Eater with the purpose of killing the Sun God."

"Hahaha, the fire thieves have come out. It's so fake. It's really a myth told by ancient people. How can anyone believe it now?"

The bearded uncle laughed again.

However, the people who originally noticed the movement and laughed when they heard Yao Yan's words, at this time, some people stopped laughing.

Sure enough, adding the Fire Thief into the story was a good choice.

All the ingredients are false, and the credibility of the rumors created in this way is too low. However, nine truths and one falsehood, eight truths and two falsehoods, at least it is a mixture of truth and falsehood, which is easier for people to believe.

After all, even if a human being is completely dead, its judgment mechanism for things like and is still vague, and in most cases it cannot be accurately quantified.

Observing the expressions of the guests at the auction that he disrupted, Yao Yan felt a little more relaxed.

The effect of spending a whole day creating fake books and spreading them is not as good as the effect of spreading them on this occasion. Should we really use newspapers and magazines to publish short stories?

It would be great if there was internet in this world.

All kinds of rumors and rumors spread very quickly.

But the scale of the rumors is too large, and it is estimated that one use will drain his power, just like his previous transformation into a fire giant.

It would be nice if the scale of rumors could be accurately controlled.

However there is no if.

I don’t know how much power Mo Ya can use due to rumors on this scale?

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