Crow's Paradise

Chapter 105 Participation List

Moreover, there is another key point.

Is the understanding misplaced?

For example, in his understanding, most of the causes of death of human beings are "death from excessive blood loss".

However, he is not clear about how many "most" are.

If you think about it carefully, what he thinks is "most of the causes of death" actually refers to "most of the causes of accidental death".

And this "accidental death" refers to the "accident" that is not expected.

If you get sick and are prepared for your own death, it cannot be considered an "accident".

However, just like he regards "accidental death" as the basic understanding of "death" and "excessive blood loss" as the majority of the cases.

Is there a misplacement in other people's understanding of a certain concept? Is there a case of misattribution?

The spirit that formed this world, those "old humans", do they have a misplacement in their conceptual understanding of these things?

Considering the causes of formation, it may be easier to crack the worldview, but because of the misplacement of understanding, it is easy to make some misjudgments.

It can only be said that cracking the worldview through this idea can only be used as an auxiliary, and this idea cannot be allowed to dominate the judgment.

It is still necessary to focus on the situation observed.

The information obtained through this auxiliary idea can only be accepted after further verification, otherwise it is all speculation.

Although his core ability is rumors, it is precisely because of this that he does not want to be taught a lesson by rumors.

Looking back at the mansion again, he took back the summoned Shadow Crow and Black Crow:

"Then, let me see what power the giant who took the fire has, what the hound can do, and whether the strange bird is really the same as I think."

As he said, he looked in the direction of the airport:

"Stairway to Heaven. Why is it called Heaven?"

Dong, Dong——

The ethereal bell sounded, and it rang 12 times in a row, echoing throughout the city.

Yao Yan raised his head, glanced in the direction of the clock tower, and said:

"I didn't expect that Ciou was robbed. Is the Stairway to Heaven really okay?"

"It was just the jewelry store that was robbed, not the company headquarters."

Beside him, a man who was also listening to the bell and adjusting the hands of his pocket watch responded:

"Krops, where did you go the day before yesterday? I couldn't find you. It's all because of you. We have no work to do."

"Of course I went to find a job."

Yao Yan drank the remaining half of the wine in the glass and responded.

He, Krops, the original owner of this body, the strange thief called "Giant Hand", is a freelancer on the surface, without a fixed job.

Plumber, construction worker, all kinds of jobs.

And the man next to him who was adjusting the pocket watch was his "colleague".

They often find things to do together.

And the day before yesterday, that is, on the 22nd, it goes without saying where he went.

"What job did you find?"

The man holding the pocket watch took a sip of the wine in his glass and asked.

Yao Yan smiled and responded in the tone of Klops:

"Stairway to Heaven, I can't participate as a guest. If I want to go and see it, I can only do this."

Hearing this, the man with the pocket watch couldn't help but widen his eyes:

"How did you do it? The park will hire freelancers like us? This kind of work should be specially entrusted to the police, right?"

He shook the pocket watch in his hand:

"The park company is always like this, and I don't know what relationship they have with the police."

Yao Yan nodded, just as he said, this city certainly has a security company, but this park company has some special connection with the police station. Every major event can buy police to guard.

However, Yao Yan didn't specifically invite him to drink. In Klops' memory, this person has a wide range of interpersonal relationships, so he can find all kinds of jobs.

Yao Yan certainly didn't find a job on the "Stairway to Heaven".

But it's not difficult for him to get in.

Yesterday, he was scouting the airport, the Stairway to Heaven, and spreading rumors all day long.

Yao Yan had originally wanted to find this person to see if he could enter the Stairway to Heaven directly through him. If not, he would also want to find out about the various forces that could enter the Stairway to Heaven.

It is difficult to find people who may correspond to the identities of the strange bird, giant, black snake, and hound directly in this city.

However, according to his previous thoughts, the largest sunstone exhibited on the Stairway to Heaven will definitely attract these people.

Yao Yan also believed that the "big drama" mentioned in the import interface refers to the giant sunstone exhibited on the Stairway to Heaven.

Then, it is natural to narrow the scope to those who can go to the Stairway to Heaven.

The only thing to consider is whether there are people like him who plan to use unconventional means to get on the airship and are not on the list.

However, it is precisely because of this that he needs to know more about the regular list.

The list can be used to check and confirm those who entered the Stairway to Heaven through unconventional means.

After all, entering through unconventional means is even more suspicious.

Just like him.

Without saying much, Yao Yan quickly changed the subject:

"You won't come together? Although I can't help you, I also relied on other people's connections. One of their people had an incident, and I temporarily stepped in, but you can also do something, right? Aren't you connected with many companies?"

"I'm so lucky. I don't know what to say if I have the chance to step up."

The pocket watch man also crossed his arms, thinking, and responded:

"I have nothing to do with the Paradise Company at all. The Paradise Company has always been very mysterious, and has always cooperated with the police in various ways. I have tried to have a relationship with them several times, but failed. I was treated perfunctorily every time. No, this road is no longer possible.”

Yao Yan heard this and said: "If the organizer can't do it, what about the auction party?"

"The auctioneer? Ah, Ciou Company is somewhat possible. I have some contact with the manager of the jewelry store that was robbed the day before yesterday."

"No, it won't work this way. The store manager was killed in the previous robbery."

"What about the police station?" Yao Yan continued to ask.

"I have nothing to do over there at the police station. I can't leave."

"There aren't many companies that can participate in the auction. I heard it's a big piece of sun stone." Yao Yan continued.

"A big company?"

The pocket watch man thought for a while:

"The Rudik Company that makes cars will definitely participate in the auction. I heard it's a big piece of sunstone."

"Hey, Sak Shipyard should also participate."

Under the guidance of Yao Yan, the pocket watch man named the forces that might be invited to the Stairway to Heaven.

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