Crow's Paradise

Chapter 108 The incoming flames

After boarding the Stairway to Heaven, Yao Yan actually felt how "huge" this huge airship was.

Being able to accommodate nearly a thousand people does not mean that thousands of people are arranged shoulder to shoulder and back to chest.

If calculated in this way, the passenger capacity of the ship would be huge.

When he entered the airship, there were already many people on the airship.

They are all from big companies in Poseidonia.

He didn't do anything extra, he just pretended to be "Mr. Mante" and prepared to leave, trying to disappear from other people's sight.

After all, although he succeeded in injuring Mr. Mantle so that Mantle could not come in time to participate, he did not know enough about Mr. Mantle.

If you continue to act in this capacity, you will leak something.

Maybe, I should have changed my body before?

However, he quickly rejected this idea.

The identity of his current body is the "thief" mentioned clearly during the introduction, and the "giant hand" is obviously related to the fire-catching giant in the myth of the sun god.

This identity must never be given up.

Even if you have to give up, you should choose another thief for your new body.

However, just as he quickened his pace slightly and was about to leave, suddenly, a group of three people came up from the front and met him head-on.

"Mr. Mantle!"

When he met him, the other person raised his hand and greeted him directly, as did the two people next to him.

Yao Yan, who quickly recognized the other party's identity, responded to the greeting with a nod.

However, when he was about to leave directly, the leader of the three said:

"Mr. Mantle, I heard there is a problem at your winery?"

Mante is a wine merchant.

These three people are suppliers who have a close relationship with Mante's winery.

Wine bottle provider, raw material provider and distributor.

These three people would get together, obviously there was something special going on.

But that's not what he needs to worry about.

He is not Mante himself.

Yao Yan raised the corners of his mouth, took off his glasses from the bridge of his nose, took out a cloth and wiped it before replying calmly:

"It's nothing, Mr. Wia, it's just that a thief broke into the winery."

The leading man's brows moved slightly. For some reason, he always felt that Mante was a little strange.

It probably wasn't my own error in judgment.

As a material supplier that he has cooperated with many times, he knows a lot about Mante. Although this young winery owner is a bit extreme, he is considered a polite person.

However, now he doesn't know why he feels that his judgment is a little inaccurate.

At this time, the man on the left interrupted and asked:

"Mr. Mantle, when did the thieves you mentioned break into the winery?"

"The night before yesterday." Yao Yan briefly told the time when he broke into Mante Winery.

However, this answer surprised the three of them.

Especially the one on the left couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise:

"Is it 'Personal'?"

"Mask?" The expression on the right looked a little confused.

"Ah, a gang that somehow manages to commit theft at night."

"Oh, that's the group of thieves who memorize the target location before committing the theft and can complete the theft even with their eyes closed?"


Yao Yan did not answer immediately, "Jesus" is a famous theft gang.

He suspected that this "mask" was the bird-faced man he saw in the house he went to before.

Although he had seen people wearing snake masks, he always thought they were birds because they were part of a theft "gang".

Among them, there may also be his own reasons.

After all, he himself is the form of a flock of crows.

If we talk about snakes related to the sun, the first thing that comes to Yaoyan's mind is Apep, the giant snake in Egyptian mythology, also known as Apophis.

When it comes to birds related to the sun, the first thing that comes to Yao Yan's mind is the Golden Crow.

It's not that there are no other corresponding creatures, it's just that Yao Yan thought of it first.

For example, "giant" can correspond to giants. In ancient Greek mythology, there is Prometheus or the sun god Helios. In the country where he was alive, there were also Kuafu and the like.

He was not sure who the bird-faced man he saw in that house that day was, but it was definitely related to the "strange bird that stole fire".

Looking at the three people who were still discussing, Yao Yan smiled politely, passed the cane he was holding to his left hand, and then stretched out his right hand:

"After the matter is resolved, I hope we can continue to cooperate."

"No problem!" Weiya shook hands with Yao Yan enthusiastically.

"Then I'll leave first, everyone."

After Yao Yan said goodbye to them, he immediately let go, picked up the suitcase, and walked around the three of them.

However, the moment he walked around, he suddenly felt something, as if something was peering at him.

And the source is

Yao Yan's eyes fell on the man dressed as a waiter.

As if noticing his gaze, the waiter bowed his head slightly and smiled:

"Sir, do you need anything?"


Yao Yan glanced at him but did not respond, ignoring the waiter with an arrogant attitude.

Then he walked slowly towards the hall.

However, as he approached the hall, suddenly, there was a sight outside the window.

His mind moved and his eyes turned to the left.

Just within his sight, a strange flaming bird was flapping its wings beside him.

I don’t know when it appeared or what kind of bird it is.

Not a crow, or some other bird he knew.

At least, with four wings, it was not a certain kind of bird from the world when he was alive.

But other details are unclear.

There is no way to confirm the specific outline of the constantly swaying flame body.

However, at this moment, the firebird pounced towards him.

Subconsciously, Yao Yan blocked the front with his right hand and made a defensive movement——

boom! ! !

The body of the attacking firebird exploded instantly, covering Yao Yan's arm like a hunting net.

In the heat brought by the burning flames, Yao Yan's eyes froze.

On his burnt palm, a postcard appeared——

Made of stone flakes.

After taking a look at the arm that was burned to charcoal, Yao Yan flicked his right hand, and the dark red flame ignited again at the charred area. The arm that was originally burned to charcoal has recovered to less than half its size.

However, there was no complete recovery.

Only the palm of the hand has recovered, and the wrist up to the elbow is still in a charred state.

The recovery effect of "Backfire" doesn't seem to be very strong.

However, compared to this.

He looked towards the stone piece in his hand that looked like a postcard.

[Hahaha, Black Snake, it seems you are going to shed an extra layer of skin. ]

While he was looking at the stone fragments in his hand, a white-haired man whispered in front of another window of the airship:

"Disguise, shed skin, you are right, it is indeed a 'snake'."

As he spoke, he turned around and said to the other person:

"What's going on Kolo? The snake has appeared."

"Needless to say? Of course one of them is a fake snake."

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