Crow's Paradise

Chapter 101 The strange bird that steals fire

In the building next to the bell tower.

Yao Yan looked at the sun stone in his left hand.

At this moment, black like ink was separating from the sun stone and falling on the palm of his right hand.

Sure enough, the rumor that "by taking the blood of the Sun God, you can gain the power of the Sun God" has already existed.

In other words, the myth itself of the fire thief and the sun god has already provided such an association.

He originally planned to use the ink crow to attract attention so that he could escape from the bell tower, but suddenly he thought of this situation.

Looking at Mo Crow falling on his right hand, he realized the best way to use this ability in the strange feeling of looking at him.

That is to use the rumors that exist in this world just like he did in the great world.

In this world, it is an efficient method to try to fit in with the original mythology of this world and embed yourself in the rumors of this world.


There are dangers.

Yao Yan took Mo Crow back into his body, wrapped the sun stone into a light-blocking black bag again, and stuffed it into his pocket.

"No one knows how many kinds of rumors there are in this world."

If some of the rumors in this world describe weaknesses and bring negative effects, then they may also appear on you.

Moreover, if there are too many rumors, Mo Crow's ability may not be able to obtain the rumor ability he wants.

Mo Crow's ability is to gain part of the rumored power after use.

The wider the rumor spreads, the higher the degree of belief, and the more power you consume, the more power you can gain.

But using Mo Crow's ability also has a basic consumption. This basic consumption is determined by the first two. The more power you consume, the more power you get. This is an additional consumption on this basis.

Therefore, as the rumors spread wider, this ability became difficult to control.

Either the ability is not used, or it consumes a lot of money if used.

Moreover, the most important thing is that this ability does not permanently gain power after being used.

It is a consumable one, like a magazine or a spell slot. After the power is consumed, it needs to be reloaded.

If all the similar stars in Dasheng World are acquired, can it be possible to permanently acquire and directionally acquire the rumor ability that one wants?

However, what is more important than these is that apart from using the black crow's ability to obtain the rumored ability, is there any other way to use the sun stone and the blood of the sun god.

This world does not have such great restrictions on his power, which means that there is a certain degree of extraordinary power in this world.

As for clues, in addition to the sun stone, they are "snake", "giant", "hound" and "strange bird".

And now, at least he has identified a "peer"

Next, you should be able to find some clues by chasing this "fellow".

His eyes were fixed on the direction in which the Sheriff was escaping from a distance.

city ​​centre.

After returning to the residence, Khloe changed into another outfit. After changing out of the sheriff's uniform, he walked out of the back door of the residence and walked around a few streets vigilantly to avoid possible tracking.

After repeatedly entering a certain building and changing clothes and leaving three times, he walked on the lawn and came to the back door of a house with a garden.

Then, he reached out and knocked on the door at regular intervals.

After waiting for a moment, the door creaked open, and a woman in a black and white maid costume stuck her head out and looked around quickly.

"Come in." After confirming that there was no follower, the maid stepped out of the way and whispered.

Khloe didn't speak, just walked into the house quietly.


With the sound of the door suddenly closing, the two disappeared from the sight of the outside world.

disappear in.

In the eyes of a crow that is slowly shrinking like a shadow.

After entering the mansion, Ke Luo walked familiarly to the study room on the second floor.

The maid who was following him took out a beak mask that could cover the upper half of her face, handed it to Ke Luo, and chuckled at the same time:

"It's strange, sir. I didn't expect you to come here so quickly."

Ke Luo's face became a little gloomy, and he didn't speak, but just put on the beak mask.

Seeing that he had put on the mask, the maid came to the empty wall of the study with a smile on her face and started tapping rhythmically.

After a few rounds, she stopped.

Almost as soon as the knocking stopped, with a low rubbing sound, the wall was pulled open to the left, revealing a mask with the same beak.

The eyes under the beak mask examined the maid and Kolo behind her for a moment, then completely opened the door and moved out of the way.

The maid didn't go in, Khloe walked in directly.

With the sound of the wall door closing, the bird-faced man led Ke Luo all the way down to the underground.

Continuing to move forward, after passing a few corners, a room almost the same size as the study appeared in Ke Luo's field of vision, and several bird-faced people were sitting on the seats against the wall opposite.

Beside him, the sun stones hanging on the wall were glowing and emitting light.

Seeing this scene, Kolo frowned.

At this time, the bird-faced man raised his head, and his sharp eyesight revealed in the red mask:

"Isn't this Ke Luo? Why, the Sheriff is unhappy and wants to continue walking up?"

"No, no, no, I think he must be short of money."

"No, our Mr. Sheriff has just robbed a jewelry store, how can he be short of money?"

"Although I robbed a jewelry store, there was no place to change money."

"Oh oh oh, that's it."

Several bird-faced men sang in harmony, and laughter filled with sarcasm rang out.

Ke Luo's expression became gloomy, and her eyes were fixed on the sun stone on the wall that could heat and glow even though it was not exposed to sunlight:

"You guys are hiding something from me, right?"

After saying these words, several bird-faced men who had been laughing just now stopped their movements and stared at him at the same time:

"Oh, it seems our Mr. Sheriff discovered something?"

"Really? Did we hide it?"

"Isn't it that our Sheriff is too stupid to find out for so long?"

"You've been here hundreds of times but still haven't found it. Can't you blame us?"

"Yes, he must be too stupid."

The five bird-faced men sang together again.


Ke Luo let out a low cry and hit the wall with his right hand, causing the stone hanging next to him to shake:

"What power does the Sun Stone have?"

The fire giant on top of the bell tower once again appeared in his mind. Those words that were unclear at first seemed to be mocking his stupidity and ignorance. They were the superior looking down on the inferior.

Clenching his right fist, Ke Luo glared at the five bird-faced men:

"tell me!"

However, at this moment, the five bird-faced men all sat upright, with sarcastic gazes revealed from under the bird faces:

"Kolo, have you forgotten that we 'weird birds' are not the same person."

"Just like in mythology, the strange fire-stealing bird is strange in that it is not just one bird, but a group."

Thanks to book friends "Devil AC", "Apple King in Red Pants", "Birds and Fish H", "Book Friends 20191023175710478", "Book Friends 20201230085003230", "guanyunge", "Unlucky Kun", "Ange Ruil" "Rewards

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