Crow's Paradise

Chapter 117 Flame Pseudo-Shape

However, the burning sensation rising from the back of his head was obviously not as painful as the first time.

The ability of "Backfire" requires three prerequisites: "being affected by external factors", "having an effect that is contrary to one's own cognition", and "being hurt as a result" before it can be used.

And "rumors", as his core ability, can allow him to ignore the prerequisites and take effect.

However, this is not completely without cost.

Ignoring conditions is his original ability, and this ability also consumes energy.

If the conditions are met, there is no need to consume this extra mental energy, but if the conditions are not met, the ability of rumors must be used to break the restrictions.

However, it would be great to have a chance to remove the conditions.

Other contaminated bodies or containment bodies need to deliberately avoid some abilities with too many restrictions, otherwise it would be too miserable if they cannot be used.

From this point of view, his ability is very beneficial in all aspects.

Including now!

The dark red flame rose up at this moment, enveloping the flame burning behind his head.

Almost instantly, a large area of ​​the flame turned dark red, and a large area of ​​the burned area also disappeared, leaving only nearly half of the burn mark.

At this moment, he saw the white-haired male waiter snap his fingers.

Pah! ! !

With the sound of the flames exploding, Yao Yan's sight froze, because he could feel a blazing flame gushing out of his body, and then.


His body was torn into pieces at this moment, and in the flames of the flames, it spread in all directions, and the floor and walls of the airship corridor were all dyed bright red.

And the next moment, his true form, the huge and deformed shadow crow, emerged.


The power of this world is all related to fire.

His true form is a shadow-like posture. If it is exposed, it may cause some unnecessary danger.

It would be better if only the external features of the fire crow could be revealed.

And at the moment when his thoughts emerged, his shadow-like body that emerged from the broken body quickly turned dark red.

As his mental power was consumed, his huge body was quickly spread by dark red.

The originally illusory shadow body also turned into a flame, swaying and shaking, with only a little shadow texture left.

It was at this moment that his body completely dispersed, and the blood rain that fell due to the explosion of flesh and blood also fell at this moment.

The strange giant crow figure that was dark red and presented in the form of fire also completely appeared.

Seeing this scene and Yao Yan's figure, the white-haired man was stunned.

"Bird!? Strange bird?"

Yao Yan did not expect that his idea could be realized, but he could feel that as his body was exposed to the outside world, his spiritual power was being crushed and consumed by some force-

If he continued to stay in the outside world, his spiritual consciousness would continue to be consumed.

He needed to find a host immediately.

However, in his field of vision, there was no one else except the white-haired man.

Escape, or choose this person directly?

However, the other party did not give him the opportunity to choose.

The moment the other party saw him, the moment the other party was surprised that his form was a bird instead of a snake, the blazing orange-yellow flames once again burned on his body following the other party's sight.

Just running away, just passively accepting the attack, is not a good choice.

The moment this idea came up, the dark red fire wings of the huge strange crow fluttered violently, and it brought its body to smash the white-haired man like a meteorite falling from the sky.

The white-haired man did not seem to expect that he would suddenly turn back. Although he reacted, it was not timely enough.

However, after hitting the white-haired man, Yao Yan only felt dizzy, and his reaction was delayed for a moment.

Then, he saw a flame outline suddenly appearing on the top of the white-haired man's head.

It was a strange giant bird.

A huge firebird with four wings.

And it was clearer than the first time I met it. Its shape was more like a falcon than a bird like a crow.

And in the position of its abdomen, there was a weird, vortex-like flame eyeball.

That huge eye was staring at him.

The strange firebird with four wings flapped its wings violently.


A ball of fiery red shadow flew over and collided fiercely with Yao Yan's body, making a bursting sound.

Almost at the same time, Yao Yan saw the strange bird, and the white-haired man roared.

The next moment, the white-haired man rushed towards him with the strange bird with curling fire.


With the explosion sounded again, Yao Yan was knocked back two steps.

The white-haired man and the strange bird formed by the ball of fire also flew backwards. As the man rolled and hit the wall of the airship, Yao Yan also showed up on the other side.

However, at this moment, his dark red body looked even weaker.

His originally huge flaming body, the dark red swaying figure, had shrunk a circle at this moment.

He could already be sure that the flames covering the man blocked his invasion.

After confirming this, he had no intention of staying any longer.

"If you catch up, you will die."


After uttering a word, he mentally commanded the large-mouthed crow driving the dark red flame posture to pounce out, and he immediately flew around the corridor and flew in the other direction.

The dark red flame, like a meteor, streaked through the narrow airship corridor.

ps: I have resigned and all the resignation procedures have been completed. Do you have any recommendations for places to go? Oh, domestic is good. I will make a list to check it out.

Speaking of which, after cutting off the escape route, I felt an inexplicable sense of relief.

I usually worry about all kinds of things, including not having enough money to buy a house, worrying that I won’t be able to get married in the future, and worrying that I won’t be able to take care of my mother in her old age.

Last year, I added a worry about not being able to cure the disease.

But it is no longer needed.

Don’t worry about anything anymore.

If the illness cannot be cured and you cannot live, you don't need a house. If you are sick, you don't need to get married. It will delay the other party, and this is even more true now.

Let go of one thing, and other worries collapse together.

How should I put it? It feels like a burden has been lifted after escaping responsibility.

I can only leave my mother to my elder sister to take care of her.

However, there is still not a complete solution, money.

If I spend all the money and don't leave it to my mom, will it be a problem?

Thinking of this, I don't dare to spend money randomly.

Well, in this life, people are embedded in various social relationships. While enjoying various rights, they also bear corresponding responsibilities.

There is a sense of relief in escaping responsibility.

However, this understanding of the behavior itself made me resist this action.

However, there is no way out, no regrets, everything has been dealt with in the past two days.

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