Crow's Paradise

Chapter 122 The History of Mapping

"The name 'Sunstone' came about later, and is a detailed description of 'Magnetic Ou'."

“But according to more detailed traces, the word magneto, in some areas, also refers to minerals in the water, and refers to smooth things that can reflect sunlight and gather light in the water.”

"In some actual proverbs, there is an extended word that means mirror, which is formed by adding the suffix 'magio'."

Taimoli's eyes were profound:

"I think the Sunstone just appeared out of nowhere."

"Oh?" This reminded Yao Yan of Keller's previous description, "Do you also think that the legend of the Sun God was formed by events such as meteorites?"


Tamori nodded and added:

"However, my point of view is that the 'Sun God' is not a meteorite, but some kind of alien living creature."

He raised his head and looked at the sky covered by clouds:

"Is the location where the 'Sun God' landed really in the sea?"

After saying this, his eyes fell on himself again:

"Fire Thieves, exactly, what do you mean?"

"In other words, why is it described as 'stealing fire'."

"Because the flame originally belonged to the Sun God?"

Yao Yan did not ask or follow up, so Tai Moli was immersed in his own questions, constantly answering and raising new questions.

Yao Yan did not interfere. His purpose was to decipher the world view and listened quietly.

"Is there really something capable of stealing fire from the so-called 'Sun God'?"

"Is the sun god really referring to a single individual?"

"Or is it that the existence of this individual called the Sun God is an independent entity like a human being?"

Speaking of this, he seemed to be unable to help but let flames burst out from his hands.

Yao Yan moved his position to block the direction where others could see the flames, so as to avoid commotion and interrupt the opponent's state.

Taimoli, who was not disturbed, frowned and looked at the flame in his hand:

"Everyone is saying that the Sun Stone is the blood of the Sun God, so why does the power of the 'Fire Thieves' appear in the form of flames?"

"What is the form of the sun god's power? Flame? Light? What do these different characteristics correspond to?"

However, at this moment, while Yao Yan was listening quietly, recording the other party's words completely, and putting some thought into analyzing these words, a sudden sound came out.

The sudden sound interrupted Taimoli's self-talk, and he turned his gaze, forcing Yao Yan to follow the other person's line of sight, and follow the position where the sound came from -

I saw Triss dressed as a maid, with a tray lying quietly at her feet. The cake fell to the ground, and the fruit pieces as decoration on it flew out to a far distance.

Because of this, Triss forgot to speak when she was watched by the two people.

It took almost ten seconds for Triss to recover from this state. She squatted down and picked up the tray and cake with her hands.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Sorry guest, we will deal with it immediately. What are you doing? Apologize!"

"Oh oh oh! I'm so sorry!"

Amidst the voices of the waiter and Triss, Yao Yan turned his gaze back to Tamori.

At this time, Taimoli's thoughts were interrupted. Facing Yao Yan's gaze, he thought about the question of "how to view the 'Sun God'" again. He did not and could not take over his previous thoughts, and just said:

"The 'Sun God' is a description of some or even some outsiders, and the Fire Stealer is an indigenous leader or other important figure who fights against the Sun God."

"Giants, strange birds, hounds, and black snakes are the symbols related to these indigenous people."

Hearing this, Yao Yan said one word:


"Totem?" Tamori was also stunned, and then nodded, "You can also say that."

"What the Myth Hunters do with these creatures corresponds to what the relevant indigenous leaders or important figures do."

"A giant is a person or a group of people who kills or severely injures the Sun God. It is a force that confronts the 'Sun God' head-on. From the evolution of texts and legends, they like to add suffixes such as giant and big to these."

The worship of primitive power?

"The strange bird corresponds to the group of people who carried out reconnaissance and assassination operations."

"The description of the black snake in the myth shows that the black snake may have restrained and restricted the actions of the individual or force corresponding to the 'Sun God', and the description of swallowing the torso indicates that this person or force stole fire from 'In this operation, the greatest gain was obtained from the battle or war against the 'Sun God'."

"Then the hound is"

"Rebellion." Following the other party's logic, Yao Yan spit out this word.

"Yes, in my opinion, the Hound was the mutineer in this operation, and possibly twice."

"Twice?" Yao Yan was surprised at first, and then quickly understood the reason.

Tamori's voice sounded again at this moment:

"The corresponding 'Hound' may be a force or individual affiliated with the 'Sun God'. The 'Hound' betrayed the 'Sun God' for some reasons and acted with the giant monster bird Black Snake, but under the 'Sun God' After the death, they launched a hunt for other fire thieves."

Hearing this, Yao Yan thought of a question and asked it:

"Hound dogs are also 'aboriginals'? Aborigines who surrender to the 'Sun God'?"

Tamori nodded:

"I think it's a possibility."

However, Yaoyan did not support these views.

If this is a real world, the world he was familiar with before, according to the logical rules formed by myths and legends, this interpretation is indeed very possible, as long as you pay attention to some details.

However, this is a trial space, a spiritual world.

The people who formed the trial space had this kind of idea, so this form was formed.

If I have to say it, that is.

In the real world, where the people who created this space live, something like this happened, and it was understood and known by these people.

Then after their death, when their spirits were separated from their bodies and their spiritual residues were combined, this world view was formed.

The world view of the trial space is a general reflection of the history of the "old humans" at that time.

It is in the history of the real world that such events occurred.

In this world itself, it needs to be interpreted in reverse.

The Sun God and the Fire Thief are both natives of this world.

And the "abrupt" changes, those things that are not recorded in the historical texts of this world, refer to similar situations occurring in the real world.

That is to say

In the world history of old mankind, something "sudden" happened that could even ignore history.

But Yao Yan could only think of one thing.

Substantial thinking.

The mind can interfere with reality.

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