Crow's Paradise

Chapter 110 The sight from behind

After taking a look at the charred marks on his arm, Yao Yan looked around and put away the stone pieces.


Yao Yan, who put away the stone pieces, seemed to have noticed something. He instinctively turned to look to the right. At the end of the outer corridor of the airship, a tall girl wearing a complicated long skirt looked at him with her mouth half open, as if I was frightened by that view.

The Firebird was not released by her.

Yao Yan quickly determined this.

Immediately, he smiled, bent his left hand, which was burned and was constantly feeling pain, and bowed as if it were the end of a performance.

"Miss, it's not a good thing to peek at the rehearsal. This is a performance prepared in secret."

When he straightened up, he raised his index finger to his mouth and whispered.

The tall girl had a look of surprise in her eyes, covered her mouth, and nodded excitedly, indicating that she understood.

Then, holding the hem of her skirt with both hands, she quickly ran to Yao Yan's side:

"Mr. Magician! Apart from this, are there any other projects you are going to perform this time?"

The girl's eyes were full of anticipation.

Facing her gaze, Yao Yan adjusted his values ​​​​and judgment standards to make himself closer to the character of the magician in his impression, and at the same time smiled and nodded:

"Of course, but now the guests are coming up."

As he spoke, he touched his face.

Under the girl's gaze, he changed from Mantle's appearance back to Crops' appearance.

This change once again aroused the girl's amazement.

But Yao Yan focused on his arms.

From the wrist up to the palm, it is still scorched, but the scorch marks have become less.

Using a layer of skin from the Shadow Crow, does it have some sort of defensive effect?

At this time, the girl in front of him tugged on his sleeve:

"Mr. Magician! I am Triss Jory."

The girl who seemed to be interested in him because of his "magic show" said excitedly:

"Mr. Magician, can you give me a special show?"

Hearing this sentence, Yao Yan glanced at her, imitating the frivolous posture that the magician practiced in his impression to divert attention, and responded with a shrug:

"I'm so sorry, beautiful Miss Triss, this is a magic show prepared for all guests, and I can't show it to you first."

As he said this, he suddenly remembered a sentence:

"Magic cannot be performed in front of the same person twice."

With a flip of his right hand, a coin appeared in his hand, flipping flexibly with his fingers.

Looking at his performance, the girl who called herself Triss pondered for a moment, clenched her hands into fists, and said loudly as if she had made up her mind:

"Then, Mr. Magician, let me follow you until the show starts!"

He looks like a curious baby.

Yao Yan didn't feel anything was wrong, as if she was really an ordinary girl with a curious personality.


He was wearing a guard uniform.

Are you cooperating with him on purpose?

Thinking of this, he responded with a smile:

"Of course, then, Miss Triss, please follow me."

After tugging on his sleeves to cover the black marks on his left hand, he walked towards the airship's hall.

However, soon, he stopped.

The hum of propellers came from the window.

"It's about to take off!"

The girl following him shouted excitedly.


Yao Yan's eyes turned to the window. The airship was slowly lifting off the ground, and there were voices coming from the direction of the entrance.

At this time, Triss next to him looked at him, pointed her right hand upward and said:

"Mr. Magician, do you want to go up and take a look?"

Go up?

Feeling the wind blowing from the surroundings, Yao Yan also realized what she was referring to.

The falling sunlight fell on him along with the wind, making his burned arms feel a little more painful.

Why did the other party bring him to the top of the airship?

Just like the top deck of a ship, this airship has a top deck.

There are very few such designs.

In other empty boats, the top of the cabin is often directly connected to the hull.

But Stairway to Heaven is different.

Yao Yan's eyes fell on the huge metal pillars on the deck.

The hull of the boat is connected to the passenger cabin through this.

On this level, you can go out directly from the cabin.

He walked all the way to the edge of the guardrail and glanced downward.

Speaking of which, this huge airship is also an isolated island in a sense.


If there are hundreds of people, can it be regarded as an island mode?

There were already sixteen or seventeen people in various costumes beside the guardrail of the upper deck.

And the girl Triss who followed him before was holding a plate with several pieces of cake on it.

She put the cake into her mouth and walked towards Yao Yan's position.

Yao Yan glanced at her:

"Where did you get the food?"

Triss, a girl in a blue-green dress, put the cake into her mouth and responded with an intoxicating expression:

"It's right at the door. It tastes great. Mr. Magician, don't you try it?"

Yao Yan's eyes turned to the entrance of the deck, but just as she said, she saw a man wearing a chef's hat at the door with a cart like a dining table next to him.

However, Yao Yan clearly remembered that when he stepped onto the deck, there was no cake cart anywhere.

This situation made him feel slightly depressed.

Could he be planning to attack him again?

Thinking of this, Yao Yan calmly touched the stone tablets in his pocket, and then asked Triss with a smile:

"The party is about to start, right?"

This is the first time that the Stairway to Heaven sets sail. The process arrangement is that after the airship takes off, there will be a banquet, followed by an auction, and then another banquet.

At the end of the banquet, the sun was setting and the Stairway to Heaven arrived at its destination and landed.

However, there is no such thing as a dinner party in this world, only a breakfast party.

After hearing his words, Triss quickly put the forked cake into her mouth, chewed and swallowed, and responded loudly:

"Seems to be."

"Then let's go."

Yao Yan answered while walking towards the entrance.

When he arrived at the door, his eyes were fixed on the tall man wearing a chef's hat.

The man didn't seem to notice him, but was concentrating on dividing the cake and giving it to other guests.

This performance made Yao Yan a little confused.

But even after the other party completely disappeared from his sight, the other party did not make any movement to change his perspective.

Are you worrying too much?

While thinking, Yao Yan walked downstairs.

However, at this moment, a creepy feeling suddenly emerged.

Yao Yan suddenly turned his gaze, and all he saw was Tris pulling out the fork from her mouth and licking the cake off her lips.

Seemingly because of his actions, Triss blinked in confusion:

"What's wrong? Mr. Magician?"

"No, it's okay." Yao Yan looked away.

However, the moment he looked away, that creepy feeling resurfaced again.

ps: I forgot to set the v chapter in the first update~

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