Crow's Paradise

Chapter 11 Monsters “of the same kind”?

However, at this moment, in a scene that few people could see, several black shadows rushed out of "Stone".

Those were some gray goats.

The white sheep-shaped outline drew several white tracks and penetrated into the bodies of several people.

After this scene, nothing much happened.

The short "stone" was directly grasped by the collar by the tall man and lifted up easily:

"Don't be stunned, tell me, where did you find that thing before?"

When he asked, two short and stocky men who were rummaging around in the homeless hut also came out.

Facing such a scene, "Stone"'s eyes seemed a little hollow and absent-minded.


In the dim night, the tall man didn't see "Stone"'s eyes clearly. It was just because the other party didn't respond under his fierce questioning, which made him a little strange and angry.

"What? You think I dare not kill you?"

The tall man spoke again, shaking the "stone" held in his right hand vigorously.

"Stone" seemed to react at this time, and said a little dullly:

"You are in danger."

His stiff way of speaking made the tall man want to laugh.

Too scared to speak?

However, he felt a little weird.

Why did this guy say they were in danger?

He couldn't help but turn his head and look around.

Several other people also turned around and looked around with puzzled faces. One of them asked:

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know what happened. He said we were in danger."

The tall man holding the "stone" responded.

"Harm, what did I think it was? This guy is just like that, a coward."

The short, stocky man who emerged from the house replied:

"This guy has never dared to go scavenging in the wilderness. He only went there once. After being frightened, he never went out once. He was afraid of everything he saw."

This explanation made the strong man feel at ease, and his unreasonable fear also subsided a lot.

Because of this, the anger of being fooled became the main body of his emotions:

"Okay, there's danger, right? You're in danger now."

As he spoke, he slammed the "stone" to the ground.


With a muffled bang, the "stone" hit the ground firmly on its back.

However, after receiving a solid blow, "Stone" didn't even scream, just like a rag doll.

However, his eyes were open and he spoke again:

"You are in danger."

The scene was the same as before, but it gave off a creepy feeling.

But in this dim night, few people could not detect his dead expression.

At the same time, Yao Yan was quietly staring ahead.

In his sight, a light bridge formed by dazzling white light was so conspicuous.

But Yao Yan's sight was focused on a strange-looking monster at one end of the light bridge.

Should I say wolf? Or sheep?

Or more accurately, a wolf eating a sheep?

There was no emotion, Yao Yan looked at the scene ahead calmly.

That monster, with the waist of the white goat as the dividing line, the front end is a white goat, and the rear end is a wolf with its mouth open.

It looked like a part of a white goat that had been swallowed by a wolf.


Yao Yan could feel that this thing was "one body".


Missing body?

Yao Yan was not clear about the standard that the concept of "missing body" pointed to. He only understood the only description of "spiritual form" from the memory of "Crow's Mouth".

It is precisely because of this standard that Yao Yan positioned himself as a "missing body".

But now, he seems to have a better comparison object.

The monster-like creature made him feel that it was a strange creature that was very similar to himself.

However, the other party didn't seem to care about him.

When Yao Yan broke in, he noticed its existence and became wary.

However, this thing, this monster, did not react to his arrival.

Because of this situation, Yao Yan, who was injured in the battle with the two Yanren, did not choose to leave directly. He just stayed where he was, resting and recovering quietly, in an extremely strange peace with the monster.

Moreover, he could feel that his recovery speed here was faster than that in the outside world.

Moreover, it was incredibly fast——

It went beyond his understanding of the empirical model of "recovery" in terms of weeks, months, and years.

In a short period of time, most of his injuries recovered.

And the reason was precisely because the monster in front kept transmitting the kind of fluctuations that were very similar to his self-feeling.

Is it more than an hour?

Yao Yan thinks probably not.

In less than an hour, he had recovered almost half of his injuries.

This situation made him try to summarize.

First of all, the one that had the greatest impact was naturally the monster that felt very similar to him, and even gave him an inexplicable feeling of closeness.

Then, maybe the "Spiritual Bridge".

After he smashed the mental bridge of "Crow's Mouth", he quickly felt that his recovery speed was slowing down.

The third is "spirit", or a spiritual creature.

After he leaves Crow's Beak's body, his recovery rate decreases.

But when he entered the mental world of the strong man, his recovery speed accelerated, but it was not as fast as when he was in the body of "Crow's Mouth".

So, he concluded like this.

"The wave emitted by monsters similar to myself"

"The man with the spiritual bridge"

"A person without a spiritual bridge" can also be transformed into a "creature with spiritual will" and "an individual with spiritual power."

This can also be confirmed from Yan Ren.

Although there are some differences, when Yu Yanren is fighting, his recovery speed is also enhanced.


Yao Yan was still concerned about one thing.

That's this half-wolf, half-sheep monster. It seems to be hunting?

Yao Yan's sight passed through the light bridge and was projected from the body.

From his perspective, he can see this scene——

People with white goats on their bodies were being attacked by the wolf-like shadow emerging from the body of the short man.


The wolf began to feast.

Yao Yan could also feel that the half-wolf, half-sheep monster seemed to be getting stronger because of this.

Such a scene, as well as the extremely similar, "similar" feeling, made him have to think about something.

Is this thing the so-called "missing body"?

outside world.

The man standing at the very back looked terrified.

He didn't see anything, but they all fell down.

Everyone who came here with him fell down.

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